1000$ donation

QuestionL If I were to donate 1000$ to you what would you spend it on?

Me personally I would buy as much Etherium as I could...deadass

Attached: 29078.jpg (2500x1407, 1.2M)

also, its ethereum,
you fat white fuck
get off ur daddys lap kid

PCP, cocaine and heroin. I'd probably call up an escort too.

buy $990 worth of a low cap shit coin, and spend the remaining $10 on an army of pajeets to shill and pump it

steaks and wine desu senpai


What do u want me to buy

Developing video games...even though I probably won't make any real money on them
I'd also post random number and letter combinations like this one 3DnG6dD4iNqpz72VFCN2qx1mJVhEfvrTjU

Attached: whybother.png (509x619, 8K)

id probably buy some molly rock and sell that shit

Same OP, same. Wish I had like 10 eth. It would be enough.

or id pay some niggers to steal shit

10 eth won't be *enough* for at least another 2 years.

This is the most miserable thread I've ever seen on Jow Forums and that is really saying something.

I would buy Masari.


Since im all in LINK (20k link); i stopped accumulating at that number; i would spend it on my hunter License. Im german. And as you know we got a... animal problem.. to many... animals...

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Ethereum classic.

Based af. Stay safe user.

Never enough LINK

I'd spend it all on beanie babies.

I would buy myself an apple pencil so I can start drawing. New clothes and visit my family in my home town during christmas.

Attached: princess.png (286x334, 269K)

I invested everything I have into internet money and mining. I'm struggling every month and I want to see my family this year (it's been around 5 years since I saw them).