That no matter how much money you make in this market, you will never be able to buy back your foreskin. How does it feel skinlets?
Daily reminder
Actually false. The tech to regrow foreskin through reverse gauging exists.
Look up tlc tugger.
Op kys.
That's very rude considering the fact that circumcised people were literally raped with a knife shortly after birth.
Clopper is a legend
Cope harder skinlet
I’m not a nice person
I'll just buy a harem of uncut trannies and play with all the foreskins a man could ever want.
begone poorfag
>you make fake and gay thread
>I call you fake and gay
>c-cope h-harder
Haha nigger iq must suck to have. Oh well op, gg ez better luck next shitpost.
Richer than you ;)
Better luck next life hope your parents don’t butcher you in that one too.
You were supposed to exit all crypto markets by Wednesday you only had to listen.
i hold more in crypto than your house is worth, but you probably rent.
But I have a foreskin now?
Man living with your nigger iq must be a real drag :)
With enough money they can probably grow one in a lab, or cut the foreskin off some animal and put it on your dick. So there's that. I mean, they grew a whole dick on a mouse didn't they?
> he ddidn't steal and kill a jew baby to transplant its foreskin and fix his mutilated dick
Sheeeit, they could probably even grow you a bigger dick too. Science, bitch.
By the way, why the fuck is this foreskin thing still common? If we apply the same logic (((they)) use to justify circumcision, to other body parts, it really sounds ridiculous. Why don't we all knock out our teeth so we don't get cavities?. Why don't we cut off our toes so we don't stub them? Why don't we all kill ourselves so we don't have any earthly problems? Circumcision is stupid.
I got circed at age 11
There's not a big difference
its just another thing for losers to blame their depression on. Don't tell me some other dude said he felt nothing afterward because I know what I felt and it's not that different.
I believe people make a bigger deal out of it just because they enjoy making others feel bad, or because it makes them feel better. Though, regardless of how it feels, it's not really a practice that needs to continue.
how does the decision to circumsize get made? any parents here? i cant imagine someone having a newborn baby and within the first week the idea pops up in their head that they need to go get part of its dick cut off. never made any sense to me
is Clopper now unironically /ourguy/ ??
Anyone tries that Jew shit on my kid and I will literally cut his balls off and make him eat them. How anyone can justify this barbarism is beyond me
Has all the workings of one epic class action sometime in the future.
Nearly the entire male population holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
>tfw european
>still have foreskin
you amerimutts have no idea what you're missing. hope u get it back