We will all make it

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ohshit should i buy

This man will forever be my hero

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I remember when that was posted. Comfy.

yes user, what are you waiting for

It will be a sad day when he inevitably passes away. I hope I pass before he does.

Same. So hard to tell if Jow Forumswas different, or I was.

just bought 50k

im fucking shedding a tear m8

i needed this today. thanks fren. love u

At times I get overwhelming bursts of euphoria that seep through into my daily life, it feels like it is coming from an external source somewhere that lets me know I have made it. Chainlink enters my mind every time this happens and like to think I am cosmically sending myself this message from the future.

I already know we have made it

Even me with a 1.4k stack, though?

that's $140 million in 3 years bro, have faith
it'll buy you 2 beoing 747s

This post is creepier than all those gore threads the other day

>So hard to tell if Jow Forumswas different, or I was.
this would be pretty profound if you werent talking about something that happend ~ 1 year ago
fucking millenials. ants.

It makes me so sad how many retarded bros from reddit have invaded biz over the past few weeks and ruined the magic of chainlink. I have no words.

That's a very long way of saying "singularity".

I have bad days and good days. Some days I'm ecstatic, pacing back and forth feeling like I'm going to vomit because i know with 100% certainty that I've made it. Like a little kid waiting for Christmas Day.
Other days I get anxious. I feel foolish and slightly delusional. Like I'm in some crazy cult being fed sweet nothings.

My good days definitely outnumber my bad ones. However this ends, it has been a wild fucking ride and I wouldn't change it for anything.

We will all make it. Even if chainlink fails, a distinct possibility true of all things, linkies are the sort of people who are keenly aware of future trends and are guaranteed to find the next best chance at making it, regardless of where chainlink goes

I can smell your cunt.

we cant all make it. only i will make it

All these neets here jerking each other off while dreaming about their future wealth, when in realitiy Link is literally dumping right now.

I'm honestly suprised LINK didn't turn out to be just another scam ICO. Good for you linkies.

Every link post on reddit gets immediately fudded and downvoted. You deserve the repercussions.

No it isn't. It's selfish, but it shows the depth of this user's love for Sergey.

I like your post and completely agree.
I took a screenshot, hope you don't mind, user

I will dab on you user @ your funeral.
Be strong !

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>linkies are the sort of people who are keenly aware of future trends and are guaranteed to find the next best chance at making it

99% of biz linkies are absolute fucking retards who are holding link only because they happened to be in the right place at the right time and had chainlink shill posts constantly rammed down their throats by the 1% of link holders who are actually fucking smart and who unironically do their own research

Regardless, we will all fucking make it

I don't even own any stinky linkies but that quote from him makes me want to buy.

you'd be surprised how high the avg iq of certain Jow Forums boards is

Municipal marmalade.

I'm aware of that actually, just busting anons balls a bit.

It really is quite intriguing, this social phenomenon that we are witnessing on this Himalayan camel-jockeying imageboard. I remember back in the day(pre 2016) on pol and biz, whenever a personality/IQ thread came up, the outcome was always the same. At least 80% of the anons would score as INTJ/INTP (which is supposed to represent only 3% of the population) and the average IQ score was usually 120+

Yo, I'm new to Jow Forums but LINK is getting my attention. About me: 22y/o, studying engineering, through work + trading saved myself about 150K USD and starting to look at investment oportunities. I did watch some info-vids on smart contracts and LINK. Anyone wanna give me directions to where I can learn more? Or even be kind enough to explain why people are so manically in love with this "coin"?

Attached: pep.png (416x458, 46K)

Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

We'll said brother
I'm tempted to post pic of my dick now
Wouldn't be the first time user. I see screenshots of my posts here every now and then.

Just acquire like 10k and leave it there a few years. If Jow Forums is wrong you're out 5k. If Jow Forums is right you're a multimillionaire. Read the whitepaper.

It is very refreshing to hear this side of a story as a contrast to the subjective bull hype I've noticed to be standard procedure of these forums. I think it is an interesting psychological effect that even though I consider myself to be a highly logical/rational person, I am in fact tempted to act upon these optimistic, encouraging/praising posts, until I contain myself and objectively actually consider the context of the post.

That's ancient copypasta you're replying to.

It's pasta

Go back

hehe, to my defence I am newfag round here


let us get one thing straight. biz is not you. you are not biz. LINK is not biz.

Fucking wow DrainStink holders are literally a bunch of support group cult members LMAO. What a bunch of soppy losers.

Wagie wagie being lazy
Get back in the wagie cagey!
Wagie wagie wasn't stinky
Not done swinging all his linkies!
Wagie wagie back in cagey
Fudding Jow Forums is for the lazy!
Wagie wagie isn't stinky
Timed it wrong and lost his linkies!i

It's pasta, but it's actually real. Don't trust all the hype. Most people shill ironically for fun or because they're bagholders. It's a decent project, but it's going to be obsoleted by big enterprise made oracle solutions. Cryptlets and hyperledger mostly. The memes are the only notable thing about it. Some two bit startup can't compete with the big tech giants entering the space. Smart contracts will be dominated by enterprises, as they don't need or want complete decentralization. Something like chainlink is only useful for people who really value decentralization, even at a significant cost. Look at holochain, the whole space is moving away from costly decentralization and consensus to more efficient, cheaper business models.

You gotta really research it and come to your own decision bud. If you declare yourself new in a link thread people are gonna FUD u just to meme.

you're getting baited
chainlink is an old meme from Jow Forums during the big bullrun that happened last year, it gets perpetuated like crazy to make newfags throw their money away "for the epic lulz"

it's just old classic Jow Forums trolling, honestly, you should just filter these threads if you want a better browsing experience on Jow Forums

cant decide whether this is also pasta or if you really liked your post and just created a new post with this exact text

let us get one thing straight. you are a fucking faggot.

shut up fren. these are not FUD memes they are actual concerns

That one’s real newfag

Exact same way

this is pasta


Based and awake

Firstborn to be named Sergey or Nazarov. Male or female it is of little consequence.

Oh wow, thanks for the heads up! What's a good coin to invest in if you don't mind me asking, since you seem to know a lot about this stuff?

I'm losing hope guys... if Link doesn't work out then I'm outta options. But I still have faith

What do you mean?

I just wrote this. It's all true. Link bagholders don't want to admit the future of blockchain is corporate. The cypherpunk visionary days are over. Small startups can't compete anymore.

Dude I fucking wrote that and it’s awesome to stumble on it again. Glad people saved it cause I was drunk and didnt think it would be worth capping but now I wish I had it.

You just had to wait for your mind and body to catch up with reality in a safe manner.

its literally dumping. hope you sold and made decent money on this p&d. on to the next one.

checked. based and redpilled


$50K EOY

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sounds like he's describing xrp


Thx just bought 400000 xrp

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This guy gets it

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because codius? Or use case?

Its 2.8%, 2% for men and .8% for women. INTJ here

4 years later, still no use-cases for smart contracts other than a shitcoin generator (ETH).
satoshi was right

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You are the reason the bear market never ends.

Same here, word for word.

I know there will be hard days ahead, days where I’ll have to wageslave harder than others, days where I’ll have to save every penny just to get by and make ends meet.

But if I’ve learned anything in life it’s that opportunity isn’t evenly distributed. Sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time.
I unironically trust Jow Forums’s wisdom of the crowd, there’s something about the very nature of this place that puts ideas through a brutal Darwinism. Only the strongest concepts survive, that’s why we’re always 10 steps ahead of things.

Thank you for giving me Chainlink boys, it’s given my life a real chance.

I am so thankful if i get rich enough i will buy Jow Forums
Find out where the mods live auf hire an Assassin on them

Dude I fucking wrote that and it’s awesome to stumble on it again. Glad people saved it cause I was drunk and didnt think it would be worth capping but now I wish I had it.