i know the next coinbase listing
guaranteed gains if you buy at this price
roll trips to find out
Next coinbase listing
Suspicious...but rolling
roll for for the stink
It's Midas Protocol
OMG i don't hold it but its OMG
please let it not be something i'm holding long term, my zrx and bat went to shit thanks to cb. fuck.
Can't wait to buy the next coinbase dump
Check em
It's zec
Tell me why it is link
it's XLM 100%
So close lmao
rolling again
Everybody know already:
You can tell us the next coinbase listing but I'm more interested in hearing if I should close my BTC short or add to it, so if I get quads (check em) how bout both?
Oh boy oh boy oh boy
nobody gives a fuck what fagbase lists anymore
fuck off attention seeker
its zcash. there. now you can stop being an attention whore and kys
the hell is going on here.
but i'm sticking around because of this
Czech em. Let's hear it mofo
coinbase pumps are over
but I'll bite. rolling
Tron get.
checked. 9999 gets it
i'm something of a whale myself
i know the answers to both but i'm only going to tell you one of these things, you decide which
i'll give you 5 minutes
C'mon user 0000 was checked, don't be a faggot and give us both.
lmfao what a cringey faggot
coinbase listing
Fair enough. The OP was for coinbase listing so let's hear it
0000 rolled three times
9999 deserves it and makes the call
if he doesn't respond i'm off
zec in january 2018
I think it was XMR
Cool, thanks. I'm not gonna buy it though because it'll probably drop 50% by then
funny enough, a coinbase insider/angel investor/adviser once told me ETH was going to be listed. I sold most of it around $90 after getting in around $16 on polo. doubt ZEC will get a huge surge from this though, market saturation and bitcoin cRash are murdering this market.
you obviously don't know how much zec vitalik holds but sure
The whole market is gonna tank by january, why would I buy something 2 months ahead of a pump
drunk and rollan
wow tell us something we don't know
all this for op being a mega faggot
It is unironically REQ. Next thread.
dam dubs of trutyh
whats after zec
How can we verify youre telling the truth
That ID
>muh coinbaez
it's link
fuck zec its trash
it will dump
>muh niggerships
You've been warned /biz
Going to the moon boys!!!
If Holo would get listed I would be richer than Bill Gates anons
What coins do you hold?
I assume he's checking that single spaced out 1488
Not a ZEC fan either, but I could see it going to coinbase.
Goddamn this is what this market is now
That already passed dummy
Stellar unironically no trips even needed
If Coinbase actually starts listing Bitcoin forks, what coin will make it first? Which shitcoin fork actually has industry support anyways??
Xlm boyz
It’s obviously xlm.