LINK is out LNS is in

anyone not buying lines at this point is a beta cuck

Attached: LNS.png (64x64, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread: multisig

Please give us a reason to buy lines. As far as I can see it doesn't even do anything. It's just virtual money like any of the other 4000 crypto projects.

Also the project has been in a downtrend since it started.

How is this a good investment?

And I forgot to mention that the dev team has already disappeared multiple times for multiple months (see bitcointalk).

Lines is an open sourced product. The devs are encouraging others to join based on the vision of what cryptocurrencies should be. Easy to use, private, cpu mining, fast, and Lines is all about bringing crypto to the real world. Most people I know are idiots and couldn’t buy bitcoin if they tried. They need something easy to use so they can spend their money and maybe load the coins on to an app to pay at vendors. Cryptocurrency needs to be easy for it to become adopted and that’s what Lines is working on

People will always need to buy bitcoin first in order to obtain lines. You need something similar to a banking licence to be able to sell crypto for fiat and there have been very few exchanges that have managed to get one of those (coinbase is one).

So binance/kucoin/etc are unable to legally take fiat deposits, but you think lines will somehow obtain the licences that will allow people to get lines in a way that is easier than bitcoin? If it was doable every coin would already have it ;)

What I’m saying is that you would trade crypto for a product or service. From a vendor that accepts Lines. They would use an IPad type deal or just their phones and to accept payments through Lines NCF transactions.

I get that right now you would need btc to buy Lines. But in a year or two , there might not be all of those restrictions. Or there will be a good app that makes it super easy To buy Lines and transfer over to their app.

90% the 4000 existing crypto projects aim do that. Also a lot of them are already 5-8 years ahead of lines (dash/pivx/colx/...) and have a lot more features (speed, privacy, masternodes, ...).

No offence to you personally, but this coin is not ever going to go up in price. I'm all for lowcap gambles but there should be SOMETHING that will attract buyers at some point. E.g. COLX has top-tier privacy and grid computing as "extras" on top of the "fast and easy payments", which makes it worth the investment.

>still invested in pajeetcoin Lines
>Hasn't bought SUQA


it's at about $150k market cap. I can assure you it's going to go up based on this alone. It's an easy 2x to $300k. Easy 10x to $1.5M. This is why it's going to get pumped.

That only happens if you find enough idiots to put 300k/1.5M into the project. Your "easy" 2x requires 750 people to put in $200.

Good luck convincing people to put money in lines and not in the thousands of similar projects that actually do something useful.

Man, you must really be full of yourself to make such a bold prediction as “it will not go up in price”. Many of these project that you speak of are extremely overvalued. There are also many of these that do not even have working products. I’m sure I could find at least 2 in the top 100 that are behind where Lines is in terms of development. My point is, Lines is unique. There are many different aspects of the coin that when combined make it superior to many coins already in the top. The project is still fairly new and I believe the devs have good intentions, although they may be sort of quiet. They didn’t have an ICO, so there is no funds to just buy exchanges like all of these other garbage projects out there.

I don't think you understand how mc works....

Lines does do many things useful actually, if you would read the white paper, maybe you would know that. Instead, you come on Jow Forums talk shit. Maybe you should educate yourself before speaking.

Maybe you don't understand how supply/demand works. There is no demand for lines, so it's not going to magically increase in value while there is more supply than demand.

There is nothing unique or special about this coin. I'm not going to waste my time arguing any futher, but do yourselves a favour and check our the tens/hundreds of new coins that come out every day:

Don't try to convince us lines does anything better than any of these new coins. It's actually at the very bottom of "usefulness".

It sounds like some buttraped saltyfag missed out at 2 sats and is mad as FUUUUCCCCKKKK

Sounds like some bitch ass privileged sourcream looking faggot lost his moneys and is mad that Lines won’t go down now, but poor fagboy lost his money.

Dude...if someone were to market buy lines with 1 btc, the market cap would 2x. It doesn't need 300k to reach a 300k valuation. You don't understand how easily this is going to go up. idgaf, you're going to miss out on easy gains in the next few days.

Wow just like every other shitcoin out there.

So every shitcoin does this then? Maybe do some research

Attached: 6EE7B8E8-6843-4766-93AF-89759C331B69.jpg (750x723, 342K)

Do I really need to spoon feed this shit to you? There’s actually many ways that this is unique. 1 of them being valued 500x less that coins that just have good marketing and ICO money. If you really have no idea what you’re talking about, then why even talk shit?

Attached: F2C40CE9-0CB7-4645-B39A-BAC1BA40008F.jpg (750x953, 187K)

kek, they unironically all do have this
multisig is super standard
most projects use btc or pivx core code for their blockchain so they get this feature for free
kinda funny that lines devs weren't competent enough to plug in the freely available code for this from the start

Please name another project that is working on implementing the multisig technology with NFC app payments. And that’s not even going into the off chain confirmations.

did your mom drop you on the head or something? multisig
every result mentions a different coin that does this

people with a brain: let's just stop giving them attention and let the thread die

oh for fucks don't even understand what user asked. name some projects that are working on implementing multisig technology with NFC app payments.
>NFC app payments!

I’m still not seeing any other active projects that are utilizing this technology. Old outdated wallets and some projects mentioned it here and there. That’s about it.

I like Lines.

Attached: 572aefe7-703a-4500-8ad7-915f42068634-screen-shot-2017-11-22-at-14525-pm.png (970x582, 377K)

If your one point about how "unique" this product is is that it has a low mc, it's a shitcoin. This whole thread is as obvious a pnd scheme as I've ever seen. Like the definition of a ponzi scheme. Just trying to get even bigger idiots than themselves to buy the coin so they can dump on them.
No one buy this coin

For the last half hour Ivebeen stating how thiscoin is unique. I’m sorry someone took some time out of your faggy day to talk about something other than chainlink. Are you just hatin for no reason and creep on other coin threads just because they aren’t chainlink? It seems that way buckaroo

you heard him guys...nobody buy this coin.
>fucking newfags
it might piss you off, but low cap coins pump in bear markets. welcome to crypto. while your portfolio bleeds, smart anons are getting fat flipping coins on tradeOgre/craptopia.

And so far I've read nothing that is actually unique about this coin. Not to mention there are hundreds of coins that serve similar functions why will lines become the market standard?

Wait I thought you were in it for the unique technology and not as a pnd scam? Hmmmmm

Yet, I’ve told you multiple times. You hatefags all say the same things.

Just extra salty because you lost a lot of money

Nice projection, why don't you try this scam again in a few years when the next bull market starts

You say COLX has grid computing like its a sure thing.

The truth is, they havent even begun development on it, or on that "privacy" layer. They're stalling on updating their wallet. Looks like a shitcoin.

PIVX and Dash are good, tho.

Gaslighter Alert Gaslighter Alert

Classic psychology 101, bub. You are the person that is actually scamming trying to manipulate others into believing things that just are not true.

Lol k