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What would the quote be for the Crypto Market?
Chase Stewart
Xavier Gray
The crypto market is a device for transferring money from the manipulatable to the manipulators.
Jayden Wilson
The crypto market is a device for transferring money from impatient moonbois and retard swing traders the patient holders waiting for the next bullrun
Jaxson Perry
'The Crypto market is a device for transferring money from bagholders to wall street.'
Wyatt Foster
low time preference wins.
Levi Collins
You can't cash out.
Jason Peterson
The crypto market is a device for AAAAAAAAAAAA
Camden Watson
The crypto market is a nigger committing strong armed robbery on a helpless old white man.
Liam Collins
>hurrr durrrr im a brokebrain dum-dum who absolutely believes everything he sees on the internet, duuuhhhh pol says there are (((shadowy unaccountable figures))) controlling how much fiat money is worth, ok so here's why we must pacify and appease the chinese criminals who control the entire *coin mining process
or maybe something a little more concise
>mom pays the electric bill so its free money
Hudson Evans
The crypto market is long epsilon by short betas
Cooper Anderson
the same
Gavin Sanders
The crypto market is a device for transferring money from the late to the early.
Cameron Morales
The crypto market was the bear trap for the most epic precious metals bull run in the history of man.
Thomas Torres
The crypto market is the 2nd chance at life that you'll never have
Josiah Smith
The crypto market is the greatest trick NEETs have ever played on the employed.
Andrew Bailey
the crypto market is nothing but a pump and dump ponzi scheme, full of pajeets desperately shilling their poopcoins to desperate degenerate gambling losers, in hopes of someday becoming rich.
Carson Flores
The crypto market is a device for transferring shitcoins from the elite to the NEET.
Josiah Martin
Isaiah Bennett
>What would the quote be for the Crypto Market?
"Dumb cocksuckers, have fun living in a dumpster and eating hobo dick cheese."
Ethan Powell
"the crypto market is a device for transferring money from the normie faggot to the basement dweller dark web neckbeard"
and it happened in 2017. if youre still here hoping to get rich, guess which side you on
Thomas Morales
The cryptomarket is a device for transfering money from nolinkers to linkers
Sebastian Powell
digits confirm
Caleb Rodriguez
Henry Thompson
Kevin Nguyen
Isaiah Kelly
transfering money from dumb amerifats to chink scams
Jonathan Jackson
The crypto market is a device for transforming wojacks into pink wojacks.
James Powell
God level comment. I salute you young man.
Ayden Peterson
Who gave you my 10 tips for gettin rich?
Josiah Watson
The crypto market is a device for transferring money for late adopters to early adopters.