Can someone explain what happened with bitcoin cash? It hard forked to ABC and SV? What is that even and who is the real BCC now?
Which coin follows Satoshi's vision most closely now? Or did they just kill the most viable alternative to Core?
Can someone explain what happened with bitcoin cash? It hard forked to ABC and SV? What is that even and who is the real BCC now?
Which coin follows Satoshi's vision most closely now? Or did they just kill the most viable alternative to Core?
SV is the real Slim Satoshi
Btc is the real btc lol
They’re both scammy shitcoins
Ive been in crypto for 2 years now and I have no fucking idea why they keep forking btc then forking the forks and what this bchfork drama is all about, or who even cares, or why should anyone care
do these people honestly think this drama and e-fight looks good to an outsider?
forks split value. bcash is going to half it's prefork value.
there are people trying to destroy bitcoin by dividing and conquer
socialists v keynesians v libertarians v anarcho capitalists they don't give a fuck as long as there is an argument
the reality is bitcoin is defined by the whitepaper for better or worse yet there isn't a single fork alive that follows the whitepaper.
Can't really see this shit working, wwIII it is
It doesn't matter either way, crypto is finished. The whole hash war thing is ridiculous, because they're both going to lose in the end. It's all one big ego contest now between people who can't admit it's over.
Although I have to say, it's fun to watch Craig Wright's pathetic Twitter posts trying to save face.
Wait. How does it's fundamentals differ from btc core?
Bitcoin Gold is the closet imo senpai
>Bitcoin Gold
We need a new white paper and a new beginning.
kill yourself kike
The only kike is you. Dividing & Conquering = pure kikery. kys
The only definition is the chain with the most PoW. Everything else is just bcash shills being lying kikes.
Both chains are BCH.
Once one chain dies off it'll go back to just being listed as BCH.
How can a chain die?
in theory no chain ever dies because you can always start mining on an old chain even 5 years after it has not been mined on.
but in practice once everybody stop mining on a chain, once every exchange have dropped it and once no transactions are broadcasted on that chain, then it is dead.
for example, now when BCH upgraded we got three chains: ABC, SV and also the old chain. all of them BCH but the old chain can be considered dead by now because i think it was about 12 hrs ago the last miner left it. in theory it could come back but in practice it won't.
0xBitcoin follows the whitepaper, is built on Ethereum, and follows the same fundamentals as far as being POW, similar block reward times, and so on.
And 0xBTC is a pure mined cryptocurrency with smartcontract ability.
While BCH and BTC or whoever else wants t divide and conquer here, Ethereum is sticking with what works. Smartcontracts, dapps, and a scalable economy. It's just a matter of when all the kinks and wrinkles get drawn out. That takes time.
Microsoft wasn't built in a day. Crypto needs help and all of these forks and it's just bullshit.
0x is a scam piece of pointless shit. Wasn't it paid for via freelancer? Roflmao.
BTC got kiked and BCH (the real bitcoin) has been split temporarily.
>this token trapped inside another crypto with scaling issues is the real bitcoin
The white paper clearly states more criteria than that.
Is BCH usable right now? Let's say I've had a BCH wallet for a year from which I've been sending my buddy $20 a week. Can I just keep sending him $20 while this hash war shit is on going, or is that going to fuck me up somehow? In other words, is BCH usable right now without respect to which chain ends up "winning?"
Are you still that fucking dense?
>1mb blocks
>lightning network that doesn't and will not work
>liquid sidechain
I understand that you're probably deeply invested at this point, but if you can't logically see how hard you, and the entire philosophy of what Bitcoin was supposed to be, has been fucked - you're a cuck of absolutely epic proportions.
>Or did they just kill the most viable alternative to Core?
the absolute state...
You can use it currently - but I probably wouldn't right now.
At the very least, split your coins. It 'was' very usable and was what Bitcoin was supposed to be. It's getting ((()))'d as we speak though - can't have a global currency that threatens the banking jew.
so, if i have bch on an exchange, i will get some of both forks, or nothing?
Depends on the exchange. To be safe, you probably should've pulled it off to a wallet that you control.
Some exchanges are supporting both sides though.
i had about $200 worth of bch on polo
But that's not how you spell Bitcoin White friend
Jihan, Roger and CSW are dumping on you faggots
if you had to pick which one was closest to the btc vision which would you pick. that (((ABC))) shit turns me off, kind of like Google's parent alphabet, aka CIA. Craig is flamboyant dickhead, but he seems pretty comitted to the vision.
you're the kike