Bought this thinking it would be the next Paypal 2.0...

>bought this thinking it would be the next Paypal 2.0, new standard of triple ledger accounting for all firms in the world to use, fast and cheap streamlined payment requests etc.
>watch my portfolio go from 5 digits
>to 4 digits
>to 3 digits

Wtf Jow Forums.... Actual bankers throw themselves off buildings when they lose 50%.. This... this is some next level levels of JUST. I can't even comprehend how much money i've lost

Attached: request-share.jpg (1440x784, 40K)

>these guys will succeed the paypal mafia

Attached: 1_jF9tSA4hgYqR3IfPxbJAqA.jpg (844x1500, 426K)

This was the strongest sell signal I ever saw during the 18 months in crypto.

What is the value of this project as measured in shrimp?

does anyone here actually hold this or are you all LARPing pajeets?

kek that faggot on the right is taking a photo of his dinner. literally braindead NPC fresh out of college retards

Most of the redditors already fucked off, so probably not.

We funded Request, we pay your expenses, we always wait with emotion the next update; all in order to be part of this project and this community. Everything to support the decentralization and be part of something big (also because of the money we expected but, to be honest, I came for the money but stayed for the team, and now I hodl mainly for the mods).
-More than a year after, no signs or even a word about governance.
-More than a year after, I only speak with the mods (which the team clearly said they are not part of the team), I see comments from Robbin occasionaly, 3 comments from Romaric and one from Benjamin. I have never read a real-time comment from the team I invested on for over a year.
-When I joined discord I was excited thinking the team will hang out there eventually. After a few months, less than a handful of comments from all the team together.
-Today, the only difference with a centralized organization is that with them at least I could get some shares of the company.
I feel like the team does not even know the community exist. I know the mods are here to do that more effectively. And they do a f….. amazing job, all of them.

The team are just ghosts for me. In my honest opinion, that is a lack of respect towards the community.
As an ICO investor, I lost my confidence in the team and I feel disappointed. I really hope this letter helps the team improve. There are other things to say but I don’t remember them now. Maybe for the next post.

which one is admreq fag?

>now I hodl mainly for the mods
Now this copypasta is some true clutch at a straw reddit-tier cope.

The guy with the face that says "these french motherfuckers don't do shit. I guess I'm going to have to save this fucking token. Why did I invest my life savings into this?"

holy fuck the entire year fell apart for me man. i really thought this coin would take off, but no. also im failing out of college lol

>reqtards paid for those betas so they can feed their workwaifus mozarello


I'm really hoping this fish tracking thing pulls through

>tfw you bought in at the very bottom.


Attached: 1540435876763.jpg (960x960, 73K)

>paying the meals for some sluts that are in the "developer" team


Attached: de8.jpg (400x320, 19K)


Attached: HAHAHAHAHA.png (600x580, 360K)

Bait and switch. These faggots need to be dropkicked. Anyone in Amsterdam?

Pic related is REQ. I can almost guarantee they will exit scam next year.

Attached: whitepaper-actual-product-release-production-blockchain-ico-sad-but-true-35033691.png (500x562, 171K)

Sell and cut yor loses

It’s fine to lose money speculating when you are young, gives you tough lessons about the real world. Don’t fail out of college though, bitch

reqtards have small brains they have stockholm syndrome they will never drop this "paypal 2.0"


Attached: mr-burns-laughing.gif (176x144, 1.81M)

We got no man skyed

Attached: no-mans-sky-759.jpg (759x422, 66K)

ok ill try



Why do they call it “Request Network”?

Some zoomer on reddit uniroincally bought REQ at $1

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>Some zoomer on reddit uniroincally bought REQ at $1
i unironically had normie friends text me asking me if they should buy REQ when it was 75 cents kek. i told them to buy LINK instead (a few of them did, pretty sure they're still holding lol)

alright guys, ive held this coin for about a year now and have some serious issues.

>At the beginning, req was shilled as paypal 2.0, it would have way lower transaction fees than other traditional fiat-to-crypto gateways and would be instantaneous, allowing normies to use it (retard proof)
>req would allow you to request payments, which could be seamlessly plugged into websites like amazon, ebay, etc. to pay for shit with any crypto you want
>loads of partnerships
>no word on fiat to crypto at all, they ignored the question which was the most upvoted on their AMA
>little progress achieved, mainnet was launched way too fast IMO
>several partnerships have bailed out(wikipedia, also whens the last time they mentioned PWC???)
>and on top of all of this, they have consistently dumped on investors, selling off millions of dollars to "fund" third party projects of which we have seen absolutely no progress aside from a third rate extension for fucking shopify
I've come to terms that req is a shit sandwich, but im still not selling. i wont buy any more until i see actual progress though.

PS, the team used to be really open and communicative in the beginning, offering insights into what they were doing. They were one of the most transparent teams in the industry which made me trust them more. now the updates are short fluff pieces of no substance (mozarella, the latest update about amsterdam and an HR manager, etc.)
Also the subreddit is censored like a police state because the fact is that long time holders such as myself are fucking pissed and tired of req continuing to give us absolutely nothing. Like seriously, if we were just given SOMETHING that would give us trust in this coin people would latch onto it. I used to think they had something up their sleeves, under NDAs etc. but the fact is they have nothing. I realize what this project is: A farce. A bunch of college kids made an ICO, got millions of dollars and went on vacation in singapore for a while enjoying $25 mozz, monkeys, coke and hookers. They realized that they have no idea how to build their idea. I suspect the reason they have relocated to Amsterdam is that they want to go home now and quietly exit scam. fuck these guys man.

PPS, sorry for blogging and ranting but I'm pissed off man. There is currently no reason to hold this token. Other coins have burning mechanisms, governance, staking, and other things that make it lucrative to hold the token and drive up price. REQ has a burning mechanism but no one uses it so it doesnt work. They used to talk about governance, but notice how they haven't said anything about that. If they actually cared about the long term health of the token they would address it more, but they haven't, because they know the token will be gone in under five years. They aren't planning long term at all.

They did talk about governance, of sorts. "Gateways" from v2 presentation are REQs governance/escrow nodes. Learn to read blogposts without having everything force fed to ya

Don't fail out of college. Do whatever you fucking can to graduate. I failed out and it ruined my life. You don't know how much better life is with a college degree. My brother and I had almost exactly similar lives, even IQs within a few points of each other. He graduated college. I didn't. He now makes 250k a year at age 23 and I make 40k a year at age 26.

the same thing is going to happen to almost every alt. Take VeChain for example - where do they go from here? Interesting to see how will they plan their exit.

>learn to read blogposts without having everything force fed to ya
this is what literally every deluded bagholder says when confronted about anything with req.
>hurr they have partnerships but under NDA
>durr they are working on crypto to fiat but dont want to say it directly
why would they be discreet about it?

I hodl 30k Req
Bought @25 cent.
Not selling though untill $30/token.

so you're never going to sell them?


What I don't get is how the team actually thought they would achieve Fiat this year and now completely switch gears saying it's too early? So that means your original whitepaper was too early and a complete and utter farce.

V2 is a euphemism for “we failed and are going to try starting over with btc integration.” fucking scammers

Yeah I wouldn't doubt some people killed themselves if they bought at $1 or watched it to from 3 cents to a dollar and didn't sell


College at work introduced himself as crypto trader. Proudly he told her he invested his dads money in request when it was 80cents

prove it you deluded req fuck. paid shill mod

Keked so hard

these people just keep failing. this their 3rd failure starting with monetys. they should be prosecuted. abstract tornado too

KEK i don't understand why this board hates abstract tornado or if its the same shitposter blasting him over and over, but I find it funny

Attached: B4E5E226-0660-43B7-BD01-FC3270861C6D.jpg (750x1016, 419K)

he is one fat motherfucker. look at him eating on that pic. he even use tongs to eat and that's not even his plate. he took plate from admreq who looks sad and that fag with a glasses next to him is like wtf.


AT, we hate you you FAT FUCK, because you're 1) Useless and 2) You can't stop sucking the team's dick
At least AdamReq builds something. You're a redditor. Kys

KYS AbstractTornado

Great news.

This is my point here.

The only thing that has me hanging on is the fact I bought at 3 cents.

But I held from ICO, through $1.20 back to 3 cents.

It's not an outright scam (I hope) so all I have to do is hold to the next bullrun in 2 years.

It's clear that the ICO period was just a blatant money grab. A way for junior companies with no hopes in hell of securing financing through the (((regular))) means to seek public funds.

>2 years

Attached: wj6j7ox6ano01.jpg (298x403, 30K)

Serious question, is there anyway I can request my fucking money back?

Attached: 2E659B76-9C1F-4101-B8C7-500E1E6DCEF6.png (486x552, 83K)

I hodl 62k with 25cent break even. The only thing more disappointing is FUN

6K REQ here. I held since ICO all the way to $1 to the steaming pile of shit that it's today

I screencapped this thread

100$ EOY 2020

Seems obvious as fuck but they didn't think about that before they started?

>fish tracking

What the fuck do we DO guys

Attached: images (1).jpg (225x224, 4K)


There's no way you actually believe this.

I wonder why the REQ team does'nt ask /biz for advice on how to run a blockchain business. There are so many skilled and talented individuals on this board with so many great ideas on how things should be run.

Well, stay poor.

Shut up abstract holy shit your writing stlye is so fucking obvious