Any news today?

Does anyone know of any LINK announcements today?

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go outside and come back in 2 years kid

go back in time 2 years and come back outside kid

Word on the street seems to say there will be

go kid outside and 2 years come back

Blythe Masters is speaking at a banking conference in Frankfurt today. Her name was removed from the list of speakers within hours of an user spamming that she would be attending. So maybe?

here's an announcement: we're going sub $.50

go come kid and back in outside 2

Link is like tulips to me!

LinkMarines report!! No joke my good friend is the guest of a billionaire this weekend who started an investment equity firm in NJ. He’s open to talk about anything. I need info and questions we should ask/discuss

They're announcing their new BigMac tokens at the McConference.

go come on a kids back for 2 years

Go bang a 2 year old kid and get out of jail in 20 years.

Shill some copypasta

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I’d recommend looking into the Azure release today. Lots on connectivity between ETH, Hyperledger, and other blockchains...

spit it out faggot

i feel scammed by link already

Haven’t found anything specifically stating links the connectivity piece yet... gonna look through the source code later to see if the Link MIT license is in it


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Go outside and come on some 2 year old kid

In outside kid back years and come 2 go

what are some websites you get your announcements from? I'll add these to

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