Lost 15k from my stack trying to gain LINK trading why even live?
My LINK stacked used to be 80k now its 65k
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Swinglinkers will be summary executed on the day of the singularity
imagine swing trading even a single glorious link token.
Good question, neck yourself please
KEK we warned you faggot
all these swing trading disaster threads are kike tactics to keep you from participating in the market.
The greedy will perish.
The smart will prevail.
Great job! :D
Well said white man user sir
which has been the story with link since December. right? these fucking cocksuckers
>participating in the market.
putting a winning lottery ticket on a roulette wheel
Yeah, or I don’t want to fuck around and have to pay long term capital gains tax of 40% meaning my trade would have to increase my stack by at least %20 too offset the gains I would get by just waiting a for long term capital gains (I.e. not waiting like 2 weeks)
Fuck user can you imagine anything more ballsy than that?
>Win the lottery
>Put it all on black
Fuck nigger I know what I am doing when Link hit $827 December 16th
Uh oh, you'll have 65 million instead of 80, big whoop.
I'm not saying you should swing trade. I look at the catalog often enough to recognize trends. I know what's happening and what they want anons to take away from this. the point isn't that it's a bad idea, it's that they're planting the seed. I don't like being manipulated even if it's in my best interests. I am the decider!
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
Get out now. It's going to 0 when Sergey exit scams.
There's your problem.
Don't worry, we're about to correct by 30%. Screencap this.
>selling an asset with no projected downward volatility.
dude i fucking hope so much