Biz bros I need your help

biz bros I need your help
>finally talking to grill
>seems down to meet
>pimple forms on my lip and looks like a cold sore
>been a few days putting aloe on, but it's still very noticeable
it probably won't be gone by friday
if I don't ask her out this weekend I'll look too beta
if I do then she'll be afraid the whole time I'm going to kiss her and give her herpes
this is even worse than when I doubled down on req

relevant because physical health and family are important to be successful in the business world

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Just put on a scarf that covers your mouth and pretend you have a cold or a sore throat.

tell her to pick you up from a local abandoned building. spray paint "glory hole inside" where she will see it as you come out. she'll understand

rip it off like a real man, battle scars are sexy

Just make up some bullshit that you have a family event and make concrete plans for next weekend instead. As long as you're confident and don't beat around the bush with the date you should be ok. I get cold sores once or twice a year and they suck. Next time put some Abreva on as soon as you feel it coming on or go to the doc and they can give you an antiviral pill that helps, you can save those for next time.

Dry fast, it will get rid of all the inflammation in 48 hours.

Instead of worrying about being perceived as a beta, just be alpha: stop talking to her for a couple days. Then two-three words back and forth, always letting her say the last thing when you stop talking. Leaver he wondering why you’re not responding. Never respond quickly. Then once your herp goes away, reach back out and ask her out. I mean this is really simple.

it's not even a cold sore which makes me extra annoyed and it will probably linger for 2 weeks

>dry fast
fuck I've been drinking a ton of water, the internet said this helped

Pop that herpes flare up and record it. Give us the youtube link

oh. well if it's just a pimple or some shit can't you just pop it? i don't see why it wouldn't heal up within a few days. if all else fails this isn't a bad option

Yeah I guess I'll do this. I'm shit at responding to people already so I got that covered


what the fuck, just ignore it instead of being a beta bitch

I did it still looks like shit

if it was anywhere else

this is why you're a virgin

good job you'll heal fine now, just in time

I know
feels bad man

OP I was trying to think of something that would fuck your face up worse, but I couldn't think of anything that wouldn't be too obvious so I'll actually help you out.

If you can drain it, do that. Then buy some pure Tea Tree oil. Get a Q-tip and only apply it directly to the pimple a few times per day, and right before you go to bed.

This will dry your pimple out and you'll see a drastic improvement the next day.

Also get some organic carrots and EFAs (essential fatty acids,) this acts as a natural Accutane. Accutane is an overdose of synthetic vitamin A. Carrots have lots of vitamin A, but take it with the EFAs because it's a fat soluble vitamin. The omega 3s will also help with inflammation.

Also, fuck you OP for making type this shit out.

I've been in the same position so I'll help out a Jow Forumsbro. Reddit spacing unintentional, am grammar nazi.

thanks man I am using baking soda and aloe (good thing I keep plants around) and it didn't really help
I'll try this tomorrow if it doesn't get better



Leave it on til it forms a head. Pop that bitch.

Go to cvs walgreens idgaf and get some VITAMIN E OIL capsules. The kind that you are supposed to eat but look like those fish oil omega horseshit your mom gave you in middle school. POP THAT SUCKER UPON AND SMEAR ALL OVER YOUR SCAB AND SCARS AND OPEN WOUNDS ALL OF THEM ALL THE TIME.

No fuck aloe, you need the tea tree oil as an antiseptic. I train jiu-jitsu and that shit will take out staph/MRSA

You need to be 18 to post here.


dress like user on your first date, user

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Bonus: get some DCT lip balm by blistex at the pharmacy.
Listen to this song, OP. It's the only advice you'll ever need.

user if it is a cold sore (herpes) go buy some BHT capsules it kills all lipid encapsulated viruses including herpes you're welcome, zogdocs won't tell u this.

Great idea retarded faggot

Before she even notices you're there grab her right in the pussy. That will surely cause her to fail to notice that you have herpes (for at least a while anyway).

good call I do have strong hands

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Holy shit thanks for this

I was so disappointed when I saw the non b&w for the first time

hold ice on it. ijust wrap a cube in a paper towel and keep it on.

go get some abreva too