South Korea and Chainlink


South Korea is QUICKLY waking up the LINK's potential.

Expect something important coming for the South Korean adoption of Chainlink in less than two weeks.

Thank you DrunkAnon for the inspiration.

Now is my turn to return the favor to the community.

Attached: selfexecute.png (517x210, 39K)

Thanks SoberAnon, any hints?

Soberanon, tell us as much info as you can

ICX partners with CL? Thx SoberAnon!

thank you smalldickanon.

Praise u.

You're just a neet who got lucky and made some money, don't act like you're insider.

Hahaha he said "dick" :D

This is the first time i laugh since a long time user

u find me amusing? lets fuck...

you guys just wait until CrackHeadAnon starts posting

are you a gook? how do you know this?

post pic of eye or penis for confirmation

load the korea fud

backend-dev here.
Ask any employed dev about smart-contracts.
They will laugh at you.
It's a giant meme among the webdev community.
While the world is moving on to Blockchain as a service, you neets are speculating on whitepaper tokens.

thanks just sold 100k, pheew...

thanks inbredanon

We're pretty serious about being to deploy smart contract to save our clients on transactional cost, if the backend devs dont do it in tech then we'll do it legal.

CS master race here, work at jewgle
Your tiny brain can't fathom the scope of this revolution

thanks you soberanon sir.

when ladyboy sir?


Blockchain as a service services still need chainlink. Retard.

Here's a hint you will love:

One of the largest media publications in South Korea will be having a segment on smart contracts. ; )

Before then, large korean money will make its presence felt into LINK.

Electrical Engineer
Chinese electrons will start losing energy way faster than American eV. Expect it to take a lot more electricity to mine BTC. You've been warned.

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Omg, it's the GSL isn't it?

So you're telling me this project has confirmed ties to the banking cartel, the cream of the crop of global legal firms and institutions as well as some of the biggest tech companies in the blockchain space focused on the soon to be mass adopted enterprise level smart contracts such as consensys, IBM, Intel and Digital Asset and that the solution to the oracle problem which it is aiming to solve is essentially the God protocol as described by the creator of the smart contract concept, ie one of the main pillars of the fourth industrial revolution and the backbone of the future blockchain infrastructure (10% of global GDP in less than 10 years) that will allow massive automation of post trade processing, thus saving all the biggest markets such as derivatives and insurance possibly trillions in saving, AND its the only project of its kind due to its decentralized nature and has the first mover advantage, but despite all these confirmed facts it's being largely ignored by the crypto community, although it has gone up from 120 to 60 ranking in a bear market with no marketing just in a couple of months, simply because a dozens of dedicated autistic neets down vote every possible clue about it on reddit because they're the only ones who realized this revolutionary project would basically replace all the lawyers with neet nodes where 1 link needs to be worth at least 5k usd in order to be sufficient collateral for the quadrillion derivatives market? Do you realize how delusional and insane that sounds? Personally I'm all in.

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president trump here.
Ask any world leader about smart-contracts.
They are all in.
It will save trillions in operational costs.
While the world is moving on to Blockchain as a service, those blockchains will all need access to trustless 3rd party data provided by chainlink.

if you plan on posting sensation porn in the future you need to get some trips "SOBERANON"
>remember what happened to RKG

Bullish for Vechain if true

SoberAnon KEK

Lee Nak-yeon here, can confirm we are putting big money into chainlink. assuka best girl see you at one thouus ennd off yiii

chosen one here, work at the federal reserve bank in new york.
you dumb goyim dont need any cryptos in general and everyone important i talk to agees with me on that. we will also make sure that XRP will be the only coin to have any future. dont bother holding anything else

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Write google, oracle, hp, a letter convince them
or keep hodling till 2025

damn, you really know your shit


lmaoooooo hahahahahaha

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Special ops for reddit ;)

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