Bitcoin ABC has officially won!
Bitcoin ABC has officially won!
nice wheres the source user
He really is!
I think Bitcoin ABC has 2 blocks ahead now
SV is getting brutally rekt
abc and unlimited have 2 different blocks LMAOOO
and nobody cared
not even the spammer
>The hashwar is ogre, guys, just go home.
No comrade, it has only begun.
So I'm not getting two coins
You are getting 3 coins actually. But only one of them will have actual value.
What a joke hahahahahahahahahahah
whats to say all 3 wont have value?
What does this mean lads? Who are waterhole?
how do you do shadow mining
Accidental fork.
isnt unlimited supposed to be valid for both?
If you are not a miner, then you shouldn't be concerned with such info.
retard, wait a week and see who is winning.
It's way too fucking early to call this
Faustus disrupting the ABC chain?
yea lol
its an orphan block
How is abc ahead when sv has all the hashish power?
I think we're going to see why one-block difficulty adjustments are retarded.
ABC refusing to mine anything bigger than 8mb, mempool getting clogged.
out of date stats
roger pulled ALOT of hash just an hour ago (across i think?)
It's over, Faketoshi!
>mfw they're mining so hard that their farms start catching on fire
sauce pls lol
I still can’t understand why anyone thought they could win against the largest manufacturer of mining rigs. Pure delusion, same as most of the crypto space I suppose.
LOL Professional scammer and psychopath is getting rekt. Please leave and never come back faketoshi
Roger has said he will do this for 24h, Satoshi has said he will do it for 2 years. The day after tomorrow we will be dancing on the grave of the gookd bitcoin jesus
Faketoshi is on his own chain now. He can do whatever he wants in his playpen for children.
The longest chain wins. This is not limited to 24h span. Roger might be ahead, but he also stated that we will only do this for 24h. Satoshi will do this untill death. The longest chain wins, and it will be SV. Maybe not in 12h, but after Roger is done stealing hash from btc, Satoshi will run him over
But the difficulty adjustment algorithm will compensate for any mining power. The difficulty on the two chains will be different! Not sure how this will work out. If Satoshi makes a longer chain, will this reorg ABC's chain? His blocks seem to be compatible with ABC's rules so far, aren't they? So he's just mining SV, not actively reorging ABC's chain using their own node implementation?
CSW has literally never done anything he said he would do
just two more years
based yuri poster
DA Will only matter in the short term, if Satoshi can actually go on for months, even years, Rogers loss of hash/DA will not suffice
I just saw a paid ad on Reddit about this fork and Roger Ver I shit you not. Unbelievable.
They are going full blown proof of social media, which is pretty much admitting defeat
It doesn't matter if his chain somehow ends up being longer if nobody uses it and the price of his shitcoin is zero.
>Roger has said he will do this for 24h,
It was an official press release from, I'm on the go so look it up yourself, should be nothing but a Google search away
That's how the gooks argue, but do you know of nakamoto consensus? It would be an official and undeniable split from the intention of the creator
tone vays said both chains will dumb
Why don't they just go to the miners of the other team and destroy them? Why don't they turn of their electricity supply
Is it possible to get more JUSTed than this?
I know this will take 2 years, but...
Rectangle REKT = component.getBounds();
the only official announcement about hash transfer was ver's twit fren
Imagine the neets daytrading this shit....they are either making fortunes or getting blown the fuck out
bch already violated it by existing
pretty sure that any exchange thats trading SV futures will be rekt by SEC as a fork will never happen, as explicitly stated by the winners, the SV camp.
Ah, typical cashie. No arguments, only incessant shitflinging and namecalling.
cashies have this cognitive dissonance going on where they keep bitching about the nakamoto consensus ignoring the fact that their fork betrayed said consensus at it's birth
Yes, quite.
This post did not age well
why are cashies always so assblasted?
Qrd? Why 6 different btc variations now wtf?
ABC is minting empty blocks and SV is going to FUCKING MOON.