imagine thinking Bitcoin will replace USD one day. imagine being that fucking stupid. if the USD crashes from hyper inflation, no country is going to use a digital currency that's controlled by china
if anything they'll just create their own national cryptos that will be stable coins, not some centralized chinese unscalable piece of dog shit with most of the bitcoins being held by under 100 people that can dump the price to zero at any moment. you think the U.S. will make use Bitcoin when they're in a trade war with china? LMAO the delusion is real
>b-b-but muh chainstink!
newsflash: no ones going to buy some shitcoin called chainlink as a store of value, they're going to resort to what they know is 100% guarantee which is precious metals you fucking buffoons
if the USD crashes we will likely go back on a gold standard if Trump is still president because he's said a few years ago that he wants to do that.