0xd0f756e2d96f4: Anons, you have 1 hour to ask me questions

0x99cc0d1f4ed3f1e6d18c130df22fece489b4ab016c33ed53db1ce45880bf4e99, 0x6633f2e0b12c0e192e73ecf20dd0131a30fa31e54314b2e7e4b57a344f76f2a8

Twitter and Reddit are filled with morons too incompetent to understand my proof of credibility. Biz is the only place on the internet which possesses the required intellect. I will allow 1 hour for questions, anons. I will cover everything else in December 2019.

Attached: ACA47AA0-CE46-4AC0-8E6A-C4149884259B.jpg (500x500, 67K)

are traps gay?

Will Chainlink hit $1000

what will my linkies be worth?

wat u think bout link wite boi?

Is Bitcoin SV the real bitcoin?

why can't you just admit that Dave was satoshi, Hal was the coder, and you're the fluffer? you're still part of the team


write date and your name on a paper and post a selfie, might belive you then

Why don't you neck yourself?

What do you think of ChainLink

Should I exit all Crypto and take a 60% loss

Will BCH come back in long term and overtake BTC?


Yes, SV will shine through in a matter of time as the facts trickle down.

Hal is still around. He has been using a faux identity for quiet a while now.

any hope for 0xbtc?

Did I make a huge mistake by not selling in December 2017 and still holding?

Attached: 1471460311577.jpg (234x230, 5K)

What has disappointed you most about the evolution of the market?
ETFs are counterproductive right?
Thoughts on Assange? I am stumped as to why wikileaks is still a centralized service.
Does it matter if Virgil finished his epic?

How do you cook your salmon?

you already know you did brainlet, its painfully obvious

Whens mainnet, Sergey

>1 post by this ID

are you Keanu Reeves?
Why is Chainlink the God Protocol?

A bitcoin maximalist friend of mine kept saying that btc needs to be a store of value, any additional features should be built on top of it like an onion. 'This is makes the most sense', he said. What should I tell him?

Will xrp hit 589?

make a trip so we know it's you when you come back

Show bobs

Will I be able to rape Marica Hase endlesly once I make it?

Wich is your favorite wojack?

Didnt she get ruined by giant black dudes? No tread on those tires bucko

The price of chainklink at 2019

Xrp 589 eoy?

Please to buy my shitcoins, sir?

And vegana

>tfw OP made a great satire post

Tell me about the future of XRP

This faggot didn't even give us any info

pls destroy blockstream

bump okay lets play.
What now?