1 (800) 273-8255

Attached: 46ADCA41-B804-46CF-AFEC-4FA943477861.jpg (750x971, 192K)

should of bought litecoin. dumb cashie.


Attached: Kek(1).jpg (360x360, 28K)


typical bcash user

Attached: Just Fuck My Shit Up.jpg (1000x1414, 208K)

>he's not /allinLink/

he should consider soundclouders bronze SBT next time

Literally shaking. Lmao poor guy

This is actually not funny. Feel bad for this guy.

There's a reason you die poor.

Attached: haha.png (724x538, 420K)

money is evil

i sometimes think what satoshi thinks of all the pain and suicide that bitcoin could bring to the world

I laff at he.

Attached: 3E37F2D0-5867-42DD-864F-D885E234446E.png (750x1334, 1.37M)

So exactly what mistake did this guy make

he sent his money to some random website he doesn't know

He trusted a new, untested wallet suspiciously made for the fork to hold his funds when he could have used any of the proven bch wallets and been perfectly fine. This is like step one of how not to fuck yourself.

Lots of the redditors on the thread think it's fake

Fake and gay

>I am shaking so hard right now

Haha, what the fuck is wrong with these reddit people? I thought the "I'm shaking" thing was only used ironically. I see now where it comes from. Haha, what a fag!

Attached: 1541610454820.jpg (225x225, 9K)

wait..did I just get baited?

Shit like this is exactly why crypto will never see mainstream adoption. The amount of tech illiterates who will fuck up sending shit to their wallet and back will be unbelievably high. People will demand refuds and when they find out blockchains big gimmick is no refunds they will happily go back to centralized fiat that protects them from themselves.

Until crypto can be made retard proof it will stay in the den of scammers and speculators.

What a nincompoop

Attached: cope.jpg (450x450, 29K)

all it takes is a flashy app and a depression that scares them away from fiat
both will be here in like 2 years

Ok, now this is epic! XD

God yes I HATE EOS
Such a bad design to allow someone to submit this and have an on chain transaction sending the funds back pending a court case and BP approval.

There will be centralized trusted third parties (a.k.a. banks) as a layer 3 on top of Lightning network and Bitcoin.

bought bcash