Is there any place in the United States where you can buy a livable house in a low crime area for <$50,000?

Is there any place in the United States where you can buy a livable house in a low crime area for

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There are certain parts of Cleveland that arent bad but you have to know the area

Thanks just bought 100k

If word gets out it'll be full of mexicans before you get there.


buffalo, wyoming

I just searched funda, the largest real estate website in the netherlands. Pic related is literally the only thing in my entire country for under 50K.

Welcome... to hell. Whats the fucking point of it all at this stage. Fuck society.

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That looks commercial. Do you have zoning law bullshit like we do here in the US?

I love in Jacksonville FL and can vouch for a few neighborhoods where you can find something decent for around 50k. Won't be by the beach but it'll be relatively nig-free which, let's be honest, that's what we really mean by "low crime".

I live in the Philadelphia area and many places within 50 miles you can get a decent condo for 100k or a decent stand alone house for 150k. Anything less is pure niggerdom.

Yep, we have very restrictive zoning laws here too. This goes for both the structure itself as well as the ground it's build on.

I've tried the tiny house approach, but a piece of ground with proper zoning allotment costs 200K on average.

It has become so bad, that i basically just gave up on it all. Used to work full-time, i now work 28 hours a week and i try to contribute to society as less as possible. It's either this, or be a full time wage-slave in a hamster wheel.

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the entire bible belt

>but it'll be relatively nig-free which, let's be honest, that's what we really mean by "low crime".

That's true for most cities, except the midwest. Tweakers looking to fund their next fix tend to be white.

Misery loves company, you aren't alone.

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there's plenty of condos in nice areas in places like cincinatti, louisville, and saint louis for a bit more, say 60k-80k

zoek gewoon een normale baan jong, kankerkneus. Ik snap dat 50k veel geld is voor je 16 jarige brein maar probeer het grotere plaatje te zien of maak d'r een eind aan aub


Yes. Small towns in southern Illinois or southern indiana.

>low crime area
>livable (ie. not in the middle of nowhere)

pick 2

Probably some place rural as fuck, "maybe the Cooper boys cook a little meth here and there but at least they ain't niggers"
Try Wyoming?

Rural Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, no crime because nobody lives there and everyone knows everyone

full, sorry fren

east detroit, definitely no crime there, in fact super environmentally friendly, street lamps, and traffic lights always off.

I pick cheap and livable.

Tru ms fag here


>imagine having to live in a pawn shop next to the fire station

Every time moohomud stabs someone or we waz kangz loots you have to listen to those sirens!!!!

>on-ironisch willen deelnemen aan een geïnfleerde huizenmarkt en mensen adviseren hetzelfde te doen
Erg slim domme kontvreter. Een normaal huis kost 200k+ terwijl de boomer eigenaren het voor minder dan de helft hebben gekocht. De salarissen zijn niet omhoog gegaan in de tussentijd. Hmmmm

>crash crash bang shieeeeet
That's all it took for Tyrone to break in and cap you over some trivial issue. Before you moved in he was a model citizen and didn't do nothing

Dat snapt dat domme varken niet. Denkt dat het slim is om nu nog in te stappen.


Northwest Arkansas.

I got mine for 59,000.

2 beds, 2 baths, 1000 square feet. Recently remodeled. Small town 35 minute drive to Fayetteville which is surprisingly nice. I know all of my neighbors and they are nice white 35-45 year olds and retirees.

St Louis nice...don't mislead people

Mobile home rural America but there's no jobs out there

Time to fuck shit up. It's your duty to make boomers life hell.

Nebraska Panhandle
Some really cheap houses there, got mine for 48k, and was in great shape when I bought it. Wouldn't recommend moving there if you don't like driving 30 miles for groceries.

Nig-free? In Florida?

North Dakota


The vast majority of America is rural, affordable, and nigger-free. Cities are liberal cancer. Come home white man.

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>tfw i know a place but i dont want to share cause it will inevitably get rekt by niggers and spics

im moving back after almost 20 years overseas. i hope im not too late and im still not convinced it will be better but ive got family i need to be close to.

Bend Oregon

absolutely based

Oregon fag here. Are you kidding, Bend is a Yuppie boom town, no way you are getting anything for less than 100k that isn't absolute shit tier.

People that grow up and live their whole lives in metro areas never realize that there are more important things in life than money. Some of my relatives were smart enough to move to other states. I would love to when I have a few years of work experience in my field.

The middle of nowhere is the ideal place to live

the thing to do is buy a lot of land for really cheap in a rather undeveloped part of the country. you can buy up stuff for like $1000/acre. then just put a prebuilt log cabin on it for around $25k, then add utilities for $20k, then appliances $5k.

my point is, its very doable, you have to be vigilant when shopping around. everything in life comes with a skill set u have to learn, otherwise you can never accomplish precisely wat u want to do.

good luck user, it is currently a buyers market.

what the fuck I can't find a house for less than $120k in my area (central ohio but not columbus)

damn too bad wooster is so far from me

You couldn't pay me to put up with the pollen that place has.

hawthorne nevada

This feel...
..too real.

Fuck off, Oregon is shit, even on the Idaho border, shiiiiiiit!!!!

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I got 200 acres with a house for 150k. I suppose I could rent you out a few acres for 400 a month?

One of the worst spots in Oregon.

Ik maak me er niet druk om. Ik kan het gewoon betalen want ik heb gewoon mijn best gedaan op school. Terwijl jij de komende dertig jaar paniekerig zoekt naar een manier om niet mee te hoeven doen aan het systeem betaal ik op mijn gemak de hypotheek af en zwem lekker mee met de stroom. Je moet niet naar het verleden kijken. Vroeger kostte een brood ook 2 cent. Die tijd is ook voorbij. Koop je soms geen brood meer? sukkeltje

I really dont think you should mention such places, it might create a snowball effect meme and suddenly a town is filled with Californians

Smalltown Midwest is your best bet

It's the same about everywhere, here is about 1 hour away from Lyon in France, with 0,3 acres of land.

It's something else. Living inner city has its perks, living in the countryside has other.

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Where user

What the fuck's wrong with Capital One? I've been applying for various store and non-store cards and get denied every time. 45k income, 730 FICO, accounts paid for three years, existing credit 12k

I'd tell you but I like that my city isn't full of retards trying to find a better life. But here's a hint for ya. Anywhere in the midwest.

There is a low crime area in the US?