Reply to this post with "I accept your deal, Satan" or all your coins will dump for eternities.

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No need, I'm already a son of the church of night

I wont so this.

that's baphoment you pleb

You wish. Satan is a libertarian, AKA: pro-crypto

Let them dump.

praise mammon
oh wait, that's the golden bull

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No. Fuck Satan.

thats Eliphas Levi's Baphomet

>aka ye goat of mendes

Its not a satanic image you historical ignoramus.

Begone satan!

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Clearly we're not at despair yet lol
And no fuck your deals

I would rather die poor. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.

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dis a message

I refuse your deal and banish you to Duat where Ammitt shall feast upon you. The LINK singularity will save all anons.

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when I'm being an edgelord I say Hail satan but truly I am for the Jesus

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I accept your deal, Satan. Please bring me wealth.

I accept your deal, Sergey


Baphomet isn't Satan. Satan would want you to do as you wish without regard for anyone but yourself. Dieties probably aren't real. The concept of a soul is more of an abstract relative of innocence. Words on a board won't bring you wealth, motivation, drive, and passion will.

I accept your deal, Satan

wy u post so spooky pixtr fren

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5.0 rolling in as we speak. Do you hear the sirens?
They didn't know. You anarcho capitalists can sing your shitty anthem for the last time.


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fuck satan
God is good! amen

Sleep tight, porker!

I accept your deal, Satan.
My lucky number has always been 6 as well. Not even joking.

begone, evil. i reject that grip you have within me and within this world. i have done many things im not proud of but i will never deal with satan.
may God have mercy on us all

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Praise Satan

heck off i don't accept your deal

>betting on some wannabe usurper that gets killed by an angel since God can't be bothered
How do I short Satan?

>not exclusively worshiping kek and praising him every day

fucking plebians

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No one cares about your kike on a stick.

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