I gonna share my gems, share yours frens

My absolute unironic gems are as follows.

1. Quant ( King, will literally form the new blockchain universe. The Avengers of Crypto.

2. Snowblossom. Don't be put off by the shilling, its justified. Developer of Satoshi Dice has cracked Asic mining and will form a structure that will form the base of online sharing social media future. Its not actual the media, just the infrastructure for people to build on. Huge winner imo.

3. Nerva. Maybe I'm being an oldfag and nostalgic for the little guy becoming huge but this small project has solved in a simple way how to solve the mining centralisation issue.

What you got Frens....Not bullshit bag holds please. Anything Good I will add to an ongoing list of gems were all should run the fuck into. I want to find more real good shit not just trying to pump my bag. Yes we might have to wait for the bull run to start but nows the time to find the gems. Lets go...hit me up faggots.

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Quant... I meant King of interoperability.

All of these are highly shilled bags. Stfu you mouth breathing chink

>the avengers of crypto
I-I don’t know where to begin...

Fuck off faggot, They got shilled cause someone believed in them and shared. You can't shill a turd. Though 90% on here is...

Its just a simple fucking Analogy to help people get the idea quickly you reddit anal faggot. 50% here wont have a fucking clue if I just say Interoperbility.

guys is how you stay a virgin forever.

Married with a lovely wife and kids, 3 million in the bank, Been in crypto since 2011.

AMA faggot...

Why do you feel the need to be a larping nigger? Are you Indian?

You don't get it do you?

Why are you keeping the money in a bank? You wanna end up like Cypriots?

Why shill your bags if you have a lovely family and enough money to stay away from this Cambodian pant hemming imageboard forever?


I will retire on them

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>you can't shill a turd
>shills shilled turds

Cause I assume you are talking from a position of not experiencing having a lot of money I will tell you. The game never stops,,,,,If you think it did why do whales exist?

And while this place is a mixture of incels and manga loving tentacle porn fucking disgusting pieces of shit it also is probably the best place to hunt for small caps.

Bitcointalk was my hang out for years but its pure third world bounty whores now its a cesspit, makes Jow Forums look like a Cambridge University lecture.

So where else is an oldhag to go? Reddit? fuck no...they are clueless.

Good to see another oldfag invested in Nerva. I love that project, only thing I have mined in years.

check out snowblossom for mining too. I'm a tech noob and so never mined ever....sad but true. You need free SSD for it i think..

REN seems like a true gem but the fact that you need 200,000 tokens to run a node puts me off

>Buy my bags: The thread.

always do the opposite of what biz says - the post

Cause ur a noob im gonna accept you think im shilling when actually I really am handing you pearls which I know will moon AT some point.

Just so you know I've been in crypto for years and have about a 9 out of 10 rightly success rate at finding gems. All of the above have a major innovation and I dont care really what the fucking website or how many team members they have etc. its all about that core innovation. So im not selling anything here. But you such a dumb fuck you can't work that out...lmao.

I'm actually here to find new gems....go on give me your gems so i can fucking laugh my ass off.


1. Dero - smart contracts on cryptonote (launching in less than 6 weeks now)

eh fuck it ill give you the rest that havent launched but will be huge as well;

you buy these, youll make it in 2020/2021 durig the next bull guarenteed

you're old, and a fag, but you're not an oldfag.

I talked to the dev of that one a few weeks ago. The size of the snowfields honestly put me and a bunch of other people off mining it. I may buy some though, it does look good.

best gem of all
x10 any day now

It hasn't launched yet, but look into grin too.


Pic related

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>no chainlink
Opinion ignored. But best of luck to you.

grin is shit. you have smaller blocks, sure. but thats not the bottleneck of privacy coins. the bottle neck is cpu verification of all the ecc. you have to do thousands of scalar multiplications for bulletproofs, pedersen commitments, signature verifications etc.

the tps capacity is still slower than bitcoin's.

Here's the problem with that. Zero innovation. Just mashing up others innovation into one coin ive found is a losing idea. Short pump only...

Fuck radix. Ive followed the dev for years. Some kind of perpertual stable coin for him to get rich...

what other innovations are there in the space to be made? theres only been three so far
>bitcoin itself
>eth (turing complete scripts)
>monero with ringCT + cryptonote (anonymous transactions)

everything else is just incremental improvements on those tech. but, fourth
>Dero (turing complete scripts + monero)
is a big stride

its innovative in a way because its using wasm instead of EVM but then eos already does that i guess

ABT platforms will be what draws institutional investors into crypto. As it so happens, SLT just finished voting on their first ABT on their platform yesterday and it will be annouced in a week or so. Look at the charts for SLT, the most recent btc dip didn't phase it whatsoever, this is because its value will be 100% derived from the tokenized assets on the platform and not the price of BTC.

yeh im sure its a scam, but it doesnt mean there isnt money to be made (claims to have solved state sharding but idk). the supply dynamically changes so you can still make the same gains.