There are people here who are actually bearish

>there are people here who are actually bearish
have you guys not heard of bakkt or are you just retarded? goldman sachs is worth over $60 billion btw. imagine whats going to happen when that money floods into crypto

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 10.23.47.png (1256x988, 953K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Bakkt will surely save us, plz don't sell

who is actually paying you?
honestly. the absolute state of crypto that (((they))) are now financing fud campaigns to dump the market. kys

yeah goldman sachs is going to completely fomo and pay way above market rate so some other faggot can fork bitcoin for the 40th time.

god ur fucking retarded

Buy the rumor, sell the news. Bakkt is the only thing keeping Bitcoin (and therefore the whole crypto market) up. As soon as it opens, people are going to sell and crash this shit.

>60 billion

This is fud, the company that governs bakkt (the intercontinental exchange) deals in 30 trillion.

wtf are you serious? sauce?

t. paid shills

ur a stupid fucking faggot piece of shit

>He thinks Bakkt hasn't already bought all the coins they are going to "sell".

lmao ok kid. whatever you say. if your not bullish on crypto why are you even here. it doesnt even have to be goldman sachs. lots of other institutions are going to be buying soon as well

2018 crypto experience simulator:
Price is dumping
>dozens of ETFs are coming very very soon and the golden bull will start, this is unironically the bottom!
No ETFs approved. Price continues dumping.
>Institutional investors are here any minute, this is unironically the bottom!
No new investors in sight. They have been here all along since 2014. Price continues dumping.
>The global economy will crash, everyone will flee into crypto!
Stocks show significant weakening throughout the year, crypto is even worse. Can't imagine what happens when the crash starts.
>USD is going to be worthless, hyperinflation, gov debt sky high!
USD gains against pretty much the whole world currencies, meanwhile crypto continues dumping

Xi Jinping and Jerome Powell both put a check in my mailbox each morning.

weak fud

>paid shills

take a second to think about something...if you were a random person researching crypto, would you trust someone who is holding and whose best interest is getting you to buy in to their coin (in other words a ponzi)? Or are you more likely to believe people who currently have no skin in the game and are looking for a reentry point? You think BTC is bullish right now because you NEED it to be bullish. If it's not, then you no longer make money. To ignore what is happening with crypto is nothing short of delusion and you will soon be parted with your money. My only hope is you realize it before it's too late.

We anticipated more of you having sold by now. We are running out of time, sell.


At Bakkt HQ, the day after approval:
>alright boys, we now have permission to buy bitcoin
>we're worth about 30 billion, so imma get you to keep hitting 'market buy' until we've spent about half of it on btc, then we'll see how we go
>any questions call coinbase customer support
>[team] HOO AHH!

This, too many people still have hope. When everyone is saying it's dead for good and never coming back... that is when you buy in.

institutions bought directly from miners and they are now dumping on your dumb head, brainlet


>muh anyone who disagrees with must have been paid to do so


>muh goldman sachs jews will save me from my dumb choice to invest in tulips
maximum cope
just sell before it's too late

This might actually happened.

Whats the point of buying the only asset that will survive the economic collapse?

Richhags will soon be poorhags...

The legit markets/institutions have zero fucks to give for BAKKT. They don't even care enough to yawn.