If global warming keeps up at the rate it is...

>if global warming keeps up at the rate it is, then we are projected a 1 degree celcius increase in temperature every year...

i used to think this was just fud, but i live in the uk and its 15 degrees rn... 4 years ago, that would have been considered summer temperatures. we are unironically fucked.

what do i invest in to stay safe in the next 10 years when it all starts to go to shit.
is this why elon is building mars spaceships?

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i want to move somewhere cold and snowy

buy AC

This. Climate change-induced global famine will be worse than anyone thinks. Combine that with the human-caused decline in biodiversity underway (currently the worst mass extinction on record) and pretty much all remaining ecosystems will be out of whack and enter structural decline.

i feel you man, i genuinely thought we were still early october when i was walking around. Kinda weird, oh and the summer?

Only brown people will survive.

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LINK will unironically fix global warming

You're a brainlet. It's the averages that matter. not the spikes. U.S.A is exceptionally cold now. it's counteracting each other.

Also most thermometers don't account for urban sprawl warmth. In one case it was located within a few meters of an A/C unit.

Maybe you brainwashed NPC's will finally wake up when river thames freezes over again.

Warmth is good for society. Cold is the killer

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Nah the US is cold as usual now. It's not 'exceptionally cold'

Buy arctic and desert real estate
Haven't you seen Superman 2? That will be paradise soon

jesus christ fuck off you shill. i dont need some "data about the sun". ive lived in the uk for 20 years and for the past 10 years its been visibly getting warmer and warmer. 10 years ago we had 5" of snow in the south east (where it snows the least). now we have no snow at all for years. that and the summers are getting hotter and hotter.

Each of the last ten years have been consecutively the hottest years on record. This is verifiable and factual.
The true redpill is not ignoring climate change, calling scientists and people who believe in it NPCs, etc. The true redpill is preparing for the worst and stocking up on food, guns, and ammunition.

Move to Norway before it's too late.
Canada is a good second choice as well.
Permafrost meltng is unlocking literally square kilometer blocks of land every day that will be perfect for agriculture/water drilling.

>climate on mars is more hospitable than earth

I'm assuming you don't live in a rural area nor interact with farmers/hydrological engineers/environmental engineers/environmental scientists or anyone who has any practical experience or brains pertaining to the subject of climate change and it's impacts, current and in the future?
Humans have fucked up badly, top 1% are fine though so don't worry. If you make more than 30k a year you will not starve to death but you may lose your home depending on location.
Protip: look up predictions for areas that will experience close to 46c and 50% humidity (limit of survivability) and you will have an idea on where the most deaths will occur. Asia/Africa/Parts of Americas. India is going to burn for its stupidity, the faster its growth and rise out of 3rd world status exponentially heatwave and crop failure rise too.
Do some research champ

i am actually more concerned about what will happen in 10-20 years from now. imagine if the world is 20 degrees celcius hotter. that would make near all of africa uninhabitable. goo portions of Asia and SEA as well. And south america.

plus the exponentially growing population. in 1900 there were 1.6 billion people. now, there are just under 8 billion people. 10% of all humans that have ever lived are currently living today.

im more focused on getting enough money to get on a spaceship to mars (which will probably be 10-15 years out) and will probably be reserved for the richest/most important 1-3% of the world.

its not the climate. its that chaos will ensue on earth. it will be total anarchy if the world gets 20 degrees hotter. mars is like a safehouse.

Had to backpedal from 'global warming' to 'climate change' wonder why that might be...If you have a good enough memory you will know NY was supposed to be underwater by now.

Sun is the primary driver for all weather on this earth. Both cold and warming changes. Regional swings in weather also is a thing

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You're thinking is sound, but you're worrying for nothing.
Get a degree in STEM (or experience equivalent), and don't worry about having enough money to go up.

>climate change will kill is all
>It's ok to mine Bitcoin
Jow Forums in a nutshell.

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poor little cuckolds like you won't have anything to fap to then

Ask the people that have skin in the game.

Natural gas traders have to look at actual weather science not government backed circle jerks

mars safe? uh right. malthusians have been beating this drum forever. sry but it's a con job. believe it if u want tho.

You're actually a brainlet. Climate change is a more encompassing term because it refers not only to rising temperatures globally, but also the increased incidence of extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and heavy rainfall.

Funny considering the entire planet had an ice age, why can't it have a warm age.

That said man has definitely had an impact on the environment, but hey the world operates under "stick it to the next generation". This isn't going to combust before we are gone so do your thing.

I guess you goys should have paid your carbon taxes and none of this would be happening right?

Imagine being this triggered. Humanity almost went extinct and it wasn't because of muh too much warmth.

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We are living in the warm age, retard.

You should publish your scientific findings

Yeah I get that...but much it's been warmer for the last 10 years is such a small sample size for a planet whose timeline is so long that if the entire timeline of the planet was a man's outstretched arms we have been here the equivalent of one swipe of a nail file on those outstretched arms. We are still just dumb monkeys trying to fuck each other.

Good, industrial society deserves to be destroyed anyway

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It's been warm for the past 100 years, getting even warmer over the past 30

Cool graph.
I didnt know Al Gore had been collecting empirical data that long.
Ty based Gore. For the internet and everything else you provide us

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Just pay your carbon taxes and shut up.

No shit. What is the purpose of the word? The purpose is to attribute everything to man. It's original sin all over again. We never got away from religion. Statism is a religion

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So instead of shitposting on a Lithuanian farming board go after the top companies that produce 3/4 of the emissions and not us.

The best thing user is property by the Mediterranean or property south of the equator. Areas around warm bodies of water are key.

Things to keep in mind:

-Earth is seriously overdue for an ice-age.
- Typically before it comes there's a warming period, and then the entire system snaps into a cold spell for the next few hundred or couple thousand years.
- As humans, we can't do shit about it. Climate change is not anthropogenic, only thing we can do is adapt. ( if you think it is anthropogenic... please explain why all the other planets in the solar system are heating up at the same slow miserable rate as earth and then slap yourself)
-What hot bish are you going to keep with you and pump out babies with when society panics and civil wars erupt in the global north. (Poverty eliminates competition, and over 54% of the US has less than 1000$ USD in der bank accounts.. that's 152 million people eliminated off the bat.

God speed user Senpai.

-Pacific Moby

You understand that states are the biggest obstacle to meaningful change around the issue of climate change? The fact that governments literally murder environmental activists, that they give massive subsidies to carbon-emitting corporations (instead of taxing them or forcing them to shut down), or that the US military is largest and single most destructive polluter on the planet? Get your head checked. States are what are CAUSING climate change and ensuring its continuation, not propagating theories of it

>over 54% of the US has less than 1000$ USD in der bank accounts

I seriously hope no one believes this shit.

I agree with you that states are hypocrites

>US military is largest and single most destructive polluter on the planet

Yeah and how are those programs funded? They need taxes. Global warming is just another excuses to keep sucking the last drops of productivity out of the people.

yep you are confirmed for brainlet
the world temp has increased by absolutely nothing over the last 100 years

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research what actually caused the "ice age"
a meteor hit the earth causing ash to envelop basically all of the atmosphere blocking out the sun and causing plant life/animal life to die out/freeze over. the world doesn't just freeze over every few years or so lul

we have small cycles like summer and winter
and then much bigger cycles such as pic related
and many other cycles in between

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>weather is a pump and dump
You fags are just being conned into buying high(hot)

Yet global warming is the corrosion of the atmosphere.
Meaning the suns radiation can reach the ground faster, meaning heat rising, as long as the sun is around we're not getting another ice age pal

so the ozone layer that was "melting" in the 90s and going to disappear and radiate us all to death
what happened with that?
it's all but repaired now ill save you googling it

>climate change prevents the ice age happening again

In about 50 years the whole middle east will be virtually uninhabitable. If you think the migrant crisis is bad now, just wait.

go back to fucking reddit if you want to have a circle jerk

time and time again climate change alarmists have had to move the goalposts. Although I think it's completely retarded to suggetst that humans have no impact on the climate, it is completely preposterous to suggest that we can somehow control it. Anyone who tells you they can measure year to year changes from more than a few hundred years ago is completely full of shit, so all this talk of 'this is the fastest global temeperatures have ever increased!' is completely full of shit and should be dismissed based on that alone.

This. Most refugees at the moment are fleeing America's wars, but soon they will be fleeing the consequences of American (and British, and Chinese, and Australian, etc) corporations' war on the environment.

Being too warm in a British Autumn/Winter....yeah like that's something to be upset about. lmao

its almost summer in australia and its raining
so no

Well, maybe you should have a look on the actual data you super-retarded oil fetishist

The sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age. Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018, and the sun’s ultraviolet output has sharply dropped. New research shows that Earth’s upper atmosphere is responding.

Join us at the first official Jow Forumscord anons for discussion and Roman-themed autism:

discord gg/YAnTnSF (add the period)

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>muh data

Wow user thanks thats awesome. How about you post the data so I can question how it was collected. How many times have the faggots (who's livelihoods depend on this lie) been caught fudging the shit out of it and using blatantly biased of 'global average temperatures" collected from disparate weather stations that are affected by their own unique microclimates.

IDGAF if you want to lead a less impactful lifestyle. Have at ait. But if your some cucked reddit faggot that drives a car and participates in industrial society but blames the oil companies for this then kindly fuck off.

At the end of the day the net sea level rise is far less than the average tide.- see level rise has been 8mm this century and the average tide is 1m. It's a fucking nothingburger.

For a second I thought the picture was Stacie’s mom

How funny, there's a thread about global cooling in Jow Forums right now.




enjoy the warmpth user. this shit is great for gardening in the morthern latitudes. also, be smarter next time and don't imply causation like that because it makes you look like a scientifically illiterate dumbfuck

Oy vey let me just break out my check book so I can send a few dollars to George Soros, Bill Gates, and the Clinton foundation. They will save us from the evil polluting corporations.

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where is this pic from ?

Ive lived in the UK for the past 30 years and the last winter was the worst Ive seen. Realitivity, el nino, global warming causes extreme weather with an averaged global warming. It may feel warmer considered extreme for the time of the year. Youll be thinking the same thing in April when its snowing outside.

Ive lived in the UK for 30 years and can tell you that you are in fact chatting shit mate

>from 28 to 32
>not warming
huur retard

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