Its literally dumping. hope you sold and made decent money on this p&d. on to the next one

its literally dumping. hope you sold and made decent money on this p&d. on to the next one.

Attached: chainlink pnd.jpg (400x400, 8K)

Cup and handle


Cope and pander



4 dubs. Check em.

>smug Stinky linky index was peaking

Easiest short of my life

I'm thankful for the secret link swing discord

just nope. this is going to the top of crypto and this whole board knows it. stop trying to get us to sell.

Time to buy more

this is a good index, well done user.

Cum in handie

Attached: 1526352558447.png (824x609, 340K)

Attached: 2018-11-17 (2).png (1920x1080, 318K)

>not holding till 2020
weak hands

Attached: 1542438443475.png (2540x3176, 110K)

I think I need to leave this board for a while, it just seems to be full of brainlets.

Anyone swing trading this.. I... just... I don't know what to say, buy as much as you can afford to lose regularly while it's still under $10.

Stop with the all in mentality and you'll stop watching the price 24/7 and might pay more attention to the project

I was swing trading just to accumulate more, the $ price at the moment has no importance to me at all, I don't see how people are complaining at 'losing' money when it's still under 50 cents lmao

Just bought more link, thanks to all these weak hands.

too bad. i already quit my job

The jury is still out. still well within the uptrend lines on the daily chart, it could keep consolidating for a few days

Attached: uptrend.png (1182x656, 31K)

Inexperienced team, lack of programming skill, "decentralized development" meaning no boss or hierarchy so no clear direction, misunderstanding of current tech and capabilities (thinking they could have mainnet implemented by Q2 2018), little understanding of how hiring works or how long things actually take. They need about 40 more employees and can't manage to find one. They hired some roastie whore Adelyn Zhou for human resources recently though. Of course that's not what they need but when you have a bunch of late 30s early 40s men on the team all they want to do is travel with investor money and crush pussy, so I'm sure the new HR girl will be getting passed around by these pieces of shit.

Who makes these kinds of threads? Isn't it clear by now that most stinkies aren't traders and will hold to 0 or glory

People just want attention and can't be fucked researching or actually bringing anything interesting, so they just make threads like this knowing they'll get replies.