Can someone tell me what the purpose of buying ETH is?

Can someone tell me what the purpose of buying ETH is?

Why would you buy ETH when you can just buy other alts or ERC20 tokens that will likely outperform ETH? And if you're just trying to "play it safe", why wouldnt you just buy Bitcoin with its higher volume and hashrate/user acceptance?

It seems like ETH is the "middle of the road" token you buy when you dont know what to buy. The ultimate Beta Male coin

Attached: download (5).png (225x225, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It is a former Jow Forums coin stolen by rabbits. Of course it will crash and burn, have you seen a fail guy in the last 8 years, except at a yard sale for free?

you know the economy behind this?

if so you would be buying it too.

>supply tends to 0

I buy ETH to buy other alts. Faster and cheaper to send than BTC.

I have a bag to stake too if it ever happens.

Because Bitcoin is a dying PoC and ETH is the foundation of all future e-commerce that hasn't even left the landing pad yet.

ETH has more room to grow. Bitcoin was 19k, ETH was 1.5k.
So assuming it reaches those prices again you got 250% to gain with Bitcoin and 750% gain with ETH

Eth is my safe hedge against BTC. It's currently at .03 sats but was once at .11 or .12 I believe. Waiting until it hits those levels again to flip it back into BTC for 3x the amount of BTC theyre worth now.


OP is a fucking idiot


>"play it safe", why wouldnt you just buy Bitcoin with its higher volume and hashrate/user acceptance

buttcoin is close to a 100 billion dollar market cap. ETH is less than 1/5th of that. If they both go to 500 billion, you've 25x'd your money with ETH and you've 5x'd your money with buttcoin

not to mention that buttcoin is a piece of trash that hasn't had any significant protocol update EVER. meanwhile, ethereum has 10 client teams working on eth 2.0 which will take ethereum to thousands of transactions per second


Pure delusion such as and These are people who got caught up in the December hype and bought in the quad digits. They've convinced themselves that Ethereum is something other than a piece of shit prototype/proof of concept. Even as other blockchains outperform it in every conceivable way they just stick their head in the sand and keep repeating the same mantras over and over again, like the NPC's that they are. They are permanently brainwashed and will hold their useless bags to 0.

you can stake other coins, like OMG for cheaper

I do this too. Again whats the point of hodling?

If its the foundation, then coins like REQ will be where the action is, not basic ass ETH

And 7,500% with ALTS, dumbass

sounds conservative AF

While Bitcoins network is larger, BTC and ETH serve very different functions. ETH is the breakout leader of distributed computing, there is not even a close second. If Ethereum proves it has achieved hyperdominance and will continue to innovate, it will increase in price at a disproportionate rate to Bitcoin

All ERC-20 tokens are going to zero. Every single one. Ethereum is a dead project, and its children will die alongside it.

Tell that to the Linkies then

>price at a disproportionate rate to Bitcoin
Again, missing my point. You do realize there are alts which outperformed ETH during the bullrun?

Attached: 1538999632443.jpg (558x614, 71K)

Because it's the 5th fastest growing project in github, follow the devs

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> Even as other blockchains outperform it in every conceivable way



To be fair, good projects do exist, like pic related has the best tech besides ETH

Attached: images (3).jpg (344x146, 9K)

>types in all caps
>expects to be taken seriously
The irony is that I'm a programmer and I've spent the past 5 years working on distributed systems which is what got me into crypto. Ethereum can't scale. It is fundamentally broken at its core design. And it's not decentralized in any way. Chinese mining pools, devs making unilateral decisions with mock votes etc.

Attached: putinamused.jpg (300x400, 96K)

9/10-tier FUD. you're doing god's work son

> Komodo’s innovative delayed-Proof-of-Work (dPoW) security mechanism protects the entire ecosystem with the power of the Bitcoin Network.


this is a complete clown of a project. PoW hasn't been near the cutting edge of blockchain research for years

99% of this board is completely clueless. what do you guys do for day jobs? if you're not a programmer and have no economics/finance background, you are going to get assblasted by conmen that are way smarter than you

you do realize that is only 1 out of like 6 different aspects of KMD right?

And what does PoW have to do with being cutting edge? DPoW is useful because it can be used to SECURE other blockchains USING Bitcoins hashrate. If BTC vanished overnight we would just use whatevers the next biggest coin. Jesus are you LARPing as a programmer or what?

You are cherrypicking the top perfoming alts from a sea of failure and then trying to claim in the brainlet? Go ahead and throw your money into lottery tickets newfag.

look at this LARPing loser on Jow Forums. if you're so technical, explain why the protocol can't scale using technical terms. you won't

do you understand how sharding works? you don't

how is buying something like OMG a lottery ticket when ETH is literally RELYING on OMG to implement plasma to make their coin worth a shit? Is Chainlink a lotto ticket too?

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>99% of this board is completely clueless. what do you guys do for day jobs? if you're not a programmer and have no economics/finance background, you are going to get assblasted by conmen that are way smarter than you

pretty much this.
t. embedded software engineer
unless you can write a somewhat functioning blockchain from scratch (to be able to tell what the actual gems are) or have very very good experience in market economics (and can see what coins are most likely to pump), there is no way for you to make money in crypto unless you get lucky.

*hint* buy dero

Decent bait until this

I don't have time to read some shit whitepaper written by conmen. I did open their paper for a laugh

>talking about the nothing at stake problem as if it still a problem

please just shut the fuck up and sell all of your """investments"""

-t. pajeet

Join us at the first official Jow Forumscord anons for discussion and Roman-themed autism:

discord gg/YAnTnSF (add the period)

Attached: 6b7.png (645x729, 32K)

Sharting is a fucking joke. Even if they somehow manage to get around the complexities of making it work, it will never, EVER compete with something like DPOS with side chains and parallel processing.

>split CPU instructions up into a bunch of separate jobs
>send to a bunch of different nodes in a cluster
>[network lag]
>each node completes its job at varying speeds
>sends back results
>[more network lag]
>network lag literally takes orders of magnitudes more time than processing instructions
>entire job is only as fast as the slowest node in the cluster
>if one node fails to return its results it will literally double the time that it takes to complete the full job
If you aren't on suicide watch still holding ETH bags it's because you're too much of a brainlet to understand why you should be.

Attached: trollman.jpg (363x364, 13K)

The only reason I buy ETH is because it's GWEI are better than SATs for trading for other crypto that has microscopically low SAT values, like HOT. It can make it much cheaper and faster to buy those in ETH instead of having to park an order on the books for weeks. I unironically think ETH is a shit, dying platform and this is its sole remaining purpose.

>ETH thread
>gets invaded by Pajeet LARPers

Who wouldve saw this coming

sorry staking economics only works with a thriving platform, not a ponzi.

Most ERC-20s underperform ETH and some smartcontract crypto will take off and do very well in the longterm. Most likely candidates are EOS and ETH so I hold both of those.

> DPOS with side chains and parallel processing.

EOS is doing a great job isn't it

>split CPU instructions up into a bunch of separate jobs
>send to a bunch of different nodes in a cluster
>[network lag]
>each node completes its job at varying speeds
>sends back results
>[more network lag]
>network lag literally takes orders of magnitudes more time than processing instructions
>entire job is only as fast as the slowest node in the cluster
>if one node fails to return its results it will literally double the time that it takes to complete the full job

you are a fucking clown. this is not how sharding works. you fail. go back to flipping burgers

each shard has its own state. "CPU instructions" are sent to a specified shard and executed just like the EVM does now. the validator pool signs off on the execution and posts the block. the shards do not need to operate in sync you fucking idiot

Based and red pilled. Nobody can make sharting fucking work. Not ETH, not ZIL, nobody. That's because it's a bullshit idea in the first place. ETH won't be able to get scaling figured out for years. By then, better crypto (like Holo) will have stolen their fucking thunder and beat them to death with it.

>contribute absolutely nothing to thread aside from posting some PoW shitcoin
>call everyone pajeets


>EOS is doing a great job isn't it
It is actually. That's why it has 10x the daily transactions and probably 100x the daily volume as Ethereum, and has outperformed it in the market by like 5x over the past year. Goddamn that must sting for you delusional mETHeads.

>you are a fucking clown. this is not how sharding works.
Yes, that's exactly how sharting works. I've implemented sharting before in databases.

>each shard has its own state. "CPU instructions" are sent to a specified shard and executed just like the EVM does now. the validator pool signs off on the execution and posts the block. the shards do not need to operate in sync you fucking idiot
That doesn't contradict anything I said. Imagine being so much of a brainlet that you don't even understand what you're invested in. I like how you put "CPU instructions" in quotes.

>It is actually. That's why it has 10x the daily transactions and probably 100x the daily volume as Ethereum, and has outperformed it in the market by like 5x over the past year. Goddamn that must sting for you delusional mETHeads.

that couldn't possibly be faked by the validators that have zero cost for running computation, could it?

>Yes, that's exactly how sharting works. I've implemented sharting before in databases.

no, that's not how it works. you are implying every node needs to run the job. the validator pool only needs 2/3rds before proceeding. if you aren't processing quickly, you lose out on transaction fees. smart contract devs aren't going to practically call on cross-shard communication for more than a few shards

>entire job is only as fast as the slowest node in the cluster

wrong. job is as slow as the top 2/3rds of the validators

>if one node fails to return its results it will literally double the time that it takes to complete the full job

no. what?

>That doesn't contradict anything I said. Imagine being so much of a brainlet that you don't even understand what you're invested in. I like how you put "CPU instructions" in quotes.

imagine thinking you're a genius distributed systems dev that doesn't actually know what he's talking about and uses ill-fitting terms like CPU instructions instead of VM instructions

>muh flippening
keep dreaming, ETH will always be BTC's bitch

>that couldn't possibly be faked by the validators that have zero cost for running computation, could it?
Could also be that you're fucking delusional. Not going to waste my time arguing with a double digit IQ retard anymore. Enjoy holding your useless bags to 0.

Attached: howillmethheadseverecover.png (1361x1700, 439K)

those people couldn't possibly have been given EOS handouts by could they?

bye clown

I hope your LARP was fun

Lol wut? You're retarded kid


Attached: woodywarm.jpg (320x320, 24K)

no point in buying eth right now unless ur in it for a long run and ofcourse its a risk like any other.
since the chinamen have created the asics for eth, it has continued to decline.
back when gpus were the only miners, you atleast had some skin in the game. now asics take over and its just inflated none stop. theres no demand to match the amount that is being printed.

then again if your waiting for pos (which may never come) cheap eth might be good time to buy, imo it will go lower vs satoshi. though it did already drop a good amount. either way you are losing oppurtunity cost, meaning you could be making more short term gains somewhere else. thats IF you are long term long on eth

TLDR really no point in buying eth other then investing in icos or trading on dex's

Most of it is people mining the side tokens with bots given out by these gambling dapps.

Brainlet here. Is total market cap of all ERC-20 tokens reflected in the market cap for ETH?
