sup Jow Forums
So I'm a neet, I get about $800 a month tax free.
What are some good off-the-books ways to make money, so I don't risk losing my neetbucks?
sup Jow Forums
So I'm a neet, I get about $800 a month tax free.
What are some good off-the-books ways to make money, so I don't risk losing my neetbucks?
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Unironically you find a job, make money, spare money, invest that spare money, make bang, fuck bitches.
With your 800$ i think you can start wiping your ass with a better toilet roll, umm i guess you can now eat rice instead of instant-noodles and maybe buy yourself a 2$ shirt at a drift store. I guess thats about it.
It can't be a jay-oh-bee or else the guvment will find out and take away my neetbucks, which I went through a whole lot of shit to get and am not willing to lose.
Yeah I splurge on sushi and shit every now and then since I basically have $800 in spending money a month
I need to make some more though, and off the books so I don't sacrifice my neetbucks.
how did you got your neetbux in first place? And why are you fearing losing them ?
how do you do it? im gonna have to get a job in the next couple months if i dont find a way to make some money soon
I get SSI disability for having bipolar. Wouldn't you be afraid of losing $800 free a month?
Well you aint gonna get rich so i guess judging the circumstances right now there are some possibilities, but i feel like im talking to a loser and feels kinda pointless but ohwell.
As i said above that is the only way to make in the NPC world. Save spare money from a high paying salary job and then investing it OR making a business but thats a meme anyways. 95% of people fail with their businesses. Thats why those who make a business have made it, because if the chance is 5% to make it then 95% of the people are paying YOU for the service.
Now that being said you can do arbitrary trading. Basically buy low and sell high. Use ebay or amazon to do this. Dropshipping as the cool kids say.
You can learn some high salary slave jobs like welding or working on an oil rig. You can do this off the books if you talk to the owner. Its kind of risky but i know there are some shady dudes out there who like to pay with cash. Although this cash you can never put on your bank account bcs the guvment will fuck you. You can only buy gas, food and some other mundane shit where cash is accepted. Although again judging our massively technology controlled world you can be tracked down.
Meh man this seems like a loser post. Srsly what did you expect to do with your 800$. You know some anons here spend 800$ per day to live their life right? What you are asking is a pointless question and thats why you dont get replies. Im replying just bcs im bored at wagecuck.
I used to dropship on ebay actually, never made a fuckton on money though because of final value and paypal fees.
Have a bunch of business ideas but credit isn't good enough for an SBA loan.
You see the thing is that living a off-the-books lifestyle isnt impossible, its just a waste of time IMO. Hurrdurr NPC reply coming here blabla. Nah the only safe passage to freedom is through the NPC world but you have to play it smart. Get your credit score high, get a high salary job, fight the NPCs. The problem where NPCs fail is degenerate shit like smoking + drinking alcohol all the time, buying stuff they dont need, buying their wives expensive gifts thinking that buying gifts save their marriage, spending shitloads of money to travel etc.
They just spend spend spend and dont try to make money out of money. The easiest NEET lifestyle (thats what i call a true NEET) is someone who buys assets and rents them. Maybe it be apartments, houses, equipment etc. Renting assets is the NEET lifestyle because you just buy X thing and rent it out and get your ROI. Eventually your ROI goes over the price of the asset and you just gain passive profit over-time. Thats the true NEET lifestyle. This off-the-books living on guvment money is just an extension to the NPC world. You think you can live forever with this but believe me man, inflation eats up money and soon your 800$ (which you get handed out as 800$) will be worth 400$ and you will be like those grannies who always whine that the guvment wants to kill you because the only things you can buy are food + medicine. Just FYI.
Actually if you get an FHA loan and rent out a mortgaged property you can immediately spend the extra rent above the mortgage costs on more mortgaged properties to make more passive income on.
Just saying. I thought about going this route for awhile.
Renting out X asset to NPCs is the true NEET lifestyle. I know a person (again just a lucky fucker) who inherited shitloads of money. I was a good user and helped him (i believe in karma). He now owns 5 apartments and rents them out for 2000$. He just saves 500$ each month for maintenance if needed (which is basically never or maybe 2-3 times per year). Change the refrigerator blabla. He also works because of the life insurance thingy in our country (only workers get it) but overall dude is travelling each month to X place and just spends money on normie shit because why not right? If you are earning salary + 2000$ passive income why wouldnt you spend a little.
This is your recipe to your NEET lifestyle just FYI. Renting X asset. Your goal is to find what X asset. Drilling equipment, property? You choose it.
Thanks, good idea user.
you could play a MMO like runescape and sell the gold you earn for bitcoin
buy some drugs with the bitcoin and double up being a part time drug dealer
this, get a job
unless you are a literal subhuman, the follow things will inevitably (without even thinking about them consciously) happen over time:
- improved social skills
- drive/sense/purpose
- improved self-worth
on top of that you'll have way more money to invest. neetbucks are a sure ticket to loneliness and suicide.
>I get SSI disability for having bipolar.
Kek, well done buddy you jewed the system with a fake illness, i"m proud of you fren. How hard it was to fake-news the psy?
>Wouldn't you be afraid of losing $800 free a month?
My question was more like why would they cut off the neetbux flow?
If you prove you can make money on your own they stop your payments.
Donate plasma. I get like $300 a month from Octapharma. Easiest money I ever made.
>If you prove you can make money on your own they stop your payments
But why would you do such a thing? And this time don't get me wrong, i mean : why would you try to convince them you can make money on your own?
Oeh the NEETs have lost their brain i think by smoking too much herbs.
>Living on 800$ per month for the rest of your life is truly the best things a subhuman can achieve right?
Yeah kek good luck having a gf and buying peasant tier stuff like clothes because with that amount per month you can live like a rat for the rest of your life.
because you want to go somewhere in life and not be stuck on a 800$ allowance?
>because you want to go somewhere in life and not be stuck on a 800$ allowance?
That doesn't follow. Why the hell would I want to "go somewhere" in life? Why the hell wouldn't I want to envelope myself in the hedonic bliss afforded by my $800 monthly stipend? I would also qualify for low income housing, foodstamps, low cost internet, etc. I don't need a car as I have nowhere to go? This is the dream.
What? I think you totally misunderstood my question you mongoloid cretin NPC.
You can make extra money while outjewing the system, what is the point of saying no to 800$ per month?
>muh life
the NPC software in action, you have no idea what life is about, you are just living the matrix software.
>Beep boop buy car to impress vagina
>Beep boop get cucked pay alimony
>Boop beep suck the boss dick
>BEEP boop pay expensives clothes while no one give a single fuck about you and what you wear
Stay cucked wagie while i get a free ride on your back thanks to tax man.
What the fuck retard. How is he going to make "MUH MOAR MONEY" if he cant put it on his bank account. Hurrdurr lets see your solutions, i think its one of those degenerate ones like buy drogs and sell. Yeah i think 99% people here who give such advice have never done it and will never do because such cretins like you are some pussyboys here.
If he makes money off-book he can only use it to buy food, gas and any other service+commodity that doesnt require a bank account. Good luck buying a fucking car or house because the IRS will start asking questions where the fuck is liquid coming from. Show me a fucking NEET that has actually made in life. Here is a good example what will happen to degenerates like you. I was trying to help user how to find the right path not this loser mentality lifestyle you are all craving. YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT with your stupid ass manlet mentality.
This is (You):
Hang out in front of home depot
Funny! I'm a NEET too and I found a Gridseeder.
Is it viable to mine and earn just a little money after the electrical bill is paid?
>muh never make it
>Implying i give a fuck
>implying i want to make it
Stay mad wagecuck. Protip : your only goal in life is fucking money but be realistic, you will never make it either, so that's fucking pathetic. Wanting to "make it" in the first place is fucking pathetic, it show how hollow and NPC you are, good lil' golem kek. You must be boring af if you need money to attract bitches.
I bet i fuck your wife at your home and wipe my dick on your pillowcase while you are all day at Mr shekelstein call center.
>muh degenerate
Actually YOU are the degenerate, but you are too brainwashed to even understand why.
Stay cucked bruh, and don't forget to pay your income tax to pay my comfy lifestyle haha :)
>Srsly what did you expect to do with your 800$. You know some anons here spend 800$ per day to live their life right?
I barely make more than that after taxes from my job.
*per month
Every italian man is like Jesus.
He lives with his mom until he's 35 and he thinks that she's the only woman who never had sex.
Did i sting you neetboy ;) seems you are awfully defensive for a NEET.
Dont be mad at living a rat life. Im not worried a fat lonely neckbeard 30 yr old manlet "Fucks" bitches haha or someones wife. Typical 1337XXXxxleet COD player text. Im happy for you actually that you are content in life! Im not angry at y bro. Enjoy living with your parents, being judged as a loser, playing vidya all day and fapping 2-3x. Thats such a fun life to begin with! Oh and blow me with your "I read nuclear fusion books i am really smart". Nobody cares NEETboy ;). You are just trying to look smart but inside you know you are a loser. So your counterarguments are im a robot beep boop NPC. Ill just say it, im happy then being an NPC robot if thats what y refer to.
Also your make it argument is funny as hell as well. Making it is so different to each person. Since you are a cuck im not going to explain to you what making it means, but its def. not the "I want to be a millionaire yay!". Also i cant wait for the day when economy collapses and your guvment money is taken away because of "Unfortunately we cant sustain this amount of $ per month to people in need. They need to start working as cleaners or any other job that doesnt require a lot of work energy.". I will open a champagne that day to NEETboys and maybe throw a dime at y for doing an awesome cleaning work. You really think your overlord jews are that stupid to keep you on NEETbux forever? Get real brah. You will be forced to work at some point in your life and when you go there, us redpilled anons have already made it through the NPC world. Enjoy your suicide method.
!PS! ive heard overdosing from pills is the safest, easiest and most pain free to go. Another one is drowning yourself but thats kinda hard.
impressive coping method wageslave!
Actually i'm happy with my life, i love myself and i love my parents and they love me back, so everything is fine for me :)
You are awfully defensive for a KEK.
And FYI the most pain free and safest way to anheroing is with a helium tank and a gas mask you brainlet.
And no i'll never perform a cleaning work because i'm in a wheelchair and actually deserve my neetbux contrary to bipolar fakers.
But i don't hate you either, i just pity you, because you not only are a loser in this life but will probably be in the following one.
So if you are in a wheelchair and get neetbux because you actually would need it (talking honestly here) you bash me and others for being beep boop NPC cope coop because we have the availability to do higher difficulty jobs to gain more salary to invest in ourselves or ideas?
You seem like a cuck but ohwell. Keep bashing me for some god awful random reason (i guess hatred? towards people who can wagecuck?). Its not like i want to do this but i dont see you bringing any solutions on how not do it. You just post some meme images and type how fun your life is and how fun it is to live off us paying taxes. Must be a fun life living in hatred. I hope you get well and become more of a good person rather this despising full of hatred manlet.
Well this escalated
The reality is we are all miserables, me first, and trying to cock contest at each other to cope with this shitty timeline.
Lets try it the other way around for once. I love you user, and i wish you the best. I indeed am sad and feel unfitting for this society. I wish i could be a productive and useful member of the society, especially in what is my passion since forever (ancient civilisations history) but i can't. I do have a master in international logistic but hate this branch. I just suffer more when i work than when i'm at home so i just take the less shitty option, at least to my POV. Also all my treatments and painkillers make me sleepy and tired all day long so it's easier with my handicap to live a frugal life. I'm living in constant physical pain and that's shitty.
I am enjoying the direction of our discussion. We have finally entered an intelligent discussion and i thank you for that and also apologise for my rage.
I think no person should live in pain and unfortunately im not certified to give any advice. I used to have a real pain in my knee, but going to the gym 5x per week + cutting weight by 20kg helped me lose that pain. Basically becoming fit and constantly training and i dont have any pain in my knee. Although your situation is different as i assume and i think solely training and staying fit wont help. It helped me though.
I also get it that you are restricted to jobs that require physical movement but user i have a colleague who is in a wheelchair and is a programmer. He is banging 3k$ per month and is happy. Have you thought about programming? Also there is Appen, Leapforce and Lionbridge which give more income. You could incorporate this with your neetbux maybe?
Now with the pain side are you visiting a doctor? If the first doctor doesnt help, search for a new one. Unironically the 5th doctor helped me get well with my knee. I was offered painkillers, injections to knee, hormone therapy. I didnt go with those bcs they felt bullshit but alas i was not in a wheelchair. I had too much weight and my legs were weak. Also what helps me go through the day is being positive. I know its fucking retarded sometimes to be positive, but be positive to normal people. Not idiot normies. I bash at them with my baseness but friends who care about you etc.
Tfw you think Tai Lopez words will make you rich