Workspace/Study Area

Hasn't been one of these threads for a while. Show either your home workspace one you like.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shit's crowded


It is, but it's got some good ideas for designing your own area

Sweet pad


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Looks comfy af. I wish I could have that many plants at ground level in my place but the cats will gnaw on them then puke blood then gnaw on them etc until there's no plants left, just a $300 vet bill and a pool of puke and blood.

It's cactuses or bust for me now.


which chair is this? want.

kinda obvious, but ditch the fucking cats and get the plants

It's a Chesterfield Gainsborough. Everything else in my study I got second hand from ebay. I did pick up two of these before (including one in oxblood) but I spend most of my life in front of my computer and the two second-hand ones had lost a bit of the bounce in the seat. Ended up getting a new one for just under 400 quid, which is about what everything else in the office cost. Best investment of my life though.

Also discovered that buying and re-selling chesterfield furniture on ebay is a great little side business. Those fuckers flip fast and it's easy to make 50-100 pounds on each one.

> listening to lofi late 2018

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It's a pic from an old thread

>MF DOOM album art.
>Lo Fi beat playlist
>plants and balcony

Looking comfy, user. Nice.

god i wish i had money

> [lofi / jazzhop / chill mix] YouTube Study Beats

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It was another user's pad from the last thread. Lot of anons had some nice/inspiring living spaces

>Jow Forums
>the room

Attached: HAQHGHm.jpg (2048x1536, 683K)

Attached: 1542250224729.webm (480x360, 322K)

Comfy as fuck op

Here’s mine - simple but it is my own.

A desk which normally is covered in notes - but this time just monitoring some crypto while listening to YouTube on the switch.

Attached: image.jpg (750x1000, 450K)

Looking really comfy.