>Jow Forums's /b/ gets mentioned once in an obscure horror film and all of Jow Forums freaks the fuck out, many fucking boards, for days
>That clip of the movie gets posted at the top of the screen for multiple threads

>The most popular podcasts in the world (Joe Rogan) casually talk about Jow Forums openly ( youtube.com/watch?v=CUal1uAmlKA ) and Jow Forums based memes are explained, in extremely mainstream detail, to millions of fucking people
Is the beautiful old Jow Forums ever coming back, anywhere, ever again? I'm dead inside and nobody out there understands why.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Knew about Jow Forums since high school 2007. Never went on because I thought anime was for fags. What I missed...

Where's the horror film user

Despite thinking that you're a piece of shit for opening an off-topic thread, I can feel you, user. Keep fighting the fight.

i feel the same way about bitcointalk. circa 2012 it was literally the fucking shit. you would make a thread, and maybe get three high quality replies, a day apart from hardcore libertarians or super smart computer fags. now its just a bunch of pajeets saying "reserved" and other stupid shit

The old Jow Forums still exists
But it's full of shills
Blame them.

have been off and on since 07. its never coming back.

The internet needs a caste system
If you don't like my idea, STIFF

Fuck off if you don't remember which one I'm talking about. If you were here you know damn well which fucking one.
>Lemme just go to KnowyourMeme I'm sure they'll have a nice explanation for me :D

I hope you can see why I didn't take this to /b/ in 2018 instead. I felt bad about the off-topic post too but thank you.

Jow Forums is the most comfy board on the entire internet right now.
That's about to change in a big way.
Prepare yourself.

You talking about it definitely helps right. Faggots like you are why we were over run with cancerous redditors.

I cannot imagine how depressing and empty life would have been for me without this place. For anyone not able to understand, try to imagine life without the Internet but you don't have any friends to spend real time with, so you're either super productive, mindlessly unable to control what content providers show you (television), or just kind of aimlessly thinking about real life issues that affect you day to day and how to solve them alone.

Last year, maybe. But I wouldn't say it is now. Tor sites were supposed to be like that too but it was basically taken over too. Buzzfeed just posted their own "browsing the deep web" videos too and nobody cares. Nobody freaks out and spends 12 hours straight up spamming
Nobody cares anymore. It's really gone. And so I just wanted to ask if it ever really would come back.

Everything you want still exists just not right now due to shills and the geopolitical realities we are living in right now.
Just enjoy the ride while you can, we only get to do this once.
Buy some BCH and chill the fuck out and wait

They realized that a website of men coming together to talk undisturbed was a huge political risk and so they dedicate huge amounts of money to disrupting conversation wherever we are.

They don't come here because there is an agreement that they stay away so taht the other groups can shill their shitcoins here.
We are safe here, it is a bubble, in more ways than one.

Just enjoy the ride.

It's probably only a question of time. Maybe we have to wait 2 years (pic related), maybe we'll have whithin 6 months a bigger party than during the 2017 bullrun. By the way, I can understand why crypto isn't that much of a topic on Jow Forums. The pajeetery that's going on in cryptospace is off-putting.

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5 years from now you'll hear NPCs talking about chainlink

Fuck Bitcoin
It's Bitcoin Cash

Everything will happen after the hashwar.

You guys are so asleep its sad
Im oldschool as fuck /b/ and even earlier

jsut understand this:
we are days away from the biggest event crypto has EVER seen.
just enjoy

I own scraps of both. This hashwar thing is a shitshow and tiresome.

>Nobody cares anymore. It's really gone. And so I just wanted to ask if it ever really would come back.
It's on us to push it to the next level, I guess.

you're just weak.

Jow Forums and /a/ are fucking cool when they get their heads out of their asses because there's still something of a barrier to understanding or at least thinking about it.
It's still possible to define "what is patrician" in those kinds of boards, even when they're wrong, and give well thought out arguments WHY it's the best way to do things, without ulterior motives like money (fucking Jow Forums and Jow Forums).

There's a bunch of sites like that claiming to use data to offer long term predictions. I've been to that one too. I've seen them. They're useless.

If you just want obscure communities that no one even knows about just go to lainchan or endchan, or explore all the other chans

We got lazy and mods became even more faggotie. You can't even fucking post to plan to raid someone anymore, the crazies know the Feds are watching and in all honesty the new fags slowly came, we thought giving them the shoulder and pointing them out in hope they would fuck off, and when they didn't they couldn't adapt because we wouldn't let them nor teach them because lurk faggot. Now its just all gone to shit and honestly we all kinda have ourselves to blame just a bit aswell

>I cannot imagine how depressing and empty life would have been for me without this place.
that just means this place subsidized you not adapting

What do you think about arisuchan or that crazy tsuki thing? I know that former is very slow, but that's almost every "obscure" site.

I've been here since the beginning, spent a lot of time with nofriends irl and only /b/ and /a/ to talk to.
Ffw to 2006 and faggots at my high school can't shut up about Jow Forums, two years later "epic" enters the mainstream dialect of people in my town and 2010 I drifted away for a year because of Jessi Slaughter.

But I came back, because people irl are shallow, behind the curve and still break rules 1&2.
Joe Rogan and Pewdeepie are the biggest faggots of them all and to get away from the influx and stay ahead of the game, I have been on Jow Forums since 2015.
Ty for all the years of fun. I love you faggots more than anyone irl. Don't buy chainlink.

This is also an option, is eight chan still around? That was a pretty fucked up place

The quality of this site is not independent of the number of people that browse it. Too many or too few and both are shit. And the young ostracized neckbeard with a drive to optimize aspects of his life and creatively make memes of 13 years ago has no reason to come to a site like Jow Forums today, whereas before these people had few other outlets to express themselves.
People live in a noticeably more apathetic, accepting way with less responsibility than they did 13 years ago now. You might honestly describe "young people" today as post-apocalyptic and I think it's partly because corporate-sponsored fighting between groups and a demand for 24/7 high-tech information wears on people, but you've heard all this shit excuses before because everyone already complains about what I'm saying anyway.

This faggot is likely a liar or brainlet. Any true oldfag in this thread would advice buy chainlink, the absolute state

Fuck off, if you've been here a while you probably bought Mooncoin and Digibyte too, fag

Both went to shit, lol.

Attached: TurtleCoin.png (200x197, 65K)

so? they had great pumps.

Jow Forums used to basically take over anime conventions and moot had livestreams with big rooms of sweaty people shouting memes at each other (this wasn't cancerous back then and reddit didn't exist remember). But Jow Forums still managed to stay almost completely out of the media while orchestrating shit like having Rick Roll appear in the Macy's Day Parade and STILL nobody knew where the hell it came from. That's the kind of community I'm talking about. It's not just obscurity for the sake of obscurity.

I know, but I made bank off of both in December.
Thanks Jow Forums

Did you cash out in time? How hard was it to flip it for fiat?


>he didn't make huge profit off digibyte
Salty wouldbe oldfag. don't worry m00t probably would have just picked on you anyways kid if you were around In those days because muh you can't code faggot

Ahhh the good old days before the FBI realized a bunch of sloppy losers had the power to damage the world for the lolz

>and still break rules 1 & 2
I sometimes look up the old rules and just read them. Rule34 became very mainstream, but it's sad people broke rules 1 & 2 so much. They were good to follow not just for raids.

no i didn't cash out during the spring 2017 pumps. it wasn't hard to exchange btc to fiat back then.

I cashed out kinda big on the DGB pump around mid last year and then posted Digichan threads for the next month lol.
>How hard was it to flip
Why the fuck would it be hard. Cryptocurrency trading in 2017, during the entire spring, August, November and December was unbelievably easy. That fact isn't just nostalgic thinking.

I'm like 1 month older than moot.
And I made 4x off of DGB and 6x from MOON.
was absolutely hilarious watching MOON hit 10 sats and me dumping 1.5 billion on the first true wave of Jow Forums FOMOs

Also, /b/ actually used to be great. Until about 2006... I actually miss moot.

>then posted Digichan threads for the next month lol.

Attached: dgb.jpg (580x680, 44K)

He had a real vision about free speech and anonymity, despite him explicitly wanting to make his website kind of mainstream because of his belief in those values. I hope he's happy now.

Having been on /b/ and Jow Forums nearly 10 years ago i don't understand Jow Forums nostalgia. it was a fucking shithole then too.

Literally the first day I posted (I was 15) everyone called me a faggot and someone posted the rules because I was one of those shitheads who thought it was cool to type in all caps.
Probably spent hours going through pages trying to find my posts too... Didn't learn how to noko until a month after discovering this place lol.
I still reread the rules and they've aged pretty well. There are still no girls on the internet...

I bet, twu is exactly doing that right now with SNOW, lol.

Moot is mega faggot of all faggots, he left and we don't need him /b/ro

It was intentionally desensitizing and there were real interesting people, who you would never have the chance to talk to in real life, hosting threads of themselves doing sometimes crazy things. And kind of like I said here there was a "patrician" and "non-patrician" way of doing many, many things and Jow Forums actively mocked you for not doing things the best way.
These sorts of things are now far more mainstream. Jow Forums was ahead of the curve and absolutely knew it.

Yes we know there was spam. Desu.

Good times can't last forever...
I'm 30 now and feeling old for some reason thanks to this off-topic thread. I think a lot of us tards miss our Original Poster
>Jow Forums
kill yourself

>Yes we know there was spam. Desu.
Digging through the noise is part of the game, yeah.

Attached: Carmen_Burguess.jpg (640x640, 23K)

This desu
All of the interesting people come to Jow Forums.
How many interesting people do you meet in real life?

Bring back noko. This might actually be what we need to do. And yeah the rules are a perfect set of guidelines. They also outline the unforgiving attitude this place had.

I never heard of any of those things m8 I stopped being a neet a few years ago. Just trying to help a neet out that can't make it evidently. There's always the dark web, or irc chats, or usenet. You'll have to figure out something.

You're living it

/jenk/ is better

>They also outline the unforgiving attitude this place had.
Thanks to anonimity it wasn't even necessary to reinvent yourself, though. It wasn't and isn't like any other forum.

I actually think this is a good idea.
Probably going to have to fight hiro to make this place fun again. Too few easter eggs makes for low quality posts

The only thing in the world that still has anything close to that kind of energy is the alt right, whether it's 4pol, 8pol, gab, etc. We are right about almost everything, have an open mind, take it or leave it

Arisuchan splitted from Lainchan some time ago. Septh wasn't satisfied with the Lainchan administration (Appleman) which lead to the creation of arisuchan.jp. About the Tsuki thing, I have to say that it's some sort of a web based suicide cult larp. Just browse systemspace.link/, make a few clicks and tell me, this is how the whole internet actually should've gone down.


>Lurk moar - it is never enough
>Nothing is sacred
>tits of gtfo
>You must have pictures to prove your statements (nobody fucking follows this anymore)
>The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it
>No real limits of any kind apply here

Energy sure, but it's nothing even close to the same. "For the lulz" is nowhere to be found because you can't have massive hoards of people, millions of them, doing things "for the lulz" while abiding unironically by these guidelines: on the internet anymore.

Started posting after I graduated high school (2007). Jow Forums was always an ebin inside joke/hobby among a few of my friends. Started working abroad and didn't have the time to lurk hardcore during this time, but I remember /v/ going to shit because of moot and his Ron Paul shit on /b/ as well as the chanology faggotry. Around this time I started losing interest in chan culture as it all seemed so forced.

Fast forward a couple of years and I started seeing normalfags using rage comics, making their own captioned images and labeling them as "memes". At this time I didn't understand what had happened. I thought everyone suddenly had started browsing Jow Forums, but boy was I wrong. Normie meme sites were suddenly everywhere, and everyone wanted to capitalise on what was at the time considered a hot new fad.

We're long past the point of no return, Jow Forums will never have the heart it once had.
>muh sekrit club

Attached: 23244449_1606354489400412_7970579401195150931_n.jpg (820x768, 135K)

bring it back

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>Lurk moar
don't see this posted enough anymore. too many want to be spoonfed.

Thanks for the lesson, I don't want to get involved anymore but I do like having the knowledge of obscure things. Tbh I don't like what I've seen from tsuki haha.
>did anyone else see X after the unlink??
No thanks lmao
The font is interesting but I would want to tweak it a bit

Well yeah of course it's different but we still do mass trolling campaigns like it's ok to be white. Of course you wouldn't be motivated enough if you didn't have sympathy for our cause. It's not about for the lulz it's about political changes, but we use the lulz better than anyone else because we probably received more /b/ oldfags than any other community.

I fucking hate these pieces of shit politicizing Jow Forums memes. Fucking faggots.

Of course I have sympathy for your cause. I was in Jow Forums too and I voted for Trump and I get it. I'm not an idiot. It's just not what I'm talking about.
This is the kind of thing I'm talking about.
>it's not about the lulz it's about political changes

What can we do? The more people break the rules the more you're going to see memes travel from Neckbeard Basement to Bigscreen Cable Television and the Big Screen (tm) in under 3 weeks forever.

Sorry for your loss user, it seems we have no choice but to move on

Or jUsT cReAtE yUoR oWn SiTe

Being on some Jow Forums boards is now like being on any standard Reddit section, it's casual and a lot of "old gud day" vibe was lost

>What can we do?
Post more lolis.

Attached: 1541619903356.png (462x500, 61K)

Same here.

Well, this thread actually left some pretty decent answers to my question so there's that.
Yeah. More loli, more niggers, more gore, I know. It's good and we've tried for years. Bring back noko. But it's not just driving people away. If /b/ somehow hacks into a network at CNN to broadcast Pedobear, there will be "Jow Forums" plastered on every news outlet for the next month. You can't take that away again without migrating somewhere new. I hope so but I just don't know.

Jow Forums is slowly but surely being normalized by the newfag and presented as some cool movement by the "alternative" media. The only way for this website to survive is to keep being labeled as neckbeards, pedos and racists.

the only thing gayer than Jow Forums is joe rogan

Feel free to shill me sites that suit your taste and have the same amount of effort put into them like Tsuki. You can never have enough of them.
Using pages.turtlecoin.lol might be a good start for beginners.

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Never thought I'd look back and miss the gore and cp spammers. They were actually not the villains, they knew, they fucking knew...

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The problem is there won't be a "so who is this Jow Forums? " moment again because everyone is up to speed on this old tech. People used to be afraid of Jow Forums and spread rumors about instantly getting hacked just by loading the site unless you "know what you're doing". Now everyone knows it's just a boring forum for racists and incels.

Maybe what is needed is a technology that most people can't be fucked with and don't want to learn how to use. Like a dapp on Ethereum. Like peepeth, except it functions like a board instead of like Twitter. But as the user experience of dapps gets easier (automating gas payments), your community rejects the upgrades to keep out normies that can't figure it out manually.

As for board culture that's up to the admin of such a site.

I had one more idea, for you OP, there's still some hacking groups that are just for the lulz and they got their own community. Look at the baphomet board on 5+3chan. I talked to one of their mods on Twitter, got invited to their irc but never joined. They did pic related.

Attached: billboardHack2.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

Muh secret kkklub

The real redpill is that kids here are the anime haters, anime is mostly enjoyed by 30 year old boomers

I think we can all agree that asian women are patrician though. It is asian women that united the boards.

How does it feel to be Pajeet of internet communities?

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2009 was when /b/ rigged TIME magazines people of the year list.
A horror movie mention is not that big of a deal.
You missed out OP.

Man i miss the old Jow Forums
Remember the time when we made teenage girls cut their risk? Back in 2013 the cut4beiber thing?? Lol im 29 now

Reddit was the beginning of the end

You missed the whole point of my post.
If /b/ pulled that off today they'd be all over the news for weeks and in 2 years we'd be shut down for good guaranteed.
Shit that was 5 years ago? Of course I remember. It all blends together and feels like "stuff we did recently" though vs "stuff we did a long time ago" depending on which parts you were involved in.

No, the original exodus was the beginning of the end.

We should boycott this meme since normies got hold of it.

I started posting back in 2007, when I first got to college. Looking back, a lot of that shit is kind of cringey when I think about it.

>Epic Fail Guy
>Rage Comics / Trollface
>OVER 9000!

It's probably not so much the actual board you miss but the time that's now gone, but I get it. It's kind of a nostalgia thing. And there were some good times too. But like when World of Warcraft came out, everyone was expecting the WoW killer - the next MMO that would replace it. Little did everyone know that MMOs themselves were more or less dead. It would become replaced by a new genre - MOBAs, then battleground shooters. It's the same with Jow Forums. Boards are kind of dead now. The battle has moved on to Discord and other new media. Chances are you're just too much of an oldfag to find the hip new spots. Don't worry, that happens to everyone. Don't feel bad though, it's healthy - that's the way the world has always worked.

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Oh shit I've never seen a 5th frame on this image.

Because it's been tacked on by some reseteran piece of shit blackpiller.

>it's probably not the board
No I miss the fucking boards. They adhered to a general mindset, regardless of the spam, kind of touched upon here: that is 100% absent today. It isn't me; it really is that.

I'm a newfag. I didn't start posting until December and I only come to Jow Forums. In 2009 I would have thought of Jow Forums as dorky and utterly irrelevant to my interests (mainly in graffiti at the time, we had our own forum for that). in 2016, I would have hazily perceived it as some kind of troll farm, infecting the media debate on the election with pepes and guerrilla marketing for Trump. Jow Forums's prediction about Trump changed my view of it completely. Anybody following that election with skepticism saw that 4channers had outwitted and utterly embarrassed a media establishment that refused to think it could fail to get their candidate elected. People have grown sick of establishment thought and social modes, which are associated with Facebook or Instagram. If they seek more honest or at least a break from the constant passive aggressiveness and social monitoring on other parts of the web, they might come here.
Anyways OP, all the cool egoists who had been on Jow Forums years ago moved to Twitter. You can join their circlejerk there if you don't like it here.

Secret club faggots have always been the worst part of board culture please kill yourself and your Little Rascals ideology you fucking 25 year old boomers.

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>I'm a newfag
Just fucking leave. Fuck off don't post here and kill yourself. Seriously fuck you. You will never be capable of understanding why we fucking hate you. Please just shoot yourself.

>all the cool egoists
As if you have any fucking idea what that means.

>inb4 "I think I understand why you're upset with me, and it's actually ...."
or some other horseshit.

I understand that and there's nothing you can do about it. Suck my dick OP!