How many of you are literally ALL IN bitcoin or other crypto? I'm about 70% in crypto...

How many of you are literally ALL IN bitcoin or other crypto? I'm about 70% in crypto....thinking of putting another 30%, the last of my life savings, into BTC while it's on sale. Thoughts?

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All in LINK have been up x3 the past 4 months.

Why the fuck would you get BTC when it's being abandoned?


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50 / 50 BTC / Snowblossom. Patrician's folio.

>70% in crypto
>thinking of putting the remaining 30% in

Absolutely, unironically, unequivocally, irrefutably, undeniably retarded.

Why you say that? What if this is the bottom, then its a great time to go all in.

>what if this is the bottom

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You'd have massive balls, depending on how long you worked for you money. I would only do this if I were on the edge of suicide, i.e. had nothing left to lose in every other aspect of my life. But if that describes you, might as well go for it -- if you fail you'll just kill yourself like you were originally planning.

Me. 100% crypto. 21 club pure. 2 btc various shit coins

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Crypto is about 5% of my portfolio and will stay that way for the foreseeable future.

That's me, but I earn fiat - so I don't really care today's price

I would be comfy holding that other 30% in fiat at this point...

Still, this is the time to be buying if you're one of those longterm people. Either buy now or wait for like 5k or 4.8k or something.

I'm 100% in Opacity.

All in stellar

100% in XRP and nothing else. No regrets.

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Timid stock market trash need to stay in their containment thread
Biz is for big dick crypto risk takers only

I sold both my kidneys to invest in bitcoins. I'm felling really dizzy at the moment. My eyes have turned yellow. If bitcoins don't take a sharp upturn soon, I won't be able to buy my kidneys back and will have to purchase Chinese on the Darkweb. Who the fuck knows what the quality of that is? Is it even human?
My point is I am all in!

Bitcoin is the safest bet, but smart money is all in on RPX

>she doesn't even go here

ultimate pussy
5%? fucking dumb normies stay poor for a reason

Mfw already hovering between natsoc and ecofascism

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>Sells low on bottom of 1 market to buy top of another
Never change Jow Forums

Always over 70% in btc and 10-15% ethereum depending on how much it crashes today. The rest is shitcoins

15% here atm, great time to have fiat on hand.

all in btc yes

All in on anything is retarded as previous user said. I have crypto and fiat and stocks and bonds, and a reliable car. May pick up some metal soon and if real estate craps again I'll probably buy some REIT. Diversity brings restful sleeps and green wojacks.

I'm all in. I have been putting 30% of my paycheck into ETH and BTC since July. Just bought the dip and picked up a BTC at 5400. My portfolio was over 200k in January.. hoping I can get it to 500k+ next bull run.

I just put in the fiat I set aside from selling a chunk a few months ago. The rest of my portfolio is down of course but the 50k I put into a 22 million market cap coin (Hydro) will make me a millionaire. It’s about 80% of my portfolio but I sleep well at night knowing where this will go.