Constellation - IBM / Red Hat Partnership (under NDA)

Dear user,

About a month ago, I gave you a little secret about a little partnership between Constellation Labs and IBM. I got a lot of hate back then as I didn't have any solid proof in hand aside from IBM and Mozilla panel in TechCrunch and Hyperledger.

Now here's an update for you: the team has a left a bread crumb (pic related) and included IBM/Red Hat in their presentation. Now don't go get me wrong, they haven't announced the partnership yet due to NDA. And in case you didn't know, IBM has already acquired Red Hat which is yuge by itself.

As an user in the know, don't tell me I didn't warn you, Constellation is about to pull off an $XLM - Stellar marketcap once they announce the partnership which can translate to a minimum of $3 per $DAG. It's up to you now, user.

t. user in the know

Attached: qweqwsllfs.jpg (701x384, 77K)

Here's a bump for interest.

there was someone in the trader tg last week saying dag buyers were literally committing suicide

This shit is going to dump so fucking much next month. Your fake FOMO news isn't going to save it.

No one's trying to save anything. If it dumps next month it dumps. Within a year's time, this is going to pull of a Stellar $XLM. Screen cap this shit

Well I can put few hundred $ in with these prices just for laughs, if your right it's at least one Lambo more.

do not buy this trash
dag is confirmed scam

$XLM Stellar was tagged as a scam too back then, look where it's at right now. Good luck!

good luck getting rid of your bags

Thank you!

nice try faggot

Everyone not putting in at least even 100 USD as suicide insurance (because it will do x10000) is an absolute retard.

>suicide insurance for a shitcoin

Hahaha this garbage will never moon only exit scam

Think bigger. DAG will surprise you. I actually know what’s going on.

No you dont all you know is you are getting pink wojak

>team has zero crypto experience
>team has zero business experience
>Day trading funds allegations never addressed
>Team has no money to survive 1-2 years
>Team lies to its community repeatedly
>Team cant stick to a simple deadline
>Team doesnt even have a COO and cant afford to hire one of the most important positions in any company
>Former CEO left under shady circumstances based on a lie
>Team pays people to spread lies in TG and social media

Between the day trading fud, lack of funding, and the token dump on Dec 1st this shitcoin is in a death spiral it will not recover from.


Geez, calm down man, we believe you! lol

Been following dag since day one. All of this is actually accurate. Their bagholder bingo game is next lvl.

CEO disappeared for 3 months
> Great we don't need a CEO anyways, now we can focus on the tech. It's completely normal in SF for a company with $30M funding to have no CEO. Something something blah blah tech gonna be lit in 2035 yo

Whole company killed in a plane crash
> Fuck yeah bro, now the team is in heaven with no distractions so they can stay deep in the tech. Plus angels are notoriously amazing coders and the team will be rubbing elbows with Steve jobs bro

Fuck this team, fuck this community, only an idiot would buy suicide insurance on a gaurantee loss.

There are better odds a raccoon will solve quantum computing

what the fuck is this shit

Attached: nice team faggot.png (857x557, 329K)

Bagholder bingo is the cringiest shit I've heard in my entire lifetime. You've got to be more creative than that plebbitor LOL

The use green text and the spacing uggh fucking plebbitor, I'm out

Bagholding Bingo Champion Identified. Cant argue against the facts but loves to attack the verbiage. KYS faggot

> CEO daytrading posted by an user in /biz - heard as rumour in NY
> Believed the shit like the U.S Constitution
> samefagged since September
> Calls himself "a man on a mission"
> No ethscan to prove daytrading
> Going to SEC with a bunch of /biz screencaps

I believe you based boy, guess buying at ATH and dumping at ATL made you go back to your mom's basement and wagecuck. LOL

Holy fucking hell. I was actually quite interested at the beginning of the thread but your reactions tell me that I should not touch this with a 20ft pole

Nope you shouldn't, go buy FTM instead user

With FTM, we can hold hands and go to the moon, we'll watch the earth go up

This is one of the main shills from the Constellation TG. This motherfuckers bagholder bingo skills are legendary. If the coin hit zero and the team publicly announced an exit scam this dumbfuck would be shilling even harder than he does now. He has been saying the same shit about buying, suicide insurance, next golden bull run, etc over and over again. He is the same dumbass that said they dont need a CEO and even if they lost all their money day trading he would still keep his investment. This is not an unbiased opinion, this is a paid shill working triple overtime.
According to him this has been an excellent time to buy every day as it dropped 97% since and hes still saying it. Only 3% more to go faggot.

What bag are you holding right now? We can shill it both together man, so you can get out of your mom's basement, I miss you! You've stopped samefagging for 2 weeks, what happened to you?