Now that crypto is dead

Now that crypto is dead..

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Ummmmm, no shrimp farmer?

>Not already having a steady job to provide livable income between crypto cycles

Nursing's pretty nice

>Aerospace engineer
>Theology not in Unbelievable tier

>Shit Tier

mech eng on there twice in different tiers. art belongs in the suicide tier. this shit is all fucked.

>He parrots the Stem meme
Good luck getting displaced by Chang and Pajeet who will do your Entry level Stem job for $10 an hour

>no data scientist

How old is this?


tfw electrical engineer

This is not good for anyone and isn't based in reality at all. Someone just listed their interests.

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tfw meh tier

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absolutely ancient fosil my dude, probably older than 2008 since I remember seeing this every year

None of these are investment banking.

>people still fall for this troll image years later
I did engineering and wound up with a shitty job where I work long hours doing dumb shit for barely enough to afford rent. That's better than the rest of my classmates who weren't even able to find jobs.

>become catholic priest
>gain all the old lady dosh, spend it on new car and hoes instead of repairing the church

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Just this.

For anyone who wants to do engineering, I can really suggest doing an undergraduate degree in physics first. You will understand concepts a lot better.


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biomed engineer reporting in
suffered a 2.3k loss, glad I tethered up a week ago.

Dude help me! How do I long biogerontology????!!!!

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>write Holy C

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aviation in meh tier? what are you smoking boyo my job is fan-fucking tastic.

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>falling for the STEM meme
ultra competitive fields with no real worthwhile salary, no thanks.

me too, sup bro

These charts are always retarded since they assume all you care about is money.

damn straight, but I"m still confused I make about 125k annually and I"m still in the meh tier?

fuck off sergey

ee and ce on unbelievable tier ?
LOL good luck competing with pajeets who work for half the price they pay you. Also, never expect a management role.You'll live and die as a technical person.

Most good tiers are actually unbelievable tier.

Stem plz

Because the chart is also made by autistic engineers.

yep, CS reporting here. most of the things that were put at 'great' and 'unbelievable' above some of the 'good' ones are... well, unbelievable

This shit is already 8 years old or more and it was made by a pajeet (note the use of "engy"). This should be completely revamped. Also, this crap most definitely wasn't made in Jow Forums, shit was circling in /sci/ back then.

sounds about right

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Indeed. And I studied engineering, but I see through the bullshit.

I suggest an immediate downgrade of most of the things in that chart immediately to suicide tier and the inclusion of trades starting at least at the Good Tier.

>wasting money on hoes when the altar bois are right dere
smdh fampai tbimho

altar bois don't have tiddies

Art is fucking underrated man, if you actually have a good talent for it though, then don't let people steer you away. I cannot believe all the times I've seen someone need an artist and what they do is like black magic to people.

You can't just sit down by a computer and do professional work, its a true talent. Of course you need to market yourself. Learn website design, programming too.

I'm hopefully getting into material science and engineering at McGill next semester.

Trades are very high in demand because there are a lot of houses being built. If the housing market collapses and less houses are built what happens to these jobs the high salary?

I hope Bitcoin dies. I remember when this board used to actually talk about business.

Well, if you get something a little flexible you can continue to be awesome. HVAC and plumbing is nice because every interior building on the planet needs it. Truck driving might be a meme.

911 operator is ridiculously in demand if that is all anyone cares about check that out.

Jow Forums originally created to keep the crypto threads out of Jow Forums you dummy

Yeah, but there's very little money to be made.

Of course it will drop and it's kind of a short mid term career to take. But what you do afterwards is take the money and then invest it somewhere else.

Horrific carnage

it depends if you become a successful patreon whore or not.

That's an old outdated meme. Electrical Engineering is over flooded and not hiring like it was in the early 2000s. If you don't get a solid intership now days, you're fucked. You'll end up 60k in the hole and jobless. Stay relevant and watch where the market is heading towards.

Sure but I don't about you but I would hate to be a plumber. It is even more monotonous than engineering.
Yes but where do you invest that money? Let's assume you have 400k which is a decent stack but unless you are a volcel eternally 400k will have to be used to find another job which can cost a lot in education fees.
I was telling a bunch of bros about the DOW jones chart two days ago and now look what has happened to it. This crash won't be a funny one.

I picked a meme BS first go around and got absolutely justed making $30k/yr and struggling to find better. Went back for Nursing and landed a job $43/hr as soon as I hit 1 year exp with just an associates degree. December I'll have BS in nursing and hope to find $50+/hr sometime this Spring. Between my two jobs I could work 7 days a week if I wanted to. I live with my grandmother so no rent. Only costs are car, insurance, and groceries now that student loans are paid off. I'm putting $2k/mo in ETFs and rest in crypto. I don't really want a career. The dream has always been early retirement and just playing around. I see the way the FIRE guys live and that's not really for me tho. Current plan is to get enough to live comfortably off the 4% meme and then drop my hours to just enough I can live paycheck to paycheck a normie lifestyle with all the consumerist trappings like starbucks and eating out multiple times a week. Working two days a week will net me around 4.8k/mo, maybe 3.2k after taxes, insurance, 403b, etc. That's 1.5k for a nice downtown apartment and rest to spend like a jackass going out and playing on my 5 days off each week. All the while my taxable accounts continue growing.
I'd really like to get married and maybe have a kid or two. If no kids we'd be dual income, but otherwise she is stay at home mom and homeschooling. Even if no kids I'd still want her part time like me though, even if it means paying the larger share. What good is a wife if she's working 5 days a week and you hardly see her? Nursing is great for the high pay and flexibility it offers. Not many other industries can you comfortably make it on just two shifts per week. Even if they pay enough for it most want you to put in the 40 and 50 hour weeks and don't offer part time.

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>tfw second lieutenant in my euro country

Where is goy tier?

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As an accountant good or great tier is appropriate. First job was 77k and the jobs are everywhere.

electrical eng here, i want to kill myself everyday. moneys good tho lol

anyone here have a PhD? Thinking about apply to a graduate program for econ.

lol engy faggots btfo in the real world. Aerospace and Electrical are memes. No fucking demand

Finance is "unbelievable" tier

Quantitative Data Analysts and Bankers clear 200k a year minimum plus 100-500k bonuses. You are fucking deluded

how is something like chemistry or astrophysics above computer science? That makes no fucking sense desu how the fuck is someone with a BSc in astrophysics in more demand than a competent programmer lmao

you're living it

Sup Diego

Software engineers can have some shit jobs esp out of college, i think its based on if you can find a job in your field and for an astrophysicist that better be some world class talent

how can I get there with an accounting degree, CPA and MBA? Should I start journaling about managing a bank?

CFA and a degree in finance helps.

All the guys I know in finance right now are struggling to find jobs or started under 60k out of college. I started around 20k ahead of them in the same region with accounting. The only thing unbelievable about your post is thinking the outliers in the field is the norm.

You are right about electrical engineering though, so I'll give you that. That infographic was made by an engi.

>meh tier

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Aviation-bro. How many hours you clocked? R you CPL or ATPL?

snails are best dapp

Are we really saying that biology in geology are better than law?

Come on now.

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You'll get replaced by a cell phone app within the next 5 years.


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sure thing

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You said the same exact shit about manual labor workforce being replaced by robots, and everything is still exactly the same.

>ascended tier
>mandarin chinese, international business

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It is replaced by robots though. Spanish and mandarin speaking robots.

Yeah but those are made of flesh, not metal.

Where is blockchain engineer ?

So what you're saying is we skipped the shitty metal robots and went straight for bio-robots? And that's supposed to be bad somehow?

I am Pajeet

I'm saying that "actual" machines are redundant.

Thinking about studying cyber security, is it worth getting into?


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I can tell by the color of your ID

sorry I was away for a bit, I'm ATP but work a part 135

>Ascended Tier
>LINK Holder

I'm getting a PhD in a 'meh tier' and I'm very happy with my choice. Today I just got invited to teach and do research at a major university. Congratulations to me.

No money in Chemistry or Physics... most the higher tier BS degrees are just gateway to professional doctorates/ or PhD where the money and demand can be found.

Well, you’re kind of a welfare queen user. But if you enjoy it congrats