Imagine new fags who are not only down 80+% on Intial but have probably had to sell because they invested more than...

Imagine new fags who are not only down 80+% on Intial but have probably had to sell because they invested more than they could afford to lose

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Anyone who can see the future is ok by me. I don't want to make fun of them.
Sorry user, go feel superior elsewhere.

Future is bunch of scams? Unless you are all in LINK you aren't going to make it. Maybe if you are in on the scam then, but from a legit way no.

That is literally me.

90 % down from initial investment.
Going to kill myself soon.

who cares? its not like you dont have the coins you bought

if your buying btc you should be looking at usd AT ALL since your cashing out of it

I've been here since September 2017 and I'm still down 40%

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Future is a competition of currencies. It's a learning system, so when you look again in a year, everything will be different.
Don't, build something instead. Go all in, your mind and attention as well. We need you, soldier.
also, ai is coming, research alphago.

now imagine them hodl the rest of their money not knowing that we are still 100% up from the actual bottom

I bought 2 bitcoins at 1000 in 2013 and I felt the same way but i couldn't stomach selling. look at me now. just hold newfags, it costs you nothing and can change everything.

I bought a bunch of BTC at $600 then it plummeted to $200. It's manipulated to make people like us think crypto is a ponzi. This makes us not build disruptive software and go work for the old system instead.
The old systems need us because they are technologically incompetent. Build on it and we can break free.

This, ((they)) created BTC futures and highly leveraged margin trading to manipulate the shit out of crypto in an attempt to kill it. It's abundantly clear that even bizfags fell for it because they always talk about muh TA and memelines, when in reality it's the technology and ideation of a decentralized governance system that people should actually care about. I will never sell, because in doing so I'm letting the federal reserve win.

I Got It: The Post

It's too little, too late. Some of the early whales were badass software engineers and are wealthy in multiple systems. Next thing to do is to crash tech and raise interest rates in an attempt to stall innovation.
They are running out of time, ai is approaching.

without them we can't grow :D

AI is nothing but an overrated meme.

I told fags on on this board that it will eventually drop to


no one listened to me

some other guy accused me of trying to buy BTC for cheap


They never listen.

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a lot of their forecasts don't make sense.
they see ETH, XMR, XRP, LTC etc. all surviving the next years and all continue to take the same path and more or less stay in place in relation to each other.
either the ETH platform starts to actually work and inflates massively, or it goes to zero. either XRP gets mass adopted, or its the mother of all PnD schemes and goes to zero. either XMR gets globally banned and reduced to dark web exchanges, or it doesn't.
there is no "everything will sort of move sideways without disruptions forever" like they half-assedly claim, and their lack of actual forecasts (ETH/XRP = 0$ eventually etc.) make them look foolish.

>if I don't leave this burning wteck, I'm letting the bad men win mom!

based and redpilled

this called the november min as just under $6k
they made a 5 years prediction plan and managed to screw up on the very first month
literal cryptotwitter levels of accuracy here

are you still holding from that $600?


mexicans are jews now ?

that was me all this year. now im getting on welfare. still have 10k in crypto

This. Every AI demo I’ve seen is a fucking joke

I'm a new fag who is up over 75% on initial. AMA

And they probably own a huge amount of taxes to the IRS for 2017. I really feel for newfags.

I lost 2k (66%) in Jan-18. Decided to give it another go and lost $400 (20%). Could have actually gained if I did some shorts lol
Biz is an arena

I'm wayy up in BTC .6 from .34 initial

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Newfag from last week of October here. Got about a 20% increase from initial investment thanks to Link, then lost my profits because I went full retard and put all my chips on BAT for the coinbase listing. Cut my losses and went back to swinging Linkies and am now back to around 20% plus, but only in BTC. In cash I’m only back to my initial investment.
Am I gonna stay at +-0 forever?
Jokes on you, my country only taxes total profits in crypto. 30%, but it’s at least not retarded. Losses are 70% deductible.

How the fuck is this even possible? I got in around the same time and I've literally been scammed multiple times and I'm still up like 250%

I bought stinky linkies and am still way up and ahead. Sure, I did not sell back in January to double or triple my linkies shortly after, but eh.. nobody will care once we're going kilo stinky linky.

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>tfw you faggots almost got me to buy in at 13k or something like that, but i held off and never got into any crypto at all, but paid off personal debt instead

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>be me
>good paying job (115k, NYC)
>6.9/10 qt3.14
>invested more than I should have
>life savings
>family too poor to be a back-stop

>All. In. LINK
>Feels Bretty Good

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t. 125k LINK

I hit breakeven last week when link was around 60c. I don’t understand why people don’t just DCA the bear market.

this guy fucks your mother when he wants fuck

Same time.
500% up.
Still feels like I lost a lot...