Hello everyone

hello everyone

the future is water
pure water and the ability to purify it will become the most valuable commodity in the world

microplastics permeate the brain-blood barrier and cause brain diseases
carcinogens and hormonal disruptors at the levels of parts-per-billion are currently undetected or unregulated
attempts to clean water such as chlorination disrupt the microbial ecosystem that humans have evolved and coexisted with for thousands of millenia
these are many factors among increasing competitiveness and scarcity

you guys keep chasing crypto, but that is long gone
what i offer is an insight into what is basically the equivalent to buying into bitcoin at $20
many of you will ignore me and even scoff at me, but so did most of Jow Forums back then , before Jow Forums came about

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go on...

Should I just buy and store water? Should I go into water friendly alternative business?

We called OP's bluff he had nothing but a big old pile of shit.

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water engineer fag here. I run my own business.

I treat wastewater and trade crypto.

I will make way more money in crypto next 5 years.

>buying something that falls from the sky

how dumb do you think we are

That said, if I keep going down the path I'm on, basically every other water engineer is going to die and I'll be stinking rich.

The problem is that water is treated like oil in the usa. Once regulations start to come into effect (cali, 3-5 years), you will know that clean water is more valuable than oil.

Or we develop the desalinator we just patented, problem solved. (still stinking rich)

Whats your opinion on flouride

>I first learned about the fresh water problems we're facing about 15 years ago.

I looked into investing in aquifer rights, and they were all bought up in my state by a major corporation. Almost uniformly the same corporation.

>There's a shitload of water on teh planet.
But, the majority of it is salt water. The fresh water we do have, we've been either: 1) shitting toxic waste into it for 100 years; or 2) using it at a non-replenishable rate. Southern California is supposed to be a desert. The Rio Grande (Big River) is down to a trickle. Alabama, Georgia and Florida have been arguing about the Tallapoosa River for over a decade, because Atlanta is sucking out all the water. China is drying up the Mekong, etc.

If/when we figure out a cheap, economic method of desalinization, clean, fresh water is only going to become more and more valuable.

If you can afford land, I'd say something with a fresh water spring would be nice to have.

bump for interest

be active on something interesting you stupid fucking faggots

Ecolab purchased a shitload of water purification tech companies in the past year. Might be worth throwing money at it.

>Whats your opinion on flouride

>Conclusive evidence that it's literally toxic waste
>Inconclusive evidence that it provides any actual health benefit
>Therefore, put it in the drinking water

This. Flouride treatments work because they apply it directly to your teeth. It's a surface treatment, and you're supposed to spit all that shit out. If it's diluted in your drinking water, it's going to bypass the teeth entirely and get deposited into your body.

>develop the desalinator
Your'e going to have to process a shitload of saltwater to replicate the volume produced by major rivers. It's a major infrastructure project even if we do figure out the tech to make it happen.

>Flouride treatments work
The only actual evidence in favor of fluouride, and it's inconclusive, is that it might help developing children when teeth first come in. AFter we hit 10-12yrs, there's no evidence that there's any health benefit derived.

Well aside from that the idea that drinking fluoride is somehow comparable to a surface treatment is absolutely retarded

Fucking retard, you arent even talking to OP. I bet you own link and cant withdraw shit atm.

what made you conclude that i thought i was talking to OP? we were discussing how the worthless faggot OP had abandoned us. christ, you're a dumb one.

thanks just bought 100 gallons

But it's a great way for aluminum manufacturers to dispose of their toxic byproduct.

Musk or bill gates will surely get behind this shit too, i bet. The gates foundation is already big on soicial welfare shit

Fair enough. Either way your pic related wasnt related unironically. Sorry for calling you a linker, my apologies...

Nervous breakdown
>or bill gates
Passing out condoms in Africa

Only Bezos can save us now.

Good for your teeth. Its a public service honestly, or we'd look like brits.
You're absolutely right, but even if you improve the process by 10% you'll be rich, efficiency terms. Brackish is actually the goal, not salt water, in more precise terms, dissolved solids. There are ways to do this that do not require heat.

to elaborate, if you can cheaply remove a good percentage of dissolved solids before a RO membrane, you vastly prolong the life of membranes and keep flux rates high over a longer period of time, i.e saving shitloads of money.

I thought the idea of adding fluoride came from someone noticing that areas with natural fluoride in the water had fewer cavities?

>Correlation v causation
Did that "someone" work in the aluminum industry ?

Plenty of developed first world countries with nice teeth, like Switzerland, conducted their own analysis and stopped putting fluoride in their drinking water because there's no proof it does anything.

General dental health got better in the 20th century because employment insurance packages started covering dental and everyone started going to the dentist twice a year for cleanings and to learn they need to floss. Fluoride was just along for the ride and takes all the credit.

just buy nestlé stocks

fluoride shouldn't be put in the water. It's from the same era as lead paint.
even if you believed it reduced dental carries which there is no good evidence for it shouldn't administered to everyone without choice, without dosage (1mg/l regardless of body weight)when it undoubtedly accumulates in tissues, causes hypothyroidism, fluorosis.