How did he grow his hair back?

How did he grow his hair back?

Attached: elon.jpg (915x610, 144K)

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Amazing the plugs you can afford with $20 Billion.

Transplanted from his ass

has anyone got these before? can you tell their fake? i mean if you look yourself in the mirror, will you be able to tell their fake?

t. balding at 18


How do I deal with balding? I'm 27 and diffuse thinning. Should I just shave it all off? I'm not ready for this bullshit yet ffs

Wish someone would ask him

Healthier lifestyle, possibly biotin/vitamin H. He could have a full beard if he bought soundclouders SBT though.

How much surgery has Elon gone through?

Once you reach 500 million+ net worth, you unlock medicines and technology not released for the general public.

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I don't really believe it's a hair transplant. I think he's just wearing a hairpiece.

they cut out a chunk of his scalp and transplanted the hair follicles to the front

Nice trips. Take supplements with Biotin already in it. 300mcg daily.

Thicker hair in about 2 months.

Also wash your head a lot. Moisturize your head. Use gold bond lotion on your scalp.

Power of solar energy

This is all bullshit but thanks anyway based snake oil salesman

How many decades til hair cloning is viable?

Not true my grandad was close to a billion. Bald as fuck... died at 93 though

With $$$

This except don't wash your hair. Shampoo and conditioner are jewish tricks

But does your grandad care enough to fix his balding? Unlike Elon, maybe he's okay with balding. Or maybe the technology during that time is not good enough.

I saw an ad for stemcell hair transplants here in Florida

No, ingesting biotin isn’t bullshit at all. Rubbing it on your face is bullshit.

Hair growth oil doesn’t exist, it’s all about your lifestyle and moisture.

no it's mostly genetic

*das is good*

minoxidil + propecia, no other way, you can try just minox if you're afraid of propecia's side effects but all the natural methods are a bunch of BS that people will tell you to cope with their bald heads

it was subsidized

Hair transplant with Hasson & Wong


Jow Forums here

I saw this thread and just wanted to point out hair systems (aka wig)

They sell those that you basically glue to your head, and you can go swim, you can get your hair pulled by a girl you're fucking, whatever.
Every 10 days or so, you need to take it off, clean it, shave your head and re-glue. The whole process takes about 45min to an hour once you're used to it. One hair system costs about 150-200 and will last about 4 months.

Just letting you guys know in case you wanna kys

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verga y mota

Faggot. Too much of a social stigma to wigs. Get a fcking HT with Hasson & Wong, Dr. Feriduni, Dr. Bisanga or Dr. Koray Erdogan and you are good.

this guy gives me the fucking creeps

he is harvesting hair off 3rd world pajeets

Or you can just drink your own piss and have the perfect medicine for free.
It's not popular in America because it can't make anybody money.

They have baby blood transfusions. Not kidding.

he is rich enough that staying bald would be more of a fashion statement then just making an appointment to get some new hair or however it works. balding is for poor people, rich people who try to be trendy by looking poor, and for people who literally give no fucks about their appearance. but then again some people look good balding, like patrick stewart, elons typical male pattern baldness wasnt a great look. also looking good sells the product and sells the vision because people are dumb. im from a country where a guy got elected prime minister because he had great hair, i know the power of hair. he would be a fool not to seize that power for himself.

i dont trust self driving cars though, too much abuse potential. i can see the road we are headed down with that one and i dont like it.

Hair transplants are fucking spoopy

another reason why its not popular is that urine tastes like piss and also where is the conclusive, not anecdotal, evidence that drinking your own piss cures anything? its the shit your body was trying to get rid of and you just put it back in? why? how is that even conceptually supposed to work?

if you are convincing enough you might get me to drink my own pee

I have some bad nasolabial folds, smile lines, and crows' feet and am getting forehead wrinkles, too. What can I do about them?

Seems like for a man, if you can avoid getting wrinkles and keep your hair, you will look young.

Hair systems and hair transplants keep your hair but I don't know wtf to do about wrinkles. I use sunscreen and moisturizer. Maybe I should also use glycolic acid and a nighttime retinol prescription?

I check bald truth talk every 3-4 months, have been doing this for the past 5 or 6 years. Found this just now:

Does anyone have the background to tell if this histogen stuff is bullshit? There was the occasional post about it going back yeeeeears but this recent one says it regenerated hair and may be commercialized within a few months?!

Anyone know where we would go to find a doctor who could get us in on this?

Finasteride. You can buy it with your cones if you cba to go to the dr.

creams are a meme/jewis trick imo, botox if done in a smart way can do wonders, but you cannot go full retard with it because you'll look like Ken doll or the Bogs

>if you are convincing enough you might get me to drink my own pee
Jow Forums in a nutshell ladies and gentleman

same way I grew a 3rd set of teeth.

I went down a huge autistic rabbit hole researching methods of getting rid of my terrible acne and ended up stumbling on a bunch of anecdotes from people claiming to cure all kinds of shit with their own piss, which I thought was total bullshit.
But I kept digging. There are a couple of books out about this. Here's one I found a free PDF of, there's one that cites more specific studies you can find on Amazon whereas this one is a lot of personal experiences from the writer's patients.
Japanese or Chinese (can't remember, I think Japanese) isolated stem cells from human urine and grew a tooth with them (believe these are two separate studies but could be wrong).
After all that shit I was like, fuck, maybe I should just give it a shot and drink my piss already. People say it can cure cancer, high blood pressure, asthma, extend your life, and keep you from getting sick. So I researched and became convinced it wouldn't do any harm to drink a few sips of piss every morning.
It doesn't taste good, you are right. But I think of it like this, a lot of people take pills every morning even when nothing's wrong with them, and I'd rather drink my piss every morning and know that it's keeping me healthy without side effects.
And it has been. I haven't gotten sick, I've felt myself get infected but a couple of sips of urine and it goes away immediately. It's more soothing on the throat than any medicine or tea or anything I've ever had and it works immediately, undeniably.

Red light


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There is a bioweapon affecting the fertility of the white ethnic europeans.

Balding is a side effect.

iv been taking a 5000 biotin supplement for 2 months and im still balding, i also cover my head in coconut oil and let it sit for 30min. this shit aint workin

Stop jacking off and get on fin

For anyone wondering why theyre balding at 30.

The medical argument is that urine is a balanced filter of your blood and when things go wrong in your body, like a virus replicating itself, the snapshot of what your cells are supposed to be in your urine helps it fix itself rapidly. The small amount of stem cells gets any part of your body that has been damaged or has gotten messed up on the right track.
Obviously drinking your piss won't make you immortal but it will keep you in good health and will most likely extend your lifetime.
Your pee pee is unironically the fountain of youth and I have been struggling with the thought of telling family members I know who have life threatening illnesses to try it because I mean holy shit.

Im talking completely bald by 30.

>all the natural methods are a bunch of BS
Nah peppermint oil works just as good as minoxidil but it won't turn your face into a chewed up piece of leather.

How do you use it? just rub the oil all over your head and let it sit?

It will burn your scalp if you apply it as is. You have to mix it with a carrier oil like coconut or avocado. About four or five drops of peppermint oil for every tablespoon of the carrier.

Stem cell injections

I got it done, it's much better for a 30+ year old because if you are Caucasian it's going to be a little bit thin. Like you can see through the hair because the follicles are spaced slightly farther apart than you would expect. Maybe I just need a touch up surgery.

Other thing is that there are two versions. One method leaves a fucking 18 inch scar on the back of your head so you cant shave your hair down too much. If you pay double, you can get a scarless hair transplant where they transfer the follicles one by one.

As you keep balding you will need more surgeries too. I would do it again, but it wont leave you looking perfect.

asshole hairs are course and curly. those are clearly not asshole hairs. you should probably go through puberty before posting, child.

Learn to use face muscles. Don’t tell me you go around all day and just let your face sit there and hang?? Doing nothing? Use it or lose it bucko. And not just the face, the muscles surrounding your head. I need to make a YouTube video about this, Too much text to explain and you fuckers always spring for the quick ‘fix’ instead.

thanks i will try this.

If you're not too far bald, take propecia/fin. You'll stop the balding and maybe grow something back.

you mean the muscles that move your ears? i read about this but i still cant figure out how to do it

urine therapy

It's probably just PRP where they take blood, put it in a centrifuge and reinject the platelet rich plasma and nutrients into the scalp. They probably just mix that with stem cells. Not sure if it works at all. Probably wouldn't.

Why not just get this shit?

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Yes those are very important. Just keep working on it. They may be muscles that have laid dormant for years, a lifetime even. But you won’t be looking like a tired curmudgeon all the time.

Fucking thank you someone else knows

Got some hair plug transplants from Grimes' unibrow

Hey man, I was right where you were at 18. Shit fucking sucks, because I had no job, family sucked, and on top of that my confidence went to absolute zero. The balding was the cherry on the cake.

All of this included 4 years of severe depression. Any money I scrounged up I'd get drunk. People really dont realize what hairloss does psychologically to a man.

The best advice I am going to give you right now-- while you're young, pursue other avenues that will give you self confidence. In the end, thats all the women will care for.

Study hardcore on fitness, perhaps dabble with martial arts, but just focus on the physical health and mental health. Do not even think about doing drugs.

If you have the money and you still got hair in the front, rogaine will take care of the back in 6 months. All of this shit is cheap now, and widely available as generic products. I am 36 now, and all of this was very expensive.

Best of luck to you.

ive never once seen signs of balding in myself but fuck, balding terrifies me.

Rather be bald then with impotent dick, this shit is terrible for your health.

nofap and water fast

You'd save so much time and energy if you didn't want to regularly fuck.

He bought DAPS

this. you can literally keep your hair and all u have to give up is part of your erection. hookers don't care if u fuck them with a limp dick either. minoxidil is the shit.

>Look at this loser who doesn’t have high blood pressure

Yep it's called birth control, and they don't make you bald.
Sand niggers and niggers multiply like fucking viruses because they don't care about that bullshit. Also if you give any living organism free food and free time they'll start fucking and multiplying.

sex pervert hair plugs

Hair transplants of course. This is very very common. Even for beard and small sideburns, which makes a look more masculin.

because it goes bad over time

>minoxidil but it won't turn your face into a chewed up piece of leather.
I don't know who came up with this meme about minox but I'm above 30 still looking young as fuck and a heavy minox user

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Here's the real non-meme advice:

1. Get on Finasteride (1mg every day), Minoxidil twice a day (1ml Morning and Night) and Nizoral 2% Keta Shampoo (Every 3 days).

Side Effects: Virtually zero from Minox and Niz but your DHT will crash on FInasteride meaning you may not get erections and have ZERO LIBIDO.

Try it for a few months, see how it goes, if the Finasteride is causing too many sides, stop using it.