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>memeing a meme with a meme


>i con

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juicy, never thought i'd buy this chink coin, but 25k coins for 10k$ is a joke

get some FTM faggot, it's gonna be pumped like ICX and ZIL
t. I am an insider

>January ATH: 13 dollars
>current price: 40 cents

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>im just an ICON livin


you will have a chance to repent your sins in december

I finally rid myself of this gook piece of shit after holding since December. I bought back in quickly before end of month expecting staking detail release, and wanted to ride the pump and get out. But in typical icon fucking gook fashion, they fucking delay the shit and now its not until late 2018 or 2019.

I fucking hate ICON with a fucking passion. Fucking pieces of shit. Now i'm stuck with these bags and have to sell at a loss. Nobody is gonna touch this shit anymore. Moreso, I hate myself for thinking this shit team could deliver anything. Delay after delay. At one point, I had over 300K from this coin. Fuckin A. It kills me to think of why for some reason I believed in these gooks and didn't just sell my bags. I don't know why or what happened. Moreso I'm confused as to why I kept believing, when the signs kept telling me otherwise.

I guess this is the same feeling as falling in love with a girl who treats you like shit then cheats on you with a black guy (which also happened to me btw - it was a 2.5 year relationship that went to shit). God damn, I need to figure my shit out.

Are you the same user who keeps saying December? Dude this coin is on its way to 0. Nobody wants to touch this shit, and it's just a matter of times before the people who have been holding this forever finally capitulate

ICON had its time in the sun
Now it's done
If you want your penis to grow
Buy some Aergo

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My sides

Well I'm glad atleast you got some happiness and laughter out of my misery. Atleast something came out of it.

Possibly the saddest post I’ve ever read on Jow Forums

If they had implemented the staking mechanism by now we wouldn't be bleeding like we are because people would actually have an incentive to hold this piece of shit....

Can't believe I bought this thing at U$2 in early December and didn't sell at U$12

Same here. Daily regret.

5 points from gryffindor for not making it a haiku


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