I've been jobless for 1.5 years since graduating from my business "masters". nothing i ever do seems to work. should i just off myself? serious question.
I've been jobless for 1.5 years since graduating from my business "masters". nothing i ever do seems to work...
i got fired and dont want to go wagecuck ever again. so i put everything i own into LINK...i have enough credit to pay my way through 3 NEET years and then i will be rich and payoff my debt
you got an mba faggot. go start a business with your knaaaledge
dont off yourself, you cant even comprehend the chances of you existing and pushing buttons on your chinese keyboard right now
what did you learn from your mba?
all i ever did was memorize enough theory to pass tests. i dont remember any of it and even if i did i dont think it even applies to the real world.
ok great now that the disgusting pessimistic self pity is out of your system, what did you learn? any broad concepts?
The point of getting an MBA is to network. You didnt fall for the knawledge meme did you?
go be a stooge for some corp for a while, cake up and reevaluate.
i was being absolutely serious when i said i remember almost nothing. i have some "vague" idea how the business world works, particularly finance. I have some ephemeral understand of digital marketing. i've actually gone back to Udemy just to get my shit back together.
Thing is, im acutally applying for interships just to get some real world experience, but even with that i havent had any success.
i guess i did fall for that meme. ive started networking more, but holy hell it sucks when you people dont really want to help you at this point.
How do you even live without any money 1.5 years?
>has mba
>too incompetent to realize perk
construct a decent, non autistic businessness model and apply for a business loan faggot
a real business that includes actual service ie sub contracting for labor/cleaning or business consulting -- nothing based online/ or dealing with selling a specific product
Don't do digital marketing. Business grads who do apply for those positions are ignored. Your best bet is finance/accounting, at least it makes sense with your degree.
i lived with my parents for most of the time, now im by myself but on welfare, in a tiny ass freezing room. if this keeps up, ill start working at mcdonalds or be a janitor.
can you elaborate, ive been applying for dig marketing alot, maybe its a mistake?
You have to market yourself user. You should start with preparing yourself for professional exposure. try networking platforms like Linked In.
>"business" school
>doesn't try to start a business
What the fuck are you trying to do lmao.
>just come up with a business idea
Its not that simple you idiot. I am adept at developing business, but you still need to have an idea to begin with.
everybody that has ever gone through college feels exactly the same after graduating. You're not special
i know, but user was asking so i told him
My friend, who has had a successful job on the manufacturing/corporate side of fashion, is moving and will need to find a new job. She was like "I'm giving myself a year to find a new position." At first I reacted poorly. A year? What the fuck? But talking about it more, it really do be like that. The older I get, the more fragile I realize the world is dude. Which I guess is why people tend to get more conservative as they age. I'm in the shitty situation of needing a new job too, so I guess we have to sit in it for the long haul. Life is gay, hug a bud and fuck a girl
Go back to school and get an accounting degree and CPA , you'll have better chance of finding a job
I’ve been doing a full time digital marketing gig and I’m a first year student. My advice is to become a salesman, sell yourself. If you can sell you can make it in any fucking industry.
Digital marketing opportunities tend to go to pure marketing grads since boomers throw in other marketing responsibilities. Orgs don't care how well you could do the job, they'll pick a marketing grad over you 9 times out of 10.
Also, the skill ceiling is so damn low that salaries are stunted. Literally anyone can replace you, especially if they would do it for free under the guise of an internship. Just go into finance, any finance certifications/experience and your business qualifications will be a great pair on your CV.
Also don’t kill yourself, a couple of years is still only a fraction of your life. You have plenty of time to learn the ropes fren. I’m 19 and I know this, you’ll get the hang of it. Hard times will make you a hard man
Decent digital marketing roles after graduation are hard to come by. The pay as well is terrible unless you manage to get into an agency, or can sell yourself brilliantly. Although as you said, you might as well go into sales if you can do that.
This is true in regards to ‘might as well go into sales’, but what I mean is that your ability to sell yourself, whilst could be utilised in sales quite well, is a brilliant skill to have personally and professionally. Look deep inside yourself and figure out what YOU want to do, then use your sale skills to to get that job, because honestly FUCK sales. Do what interests you, and slowly chip away at it methodically until an opportunity arises. I came from nothing, and the biggest lesson I’ve learnt is that you have to make your own luck.
Infact im off to a new job interview right now, you always have to be reaching higher. Maybe in a few hours I’ll make a digital marketing general I’m sure a few anons would like that.
Sounds like you're exactly where you deserve to be. All that's left is shitcoins - try equal parts KNE, EPA and DS and you can make money 26 calories at a time
>self earn how to code
>use MBA and newfound tech knowledge to get an internship at a tech compamy
What do you actually want to do? You have a generic boomer degree and you've just said you kinda remember digital marketing, but what do you actually want? Do you just want to make decent money or did you have some actual career in mind?