Every single bitcoin bubble has retraced to the previous ath

>every single bitcoin bubble has retraced to the previous ath
yet you fags think this is the bottom. we are going to at least $3k.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-13 at 09.40.02.png (690x468, 490K)

Other urls found in this thread:


the absolute state of bears.

What was the previous ath

Attached: 70C8B203-EEB8-4AA7-AA2B-DB05FE243BB3.png (556x712, 16K)

it's going back to 19,886$ if you read attentively.

>at least $300
Completely unironic.

nice to see there are still deluded bulls. thanks for being the fuel for my shorts. you fags have been pumping my bags since $12k lmao


I hold since february 2017...
Still positive...
Stay edgy bobo...

Normies didn't know about BTC in all the previous bubbles

Good luck finding anybody under 90 yrs old who doesn't know about Bitcoin

Sauce on her

Unironically the current lowest low

lol, there have only been 3 bear markets. meaning bitcoin has only ever done that once so far. Could it happen again? Possibly, but it's no guarantee.

i bought in 2014... if you bought in feb your only up like 300% lel. get fucked.

Give me the fucking sauce on her, you phone posting blogger

she looks like my sister exactly


Attached: 1503308469717.jpg (360x343, 35K)

Aye we made it then


from this music video about 1:20 in

>Good luck finding anybody under 90 yrs old who doesn't know about Bitcoin

go stand infront of a grocery store and ask everyone walking in if they know of bitcoin and what it is. no one will be able to.

its been a series of dead cat bounces for the last 10 months. it will continue.

your cockiness will shut your mouth up eventually

>retrace to ath

Just neck yourself already

>retrace to previous ATH
are you retarded or what? i wouldnt expect anything else from a brainlet bull tho lmao

>your cockiness will shut your mouth up eventually
have you been to crypto twitter? bulls and bagholder are the cockiest people in the whole space