Tfw came to he honest conclusion that I would rather kms than wageslave another day

>tfw came to he honest conclusion that I would rather kms than wageslave another day.

anyone else know this feel? Going to quit tomorrow.

Attached: killmev22.png (635x661, 227K)

what's your job, user?

i feel that feel

I quit my job for the same reason. I dont regret it tbqh, feel way better now.

yes Op i did it and killed myself. it was fun. kinda boring tho after u die.

stop being a lil bish and get it together, we all know BTC is going to 1 mil in the next 5-10 years just rough it out till then.

Lab tech. Hours are shit - I have to wake up in the middle of the night, employer disregards safety/health concerns, the work is repetitive and tedious, and I work with a bunch of retarded women in an environment that's similar to an "open office"

Every day I just want drive my car into a tree on the way in.

Have a neet break op i just did 2 years ready for the chains again. Or if short on time go Thailand and get massaged and sucked off everyday for 2 weeks.

I like my job.

>tfw chainlink cured my depression and suicidal tendencies

Attached: lonny.jpg (487x487, 38K)

Absolute retard
1 year NEET here. Best decision ever. Life is not about selling your limited existence for a few wagecuckbucks.

how do i become neet

I'm quitting my first real wage slave job, customer support.
Did not like it at all, glad I get to stop next week.
I'll be free for 2 months but after that it's back to wage slaving
I cannot escape it and honestly being NEET isn't great either, I've done both

Attached: 1471889457612.jpg (704x720, 51K)

just slip and fall and get some workers comp

They have more surveillance cameras in the place than a bank

I did it Op
Then I tried to sell insurance be my own boss
Great way to ruin a life. Don't be like me. Quit bad jobs work good jobs

can u suicidal fags like keep this shit off my board? Its so fucking depressing seeing this shit when Im browsing and honestly your shit mood brings everyone else down.

take this shit to r9k.

I love wageslaving

Been feeling the same way for two years now. If you have done all you can to get back on track, get out before you've given up and resigned to this prison. But for the love of fuck, have a plan. If you feel just as shitty after quitting, you did something wrong. Here's to a new life for each of us user.

>tfw father is going to die of cancer before the end of the year, maybe even within two weeks
>tfw will continue to wageslave even after he's gone

Nah, you can fuck off. I'm sick of all the crypto shit and appreciate threads like this.

Give me your money
I have a loving gf who is about to take out a loan just so I can start a business because I can't get a job. I was her first BF too. She is a pot younger than me but still loves me so.much. I don't want to put her in debt, she is an engineer and already has student debt.

0xcCef123243BFa9A655734fc4eA486d53cf5C0123 my eth add

Jesus, you're spineless.