Why do people hate on Mcmansions? I think a nice home in the suburbs with a 0.25 acre lot is nice.
Why do people hate on Mcmansions? I think a nice home in the suburbs with a 0.25 acre lot is nice
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you could describe castles in the same way. how practical is it to live in a castle in 2018? that's the future of mcmansions
Depends on who you ask. Some people think they're a sign of a wannabe. Others, like millenials, often can't afford any sort of home and want small, so these big places are seen as completely impractical.
I'm not sure if my house qualifies as one, but it's fairly decent sized, corner lot with a big waste of a front yard and I very much regret buying it.
To me, housing is simply a box you buy to rent out for passive income. But actually putting hard earned money into one for your own comfort is stupid. If I didn't have a wife, I'd probably buy the cheapest condo I could find and just live there.
McMansions are typically cookie cutter subdivision homes with cheapskate construction that have been inflated as a sign of prosperity. They're everything wrong with excess and people just love to hate them.
why do americans call them "mcmansions"? its just a mansion.
It looks a bit tacky. How sturdy is that thing ?
The one thing I don't like is that my neighborhood keeps tearing down a lot of cool older homes to build these mansions, then tearing down those new mansions 5-10 years later to build entirely new ones.
I swear half my town looks completely different from a decade ago.
>cookie cutter
We don’t care about comforts, were freaks!
Because they're cheap, built with plaster and wood, and are built to look nice. so they'll fall apart after twenty years, rotten and mold-ridden.
McDonald's is cheap fast food, McMansions are cheap disposable housing.
>1.5 car garage
Poorfag detected.
Because it's cringe, it's just like niggers wearing counterfeit Gucci accessories, not only everyone know it's not the real deal but your pathetic attempt at pretending that you rank higher in society as you really do annoys everyone.
Listen europoor, if you think OP is a mansion then you don't realize that this is a middle-class home. Yes, that is right. We complain in America but don't be fooled, we are still wealthy and our shitty middle class homes we make fun of are mansions in your shit country.
Just kidding fren, but pls consider coming here and we will show you mansions of the upper middle class
My euro mind can't understand this. Who would buy a house that will litteraly rot away in 2 decades ?
Mutts are just a bunch of golems driven by short term satisfaction, there is a reason they are the fattest and most indebted people on the planet with an almost vitriolic desire of consuming anything that their masters tell them to.
Baby boomers. Gotta have a biiiiiiig house with twelve bedrooms because that means you're rich and successful
(house falls apart around you due to cheap construction, built in the middle of nowhere, spend hundreds heating a house because glass and plaster aren't exactly thermal insulators) crack sip
It's cheaper to replace with a new one rather than build with good materials the first time. This is because of the consumerist mentality where new is better. This is also why Americans lease cars and get a new one every 3 years
Stop the Jow Forums bantz I want an answer.
Honestly would spending a bit more on materials be less bragworthy, especially if it prevents your house from losing value ?
>It's cheaper to replace with a new one rather than build with good materials the first time
I doubt it ngl.
You'd never catch me living on less than 2 full acres
A mcmansion on less than an acre is for new money who still stinks of peasants taint
>prevents your house from losing value
Houses always lose value from wear and tear, weather concerns, etc and it's a constant battle to just keep the damn thing in decent shape.
>Houses always lose value from wear and tear, weather concerns, etc and it's a constant battle to just keep the damn thing in decent shape
My family house has stood for fucking 6 centuries so far. The roof itself is 2 centuries old.
>Houses always lose value
OH buddy I work construction and lemme tell you a house like in the OP, without the brick facade, would cost probably about 30k in materials to build. That's it.
These houses have walls made of 2x4 framing and 5/8" sheetrock. All of them even the exterior ones, except those also have fiberglass insulation in between the studs. All the floors are 1/2" plywood. All of the framing under the floors is 2x6s. No brick or cinder block in sight, except for the basement/crawlspace foundation walls.
The brick facade is an illusion. Building a house with exterior walls actuslly made from cinder block would be vastly more expensive.
Trust me these houses are paper and popsicle sticks
>would spending a bit more on materials be less bragworthy, especially if it prevents your house from losing value ?
Baby boomers, the generation that mortgaged their children's futures, aren't exactly known for being forward thinking
'climate change, who cares I'll be dead lel' and so forth
overpriced shoddy construction for middle class morons who live way outside their means. Rich people aren't actually buying these houses. Its marginally well off people trying to look richer than they are
Do you regret getting married? I got married 3 months ago and I'll probably miss the random hookups but I love my blonde blue eyed wife.
Exactly. It's the white NPC equivalent of wearing a giant chain when you live in the ghetto.
DESU most people just hate on them because they can't afford them. Same as all the "hated" expensive things in life, such expensive cars or yachts.
Unquestionably yes. I can see marriage working for some men if they're retarded enough to want children. But, don't get married if you want someone around that has your back or if you want to be part of a "life team" so to speak. I don't believe that women think like that. You are simply a foolish donkey that has been tricked into servitude.
And keep in mind that as far as marriages go, mine isn't too bad. For some men, it turns into an openly-hostile warzone. I knew a co-worker who committed sudoku and later found out it was because of the pressure his wife put on him.
There's literally no reason to do it.
Hate them because I can't afford them. It's the apartment life for life.
I noticed the walls. Actual brick walls would look better than that. How much would cost a house like that with actually durable construction materials ?
Not even germans can have such a bad taste
Because the can't afford them
Base models start at around 300k and that's after you buy a 50k lot
roastie and roastie's kids
if you dont have a family to house to buy a fucking house
Marriage is like betting everything you own on Bitcoin SV on november 14 2018.
They do though. The location / land may contribute to appreciation (but in many cases not even), but without a constant flow of dollars into the upkeep, the value of the home decreases. I've benefited greatly from high appreciation after the housing crash, so I've seen the gains, but I don't contribute much of that to anything I really did to the house.
Worse yet, the most important systems like furnace, A/C, roof, etc don't make the home "pretty" so you won't even get close your money back on these updates. This is why home flippers concentrate on low-cost cosmetic shit because it increases the selling price.
Doubtful. That's the price of a 150-200sqm house made with real building materials in the suburbs of a large city in western Europe.
Here they're 3 million plus.
Depends how durable we want to do things. If you want all exterior walls in cinder block or brick, poured concrete floors, something that's actually sturdy and weather resistant then I could see a house of that magnitude costing 150k in materials alone. Even just concrete isn't cheap. For a project like that you wouldn't buy some ready mix bags at Home Depot, you order those big cement trucks that have transit mix. A few trucks carrying enough concrete to pour just the concrete floor of a garage could easily cost 10k. That's why you hear of public works projects like libraries or hospitals being built the costs run into the tens or hundreds of millions.
That doesn't sound very expensive though, especially by american standards? Where is this? It would barely buy me a cuckshed here in sweden, and definitely not a cuckshed in the capital
Does everyone who’s married and has kids say shit like “my wife and kids are the best thing to ever happen to me!” As a cope? Like would being alone and just having a dog and your hobbies be more fulfilling? I’ve dealt with enough women to know how much of a meme they are but biology still kicks in for me wanting to have a partner/constant sex.
Raising a family is seen as the measure of a man in many cultures. Raising a kid is one of the most fulfilling things you can do.
Living alone with your hobbies and a dog is analogous to the roasties who hit the wall at 30 and never get married and live with their cats. They baby the cat and dress it up to simulate raising a child but it's not the same.
Raising a kid is like having a dog who slowly learns to talk, except that dog is literally a part of you.
Kansas City area
Great breakdown of why McMansions are bad and you should feel bad too.
Seems like a comfy place to be.
NPC response if I’ve ever heard it lmao. “B-b-but that’s what society says you should do!” Yea so you become a slave to the system even further to provide for your kid, wife, and take out a mortgage to house them. If I don’t like kids in the first place why would I want to do any of that just because society says? (Let’s keep in mind how retarded the majority of our society is btw). I understand the biology need to it as it’s engrained in our DNA from 1000’s of years but we’ve advanced beyond Neanderthals and this planet is already overpopulated and getting worse by the day. I’m guessing you are a parent?
Lmao look at this so-yboy manchild. I guess you get more time for your vidya games.
That is a very good question. I think some of it is lies when the wife is around. And there are a few (stupid or maybe brainwashed) men who probably genuinely think like that. And I think some of it is just me.
I've always felt like life was nothing but a struggle to survive and legitimately just want to escape it. My partner is pretty happy, go-lucky lady which I thought would be a good balance for me. But all it did was made me feel like I was the only responsible one and now I get resentful. Still trying to make it work and am trying to "let things go" a bit more, but I can't lie that it eats at me.
This guy right here. Maybe sexuality is nothing but an inherited mental disease.
You do what the fuck you want. It simply means you'll die alone without a family, your own genes never passed on and be forgotten.
You'll never teach your kids and grandkids how to build a cabin, you'll never see a little part of you grow and learn.
Ask me how I know you're an incel
>gen Z
>ad hominems
>no rebutle
Your generation is the biggest generation of SoundCloud nigger worshipping betas in existence. You all think you’re depressed, don’t lift and your only interactions with women are leaving heart emojis or trying to “slide in their DM’s” because your too pussy and autistic to talk to them irl. Seems like you are going through your Jow Forums phase, when you grow up you can talk with the adults little boy.
>Yea so you become a slave to the system
Yeah maaaaaaan you're like a slave to the system maaaaaaaaan
>calling others an "NPC"
You're a walking talking stereotype my dude. Off yourself.
Now that's something reasonable and I bet this house would lose much less value over time than plaster and wood.
I mean, plaster for inner walls is fine and all but you need actual concrete blocks on the outer.
The measure of a man comment regarding a wife and kids could be seen as npc but why do you think that's the mainstream pov? Why isn't the mainstream thing to do just play video games in your underwear all day? Why did kings have sons and heirs when they had so much money and power they didn't need to?
There's a good reason behind it that neither you nor the npcs understand. They follow through because that's the npc response without understanding why. And no I'm not a parent, not yet, but I realize the value in creating life and carrying on my genes. We live in a society, it is the biological driver. Wanting to carry on your genetics and perfect your children in your image so they one day rise among the ranks and become leaders of the world is the driver. Of course it would be easier to think only of yourself, completely tap out of society, go live in a cabin in the woods in isolation and enjoy your hobbies until you're 80 and decrepit but that's a childish way of thinking.
If you're man enough you can have a wife and kids and nice house and still have time and money for your hobbies. It's just Npcs don't because, as you said, the majority are fucking retarded.
Maybe someday you will realize the importance behind starting families. It is easier to live in isolation but it's not the way life has carried on
Says the guy who just wants to play vidya all day
why not having them both ways?
the girls are overweight hicks, the pay sucks, and there's nothing to do
Quite a few low IQ brainlets ITT that have never studied psychology/evolution and thought for themselves I see. Were hardwired to want kids to pass on our genes yes, again those of us who aren’t literally still monkeys should have the consciousness to question why am I doing this?
>hurrrr you will die alone
Lmao you know how many old folks get stuck in nursing home by their kids anyway and die alone regardless? Shitty cope
You wouldn’t believe me if I told you some of the shit I’ve done with females this year but whatever makes you feel better. You argue like a woman just so you know.
Notice how the NPC’s attack and lash out at viewpoints straying from their own/the norm? My man I completely understand the importance of the family unit. unfortunately the way our society is going, having a strong family unit is quite a daunting task and in a world with a 40-50% divorce rate and the education/media quite literally brainwashing kids it seems like a useless endeavor for someone like myself who doesn’t even like children when I can spend my time in the gym, reading/learning, meditating, creating art etc.
It’s the housing shit all over. People where/are buying up plots of land subdividing into Siberia community’s then putting cheap/fast construction houses on them. Rinse and repeat.
T.dad was in construction in the good ole days. He would walk around with 15k cash in his pocket just cause
You sound like a stereotypical NPC teen with a high-school level in philosophy trying to be edgy and nihilist. I can smell the sweat from your unwashed metal band tshirt from across the internet. Don't worry you will grow out of your phase one day.
But why would anyone want to BUY a consumable house you need to change every decade or two ?
Housing prices are so messed up that you can tear down an old house and rebuild a 400k one and it will instantly appraise for over a million
By your logic might as well kill yourself now since you "enjoying your hobbies" is simply wasting resources since you won't be productive.
If everyone had your logic then humanity would be extinct in a generation.
Do some reading.
This is where we're headed because of people like you.
Not him, but those studies are about the bad effects of overcrowding. If you want to avoid that, shouldn't you be against reproduction?
I'm not sure if I'm following your logic
Again, who would buy a wood and plaster for 1 million ? It's pissing your money away.
Don't worry he'll kill himself soon enough from severe depression.
>links study on rats about how overcrowding causes a societal collapse to refute someone who doesn’t want to have kids because the earth is already overpopulated
Lmao these are the people on Jow Forums and other boards screaming about their trad wife waifu and large families they are going to have
>Name calling means I win!
My man you literally argue like a fucking woman. Just because someone has a different view point on what they want to do with their life doesn’t mean you need to get all bent out of shape. Do you lift? You might want to channel all that pent up aggression into something besides calling people names on the internet.
They were more about the moral decay of society brought on by limitless resources and not needing to fight for your survival. I see huge parallels between those studies and modern society, America has not had a war at home in a long time. In times of struggle, families /clans survive by sticking together. It sounds counterintuitive because that means more mouths to feed but its the truth. This comment sums it up well
Smart man. So glad I didn’t fall for the marriage Jew. Falling for the college Jew opened my eyes enough.
>Just because someone has a different view point on what they want to do with their life doesn’t mean you need to get all bent out of shape
I'm not angry, I'm amused.
Leftists always expose themselves in these threads.
Marriage is a potato-tier decision for a man today and children are only worth having if you are rich. If you're kids aren't born financially independent then you are cattle and should be ashamed for bringing more slaves into the world.
When I make it I might have some kids via surrogate but I would never, ever get married. Giving a woman the right to take half of your shit and ruin your kids and is just retarded as fuck, hilarious how tradcucks try to defend this system.
>the rich and powerful in society all have wives and families, kings and nobility since the dawn of time have had heirs
>the rich and powerful in society all went to college (Inb4 you meme me Zuck and Gates, I'm talking all of the fortune 500 CEOs)
>"glad I listened to the advice of neckbeards who work minimum wage jobs while living at home with their parents and posting on anime websites"
Lmao are you hearing yourself? Instead of trying to imitate the top of society you want to follow the bottom of the barrel
I'm poor but I had a son anyway. I'm not getting any younger and I don't want to die without leaving someone to carry on my name. I never married and she is gone, so it's just him and me. I don't regret my decision.
also sounds nice to me man
Because they are ugly as hell and built with shit materials. They are designed from the inside out but not from a functional perspective, just to get as many rooms as possible in the same house, while having some tacky towers and shit on the outside
I see what you mean. Comfort leads to overpopulation which leads to suffering. But in the absence of war or other hard-times 'corrective' event, isn't not reproducing still the best thing to do?
Then your country gets invaded and you probably get killed by the invaders because you are an old useless retard.
This, maybe when I have a mil I’d debate having a kid but most women these days are not mother material and it would also mean an extra decade of wage slavery. Most trad cucks reeeing about kids on here don’t care about that though and would rather you be miserable so there’s more white people since they won’t pass on their genes because they look like pic related.
The chinese trying to wash their money and the newly well off whho want to show off their newfound thousands.
It is not a mansion. That is a normal-sized house for the upper-middle class in America. We call them "mcmansions" because we're trying to say something deep about capitalism, or architecture, or whatever. We're basically just a bunch of pseuds.
Where do you live, and how big are houses normally?
I don't think so. From an economic point of view yes. It makes sense. But it isn't possible, good luck ever getting the 7 billion low IQ people on this planet to cooperate.
The way I look at it is raising a family is like playing God to a mini society. You must think of more than just yourself, you must think of the greater good and how to benefit all in your society. This then extrapolates into benefitting your community, and therefore the world.
Raising a family keeps you working towards a goal. If you've ever had the opportunity to be NEET then you know that it is thoroughly unfulfilling. Yes of course you have time to do everything you want, all of your hobbies. But that's not what life is about. Life is about the chase, it is about constantly growing something, having projects. If you don't have that then you will certainly develop depression and think what is the point of it all. Suicide is most prevalent in first world countries where people have everything they may possibly want, not 3rd world countries where people suffer.
If you've ever played a video game with achievements you know you have fun while grinding for the achievement, but soon after beating the game you simply get bored. Life is a game and it works the same way, except instead of achievements in a game it is either building a business or a family. This is why billionaires choose to keep working. They like the feeling of fulfillment in their lives from building their business. Normies, on a smaller scale, get that same sense of fulfillment in raising a family.
Hmm, so I guess we do need to keep watering the potato farm to generate soldiers. For some reason, that's a bit depressing. We're all trapped in a sense.
>t. Sun tzu faggot romanticizing his 9-5 slam pig life
Top fucking kek. I take no ones advice, it was my own choice. Made the decision not to marry almost 10 years ago. Feels good man.
so basically your intense fear of death, even in the absence of any immediate danger, drives you to want to create an additional consciousness or multiple additional consciousnesses for the purpose of potentially extending your own life in some imagined scenario?
Not him, but trying to emulate the lifestyle of the rich and powerful will only make you broke. Just because Warren Buffet bought a new airplane, doesn't mean that it's the right decision for everyone.
No, personally I just want to have kids and raise them well with my soon-to-be wife.
>letting the browns overpopulate and eventually overrun the land his forefathers died for so that he can have a hedonistic life of a little bit more comfort than having a strong proper family
You are no different than baby boomers, self centered and short sighted instead of thinking of the greater good. Remember this when in 20 years you feel like a foreigner in your own neighborhood and when in 30 years Muhammad is beheading you on your own front lawn while you're surrounded by 100 million browns
Lmao literal cultural/societal suicide. There is no white genocide. It's a suicide. Good goyim you've been indoctrinated by the overpopulation meme very well. Too bad Rakesh doesn't believe it and he has 9 kids
Because county homes with views are better.
More classy, and you don't have to deal with city cops, hobos, refugees, gang bangers and street walkers.
Here is my pending home for comparison.
You're right, because your poor you can't emate the rich, it's much better to idealize the 4channer whose most expensive possession is his gaming PC.
No one's saying buy an airplane lol. And if you are too poor to raise a family then you're right you probably shouldn't have one, because then you end up on welfare and my taxes end up raising your kids. If only everyone subscribed to the idea of "if you're too poor to have kids then don't have them." too bad Shaquisha never heard that and had 6 kids by age 22
Sorry boomer, you tricked me into college and you won’t trick me into buying your over priced wooden boomer box. Enjoy the 3d printed housing revolution driving your boomer box value into the low 5 digits.
Brown people won't be able to sustain their populations you fucking retard. They're all inbred and will get rocked by a major disease cause by terrible hygiene. Fuck off with your tradcuck bullshit, nobody here wants to play Captain Save a Ho.
Why are childcucks so insufferable? Is it an innate need to justify their shitty life choices?
>he thinks the price of the house is high because of the materials it's built with and not the land
Lmao material to build a mcmansion costs 30k. There's a reason an empty plot of land in the suburb of a decent sized city goes for 500k+
Brown people will sustain their populations by doing to you what Hitler tried to do to the slavs, go learn some history.
Enjoy your extinction, drone. The genepool won't miss the good goys.
>400k for a shack in the middle of nowhere
>in a city literally named Borning
>3 car garage but not a single bit of pavement anywhere
imagine how jelly you gotta be to make a site like that
>t. 30 years a slave