Femanon here, I lost everything

Femanon here, I lost everything.
I fell for the

>muuhh jihan haz le hidden hash power

I have lost all my savings. fuck you, ROger, scammer thief. I thought ABC was legit. I thought ABC was the obvious winner. I'm lost. and now, after all this lesson, I listen to craig without Bias, and he, as megalomaniac as he can be, is Right. his vision, be he satoshi or not, is based.

I feel betrayed.

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Get yer tits out or fack off

literally have no clue why you're not all in link at this point...the writting was on the wall...

You can just give your pussy up for $500 an hour.

You'll be fine.

Women “””investing”””

Next time, stick with chad.

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post a pic of your cunt and ill ship you some ark


How could you ever have looked at that shitshow and thought investing in it was a good idea?

Kys whore

What is femanon?

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are you guys new?

Just be a housewife you goon. You can just spend all of my money instead in exchange for cleaning and cooking.

>inb4 200 reply thread because its OP is larp

>Femanon here
You have no power here attention whore

Just use your pussy to make money.

thanks incels. my only way out is selling drugs.

hello, m'lady

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Lmao women make shitty drug dealers

Femanon here. All in on LINK with 16k stinkers. Join me, sister.

get ya fuckin tits out 4 da ladz

let men do your investing, we generally do more intelligent choices

just camwhore on omegle/twitch if you wanna make some easy money

I wish I had a vagina. I would just escort and put all the proceeds in LINK. Easiest life ever.

>men make more intelligent choices

Men make more high-risk choices

>blaming someone's technology because you made the wrong trades

this is literally why people start wanting socialism because they are fucking idiots

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I'm not the other guy
will send some link
send the email to [email protected]
along with your eth address

not really because they can also whore themselves out in case they need quick capital.. also prostitutes get asked if they can find drugs a lot

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