What will you do if link flops?

what will you do if link flops?

im 100% invested in this, financially and mentally. im about to dropout of a top university as my mind is just 100% on chainlink

My plan B will make me rich as well, but ill probably end up dying

what about you?

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It's literally flopping right now.

Low tier fud

It's literally flipping right now.

end it all. my life is in sergey's hands, but unironically

What do you mean "flops"? They deploy the mainnet and it just comes up with a 404. When you're building code as carefully as they are the chances of something truly catastrophic happening are pretty fucking small. Granted there's always a chance, though. I'd just keep jerking off and eating too much, same as ever.

no mass adoption/ project too ambitious

not saying it will happen but the chance is there

Pic related.

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I'll kms unironically

I'm down over 90% on initial and LINK is my last chance

I remember tons of fags saying they were failing/dropping out of school in December because they were about to be crypto rich anyway. Those fags have probably all killed themselves by now. That is your future OP.

I'm sure some of those fags are working at their local McDonalds now.

not going to kms

but i will probably end up getting robbed/killed with my plan B. dont really care tho

whats plan B?

Get heavily involved in nodes OP. If you haven't already, get a ropsten node up and running to get a feel for it. Then focus on the data market and APIs and try to get a feel for what will be the best data to process early on.

you made me realize my life is unironically in sirgay's hands.
brainlet with 95% in LINK here

>be moroccan
>engineering degree
>go to do a masters in france at their best engineering school, ecole polytechnique
>find about link
>start accumulating and reading about crypto in classroom
>all french classmates and professors think i'm retarded
>tfw just pretending to be retarded
>do paid internship and put everything in crypto
>return to morocco and tell parents I got my masters degree
>tfw they don't know i'm gonna be rich


You had a glimpse of rationality after the FOMO in Jow Forums about link has faded away

There is a reason why people say mainnet is just weeks away... it's to instill FOMO, FOMO in your mind

They have been saying mainnet is coming since last year, and you can already check what happened at ICO in the charts

Your 6k sat sell point is never coming back and you need to come to terms with that. See a therapist or something, if that's what it takes. It's gone. 6k sats was in the past. Just buy in now, take the hit, and move on.

>from another morrocan, you are retarded

link isn't a get rich quick pump shitcoin it's the future, be patient and watch more and more companies adopt smart contracts, and watch the price go up

Can't even spell your own nationality, baka.

How about an alternative to that that's been mentioned here before.

ChainLink is massively successful, it's just that the tokenomics work out such that it never moons. Lots of companies use it, they just get the other 650,000,000 tokens that are out there, and it never goes past $1.

That's my current nightmare scenario. I'm also unironically 100% in LINK. If I don't make it, I may have to kms.

I’m will be paying segey a visit. I’m sure it won’t be to hard with the amount of time I have to find info on link

What if it never goes past 1 dollar?

That's what I'm saying. That's my nightmare scenario.

Dude why don't you just educate yourself, lmao. That's like being afraid of ghosts. The LINK token incentives aren't some mystery, the information is out there. It's an absurd thing to worry about, honestly.

Im 100% in LINK, if it flops i guess ill go back to living on the road, kind of miss the days i didnt know about crypto. As they say "ignorance is bliss". But we all know here LINK is not going to flop. So I don't miss too much sleep over it.

100% all in. Money and emotional wise.
LINK is all I have to live for at this point, if it fails then there's no point in continuing on.

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What if LINK is the same as the kyber network? lots of hype about a full descentralized market and then it goes as low as 0.2 cent when hype is gone... We know lots of money pass through Kyber but it's still low as fuck in price

>When you're building code as carefully as they are
I have no technical background...so can you explain how you know this?

Or you could, you know, just focus on school instead of failing out because of a fucking json parser.




the hype is the same... people thinking mainnet is coming every week...

Jason Parser, now that's a name I haven't heard in A long time.

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There's almost double the current circulating supply just sitting in storage. That's a worthwhile fear. Use your fucking brain.

Test coverage is a decent indication, but is not the be all and end all. Really you just have to follow the project development and see how things are going on the GitHub.

So what? You'll triple the supply but demand is going to 1000x in mainnet

Fear of what? Would you not buy LINK if it already had a 1B supply? Would it actually affect your decision at all? Because it wouldn't affect mine.

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I'm with you, but what if the demand does not outstrip the supply literally tripling?

>what if the demand does not outstrip the supply literally tripling?
Do you have any understanding of what Chainlink is? Have you done even the most rudimentary research?

fucking hell pay attention

I've been here since September of last year, yes. I also have a background (inb4 phd) that lends itself to being able to digest all of the technical stuff pretty easily.

I've been a crypto zealot for years.

You're a brainlet and your FUD is bad, the rest if the circulation will only be slowly added to increase adoption of the network, the release of extra LINK is welcomed

Isn’t this flawed in that it is assuming that LINKs price would exactly equal the value of the markets it deals with

Thats not a proper answer user.

>the rest if the circulation will only be slowly added to increase adoption of the network
We HOPE, right? But what if all of these large banks that are partners are just going to be given the rest of the 650 mill tokens, and it takes like 5+ years for demand to start to pick up outside of those that already have their tokens?

Yes its flawed. The use case for muh bonds is bond insurance not the fucking bonds themsleves.

I'm pretty sure it's only gonna be released to private clients though not for public consumption.
Either or its all going to get locked up in staking and nodes so tokenomics will be fine.
Everyone's panicking when they really just need to chill and wait, paint a bowl of fruit or something.

ChainLink is not only the Ripple killer but the version of Ripple that crypto has always deserved. Instead of bending over to serve the banks, ChainLink created a truly decentralized product, and the banks will need to join crypto instead of crypto joining the banks.

Not only does it preform Ripple's single, narrow, and fully cucked use case BETTER -- ChainLink is the first decentralized Oracle that allows anyone to securely provide smart contracts with access to key external data, off-chain payments, and literally ANY OTHER API YOU CAN DREAM UP.

Anyone can now engrain off-chain data directly onto the blockchain in a DECENTRALIZED way and use that data to directly inform trustless smart contracts. This is the skeleton key we've been waiting for to actualize the blockchain in real world use cases.

Whats the price for someone to use this revolutoinary service?

LINK tokens.

And you don't think that demand for the oracle running Accord and Web3 and ZeppelinOS and dozens of others to the extent of basically being the established industry standard, with a multiple year head start FMA on decentralised oracles and also a whole suite of second layer computing/ smart contract execution products based around Town Crier, and which is still valued at under $200 million in a bear market with almost zero moonboy attention, let alone normie attention, which has huge internal incentives to stake tokens and remove them from the market, as well as requiring all payments to node operators to be denominated in the token...

You don't think that demand could outstrip a 3x in the token supply. Right.

The reasoning is that the mcap of LINK has to = the collateral requested.
The amount of collateral requested will be a certain percentage of the value of the smart contracts, anywhere from 1-100%. It will be closer to 100% for higher value smart contracts such as those from the financial world. You can disregard because that is irrelevant and he is missing the point. The point is that the smart contracts that would be enacted via LINK would be so enormously valuable in USD, because financial markets are enormous. So only a small % of financial markets needs to use LINK and only a small % of that needs to be collateralized, and still we get insane token valuations for LINK.

I'm not saying it can't, I'm saying WHAT IF it does not? You can't possible know that it will.

This isn't like "10% of the tokens", this is literally 300% increase in the number of tokens. That is not insignificant.

That's like saying we suddenly have three times the world population, "surely it can't have any effect".

I don't know if you're doing the reverse fud thing to milk shill posts out of me but either way I'm bored now.

>from one ooga booga click clack to another.

What if it does?

Don't do that, don't be stupid

Holy shit, that actually makes perfect sense.

Here's a quick layman rundown using hypothetical numbers.
Big Company A & B both Stake 1 million usd worth of collateral (25% of the total smart contract value).
If 1 Link Token were worth 1 usd it would require 2 million tokens which is inefficient use and when there is a large volume of transactions happening in a short time frame its impossible.
So the Link Token will more realistically be worth 10 - 1000$ per Token to allow more traffic and reduce "Token Lockup Issues".

I’ll just keep working and doing stuff but I’ll be dead on the inside or more dead.

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why did they let just about anyone buy link in the first place?

I imagine they needed to pay for wages, flights and conference halls etc.
Also selling is a good way to advertise and some whales will set up hopefully secure nodes.
[spoiler]and to make us rich because sergey is a bizboi [/spoiler]

It woudln't be decentralized if they didn't. If it's not truly decentralized, then you can't really trust it.

You have found the oasis in the desert. But you will be tempted to sell. All I can say to you is hold on to your stack for dear life. The temptation will be strong, but the humble shall be rewarded.

The ICO was a formality, if they didn't have one they couldn't call it 'decentralized'

thanks and checked when are you going to sell then and how long do you think that will take? I saw someone say smartcontracts won't be mass adopted till 2030s. if so we've got a long road ahead of us.

> a valid fear is that if cl is successful it will only be worth $1 bil
You're a massive fucking retard and you should just sell your bags because you don't know the first thing about this project. It will either go to 0 or be a pretty huge cornerstone for smartcontracts. Filter out all link threads while you're at it.

I have 100k and I'm staking it all to begin with, I'll start selling my node income when the token price is around $50 minimum

>mfw will literally begin robbing armored cars & banks as "backup plan" if no moon

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I have over 100k and I'm staking it all in the beginning, I'll start selling some node profits when the token price is over $50. Also smart contracts mainstream adoption happens in 2020, not 2030, pic related

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>a pretty huge cornerstone for smartcontracts
Which are being used for what exactly? Oh that's right nothing. You're acting like this is a sure thing when in reality there is little to no demand for smart contract technology. Could that change in the future? Maybe. But it's a long way off.

I guess your pretty much set I have under 10k not enough to stake so I'll have to hodl and hope for a $100 or $200+ price

> there is no usecase for smartcontracts
> decentralized oracles wouldn't be used
Jesus christ just fuck off back to plebbit with the rest of the dumpster scrapings.

I have a poorfag stack (low 5 digitis), I don't plan to sell any of it. I got into the LINKpool crowdsale and will stake ASAP. I plan to never touch my principle and only live off the staking gains once LINK is in triple digits. I'm deluded but I think even I sell the potential short. Anyone that tries to give a price estimate is basically pissing in the wind. There's never been a utility token that had real world utility before. So at the risk of being verbose I'll start selling my staking gains when Sergey Nazarov is a household name.

All this trust in the fat beta cuck loool

That fud is kinda legit though, you know how corporations take ages to accept new technology. It may be another 20 years before smart contracts are in wide use. Even the internet took that much time to finally be accepted in the mainstream.

It's not even fud it's reality. I'm holding a big LINK stack, bigger than either of you children, but this is nowhere near the sure thing you deluded fedora tipping fags think it is. Best case scenario it's a year away from being adopted in any meaningful way.

All in fuckers

>im holding a big stack of LINK
>there's little to no demand for smart contracts hurrrrr
Literally kill yourself you fucking brain dead faggot

im going to put only 2k usd so i can laugh both ways if it goes ok or if it burns down lmao

this, suicide insurance in case it moons, although even if/when singularity occurs there will still be time to load up before normies even know what chainlink is

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>My plan B will make me rich as well, but ill probably end up dying

Nice that’s like having KK and 3Bet but then folding to a 4bet shove because you think someone else has AA topkek stay poor

Link is the backup plan. My current plan is less grandiose, but would allow me to eek out a small existence. If link fails for some reason I'll probably just become overwhelmingly neetish and do artistic things

doesn't that mean the value will be artificially based on normies investing rather than value from adoption from companies, and wouldn't that be volatile and potential bubble?

Said the emotional over leveraged "investor" with his whole life riding on one shitcoin gamble

that's my main fear too, since it's unlikely you would be able to cash out without getting rekt in some exchange

Lol almost exactly the same reasoning, train of thought, and writing style 2 mins apart
Could you try to make your samefagging a little less obvious? Is this your way of compensating for your subhuman reasoning skills? Pretending that someone agrees with you?
As I said - sell your stack and fuck off. Filter all link threads.

they have a point though. no real reason for mainstream instituitions to adopt link. even if they do it will reach like $10 max.

>no reason
>what are bond issuance costs

>"I too hold a large stack of something I don't believe has any demand"

I own 500 LINK but I’m also considering investing in SBT or whatever that soundclouders bronze token is

> i agree with the samefag concern troll because dude trust me
> n-no real reason for institutions to adopt link
We get it, brainlet. You fucked up your trades. You sold at 7k- and just can't catch a break. It happens to amateurs sometimes but it's no excuse to come on here and embarass yourself instead of just getting back on the horse again.

Chalk it up to experience and start over. You're not a quitter, right?

you mean the next pajeet scam token

Yes you got me user I'm samefagging just to trick you into selling a coin that I also own. It's either that or I'm just being realistic and you can't handle anyone saying anything negative about your precious linkies because you showed up crypto late and it's your last chance at "making it". Get fucked loser

I've placed a bet on LINK because I think smart contracts will be adopted at some point in the future and I hope chainlink will be default oracle when that happens. Neither are guaranteed. Far from it.

>I also own
>b-b-but its a shitcoin

> hurrrr i'll pretend to know nothing about this token I own, fellow token holder
> y-you're the loser
Excuse me? Is this coming from someone who is such a newfag tourist that they thought we wouldn't notice samefagging?
I'll say this again, since you're slow and still insist you can hide behind spoons
> Sell your stack
> Filter link threads
> You are too stupid to be here

See how angry and aggressive he gets when challenged? This is how simpletons and teenagers act. Which one are you little linklet faggot?