Who here /firstsip/?

who here /firstsip/?

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What does that mean?

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>mfw sitting in warm apartment on cold November day having first sip while watching all the wagies head to work

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Finally replacing my nine year old aero press for a Hario v60
Gotta cut out them plastics.

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Please no bully.

First sip best sip, especially on a chilly morning. It's only 20 deg F in Chicago and I was up all night due to gunshots going on outside so the first sip is great today.

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I... can't sip coffee. It messes with me stomach and blows out my asshole with incredible speed. Feels bad.

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First 20oz. Should get me through waging this morning.

If youre a wagie its your own fault

*le first sip

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my day starts out with a fantastic first sip of home roasted brazilian dry process (roughly Full City). Grinded with an electric burr grinder, that quite frankly "kills the game". Aero Press to see the golden oil on top, or maybe the collapsible stainless steel snow peak pour over?

How buy coffee no wage?

Food stamps. Unemployed (or under the table income, kek) in America gets you $190 per month.

no talkie

That's like my caffeine and cannabis budget alone :/

The key is mislabeling bulk foods at Whole Foods. Want to stock up on 3 pounds of raw almonds? Don't pay $13/lb. Label them as basedbeans and pay $1.10/lb instead. Eating mostly bulk food, fruits, and veggies is way healthier too. My diet consists mostly of:

Oatmeal, peanut butter, brown rice, wild rice, quinoa, nuts, beans, lentils, barley, wheat noodles, some cheese, some wheat bread, olive oil, green leaves, veggies, fruit, wild salmon sometimes. Nothing with added sugar, hydrolyzed veggie oil, or highly processed.

And best of all, Jow Forums gets to pay for it. Kek.

water it down with milk.

No steak, no deal. I'm not some fagboi, I need to eat animal muscles.

Too much fat. Why eat beef when you can eat chicken or fish and get the same protein, amino acids, etc., but not became a lumbering lardass with heart disease in the process?

T. Nigger

About to go on break and fill my giant mug for a second time

Feels wagey

T. Soiboi who doesen't lift heavy things