guys, what du you think about this? is it a scam or the next big thing? i'm looking forward to a serious discussion.
Other urls found in this thread:
This shit is fucking strange man.
Atoshima = satoshi nakamoto?
Also there was bigdogg whale that talked about btc whales moving out to a new chosen coin (chainlink)
And notice the logo behind the developers pictures is a chainlink logo?
Also 90k random bots in the chat group?
Something fucky is going on even for a scam
a sage will go to every field
explain this please.
yes its strange ..
Pic related is what im talking about regarding the logo
Also from the previous chainlink thread i found comment from this user
>“The combination of dry code and wet code allows Faythe to exist and operate securely with trust minimization.”
> I listened to Nick Szabo on Tim Ferris and he used both wet and dry code in the same sentence. I’m quite sure this is written by him.
It looks like fucking shit
>Nick Szabo on Tim Ferris
great find friend! the dry/wet code thing is a good hint! thanks for finding it!
god protocol is my second gift to you
but i'm not surer why they are stealing this logo here:
Maybe ol' sergs taking too long bringing the god protocol online with the big dogs, so szabos about to bring it to the people OR it could be another solid project that will use and love chainlink. Also the logos could be them symbolically either 'fulling backing chainlink" OR 'putting link behind them.' Very conflicting possibilities, as a link holder I'm intrigued even though it seems scammy.
what are you up to?
faythes logo is a tad chunkier kek
ego of man has sullied my first. you are watching a battle now, of lies and greed
this will end in the blossom of a new genus of technology, imagined, theorized, realized
Im thinking its either
Well thought out pajeet scam done by some faggy biz kids designed a bit like cicada 3301 with clues thrown about to purposely autistic people like us
Or it could be an actual god protocol designed to flip btc
Or like you said even make use of chainlinks (due to their decentralised oracles idea being key to the success of smart contracts)
You guys can join the faythe ico telegram group and read more on the whitepaper. Its full of bots but there are some interesting bits to learn from their whitepaper and proposal. To me it seems as if these people have a philosophy and idea aligned to the initial principles of the OG decentralized currency bitcoin.
it's weird how some user just posted the website, either a scam or the rabbit hole goes even deeper than we thought
>those digits
O fuk. I think imma go read thru the white paper more closely again and see what i can find
I will help out by posting all the names of the "dev team" which can be seen when u hover over their icons.
from left to right
Also here the link to their white paper which can be found in their telegram group. (DYOR on the bottom of the page? hmm..)
Strangely enough I could not find the white paper on their main website... maybe I wasn't paying attention or too autistic. Idk man.
Some of the extra stuff that was interesting which I caught on just from the abstract alone
>We are an anonymous decentralized movement created to defend the cryptocurrency community. Our goal is to fight cryptocurrency censorship, public manipulation and corporations forcing governments to protect them against decentralization. Faythe is funded by the people and represents the people. Our work will ensure that our rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected by law.
> By Atoshima Konsato
>Such a system would also be able to handle the inputs and outputs of a functional god protocol. Similar to the nodes running a blockchain, a growing network of oracles could provide consensus for validation of third party information. For such a system to be deployed it is important that its creation remains decentralized and anonymous. (possible chainlink connection?)
Holy fucking digits, theres gotta be some juicy info hidden in those retarded names.
I went all in. Only $2k though. I see this as my chance to get on a moon mission so I can get serious money to invest
That's not shday at all user...
Where did you find that screen op?
google image search - i guess it's from the old website
im bumping this
i dont even know what the fucks going on
who are you?
"FAYTHE" - remember Confido?
mysterious anonymous team members - remember PRL?
This has written scam all over it.
Agreed, all the breadcrumbs feel a little too obvious and a little too easy
Checked and overall agreed. I'm pretty shook by the strange coincidences and the wild dubs and whatnot, but overall too lazy to sign up for any ICOs
u guys may be right. Im still a little unsettled by this though. Could there be other "clues" or breadcrumbs" still undiscovered yet?
The fuck. What's up with this cryptic stuff. Just tell something we don't know and I'll throw some ETHs in faythe
but why are there so many goddamn investors in this then? It's not like the project has been advertised fucking anywhere.. Literally heard about this for the first time about 15 hours ago from the other Jow Forums post
Will keep my eyes on and hop aboard if need be once further vetted. Logo also gives me some ecoin/mr robot vibes.
>mr robot vibes
thats the thing right there.
heres some of the shit from the whitepaper as well
>We believe we will have the kind of society that most people want. If we want freedom and privacy, we must persuade others that these are worth having. In theory governments represent people, yet when governments are free, the people are enslaved. The true nature of a democratic government is easily represented by a blockchain: formed by the people, asks the people, serves the people.
>Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
What you guys mentioned about this thing being a scam with obvious breadcrumbs may be true. I believe it is specifically designed to appeal to the autistic Jow Forums mind and philosophy in regards to how distrustful 4channers are towards the government in general.
still all these coincidences and digits got me spooked af.. maybe im being irrational, but i feel there is a lot more digging and probing we can still do.
WARNING: I got 7 trojan.emotet.generics from either or from Could someone help me find out which one of them contain those trojans? Malwarebytes found them via a scan. My friend got the same viruses too after visiting the links.
why the fuck did somebody somewhere name an image "Watsup5deets?"
If its a legit project that spans years then there will be plenty of solid entries. Will definitely buy if it ever hits binance
If these guys are fledgling cryptographic pioneers theres likely a wealth of hidden info in the monikers
The user who posted the Faythe website did so in response to remarks made in a YouTube video. The remarks were that there is a rumour in San Francisco that 27 early adopters will switch to a new protocol. So this user comes in and said that 27 is an oddly specific number, posting a picture of the 27 team members of Faythe. This is very strange. Why would any user remember that there are 27 members in Faythe? Faythe has also NEVER been discussed here before. I think he was trying to get us interested. Like other anons have said it’s either an elaborate scam designed to breadcrumb autistic neets or could be some legit shit.
I think looking into the usernames of the 27 team members could be a good place to start. I’m going out for lunch now, but after that I’ll start digging.
u arent going to fucking believe this
but i googled
wats up 5 deets
this was first link i found
>As the lead product designer at WhatsApp, Charlie Deets makes decisions that affect over 1.5 billion users each month. That means solving some unusual challenges, like building a chat interface that even illiterate users can navigate. It also means distinguishing WhatsApp’s visual “stories” feature from similar features in Snapchat and Instagram.
Scam obviously. Fake replies, bots on tg, bullshit transfers all coming from the same wallets, paper is a joke.
guys, im not sure about it if you check the contribution/ico ether adress you cant see the eth balance.. if they really got this much ether where is it then?? can anybode help me to understand this?
If it were a scam wouldn’t they promote it more heavily? There has been zero promotion, only this breadcrumbing
>it is specifically designed to appeal to the autistic Jow Forums mind and philosophy
Someone is trying to cash in on the Chainlink mania on this board. The mentioning of the "god protocol", the CL logo faintly in the background of the team avatars ... it's just too obvious.
ICOs all suck and this one definitely seems odd so until I see some chainlink level connections I can personally verify I'm sidelines.
Wild find, no pink hair but he does have a moustache
They should’ve dropped some Municipal Marmalade jigaboo level shit in the white paper
Why don't you use ublock, brainlet
Did you know the site has been up since 31st of January?
You are the brainlet if you think some ublock is going to protect you from trojans... Hahahahah. I do have ublock in addition to nanoblock btw.
please help us understand this project
i didnt get any malware and i used malwarebytes to scan as well.
me neither
you were not chosen
our fates are intertwined
You know how this technology communicates
it is right in front of you
did you go through all the pages in that site, including the hidden ones? Did you enable rootkit scanning?
Maybe there's something in here?
I didn't know that, but it doesn't matter anyway.
By the end of January we had already almost half a year of CL hype here.
Just inspecting the html and the meta tags are weird... I find it odd they would mention flippening. They also tagged "Smart Contract", singular, referring to the company? If they meant smart contracts in general they would've put "smart contracts".
>Faythe is an anonymous decentralized movement created to defend the cryptocurrency community. We developed Faythe α - the first god protocol. distributes TTP and FYE bonus tokens. The Faythe goal is to lobby against cryptocurrency censorship, prevent public manipulation and educate the public and private sectors on the benefits of blockchain crypto currency, flippening, and ERC20 smart contracts.
Sorry I can't stay around for more than 5 mins because I'm going for lunch, but when I get back I will have a proper look at this and find some answers.
This may be irrelevant but the images on the site are all named "lungwort", is there any significance to this term? example pic related
Well I'm clean with mwb so it must be something else on your end
if anyones interested ive created a telegram group to join
t . me/faytheioinvestigates
sorry had to reformat the link because the site thought it was spam
but is this legit? will faythe flip bitcoin? is it part of the nwo?
great finds!
Why doesn't someone just email them lol
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
>patek is the oracle data evangelist
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
I have to go now but will be back in 1 hour.
Also note all the lungwort images have this logo that looks a bit like a chainlink cube, or the enigma logo. Pic related.
Finally, the footer section at the bottom where it says "DYOR" has been named "lungwort".
I know how to do html/css myself, so sometimes you just use random names for sections. So he has named this section "section footer section footer lungwort". He has also named a couple other sections variations on this. So could just be a random word used for convenience or no particular reason, for sure. But I was just wondering if it had any meaning in programming or cryptography?
It's a type of flower so nothing too juicy. Too lazy to email them but I will do more research and keep a look out for any upcoming threads
How is artificial intelligence linked to all this? Please don't say humanity has already created an AGI
That was me
The whole revolution shit is kinda cringe though. I need to read the bitcoin paper / with this white paper. Because it could be a long con scam. Or it could be gold.
bump for the truth!
Autonomy is used on all external links and inputs
what does this mean?
Page from the website has the exact same imagery as faytheio
look at the cube and the symbols
alright so the conclusion would be that these sites that are so similar and closely linked are the same template (cryptico) that ICO scams use. uses the same template and the word "lungwort" is a reference to one of the themes of the website builder.
The only question remains are
Why god protocol?
Why the link logo behind the developers?
Why the names?
Why the 1.4million eth?
The Latin stuff is a common way to fill out a template for a website with text that looks similar to English but means nothing. Look up "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
So I think we can conclude that the Lungwort thing is simply part of the CSS template used for this website template.
As for this, is this another Faythe website?
I'm thinking elaborate pajeet scam, but I still want to dig more just in case.
>Faythe is creating a new blockchain based on the God Protocol originally penned by Nick Szabo.
>Faythe is similar to EOS - all coins will be distributed with zero central ownership which prevents 'shorting' the market. In other words, if someone has a million dollars in crypto currency and sells for $800k, they reduce market value
If you recall, the original Youtube video that prompted the original Faythe post said the 27 were switching to EOS. I think this was probably something to do with the above quote. They make mention of EOS.
wow that seems like a legit team. we all gotta invest, guys. as much money as possible.
too many sjw dirtbags and street shitters with unique hair colors. human rights agenda pushing kooks. absolutely no way is this going anywhere but dooooooown.
March 2nd:
>Faythe recently gained the attention of lawmakers, investors and the crypto community for its advocacy of crowdfunding and blockchain. Support promptly poured in from all sides, especially from Ben Givon, a staff writer, who donated $50,000 to the lobbying efforts of
Who is Ben Givon?
>The Faythe ICO has so far raised $50 million (over 90,000 Ethereum) in just a week from over 8000 transparent blockchain ‘smart contract’ transactions
They are bragging about this
They give a phone number
>Phone: +180073883770
What is the area code? Someone call it kek
>At a crypto convention last week in New York, speaker Michael Thomas said, “Bitcoin was never meant to be the final stage of the cryptocurrency revolution. Faythe is the key to implementing a complete and truly decentralized financial system on a global scale and bridging the gap between all blockchains. This movement is about more than just making payments, this is about freedom, privacy, security, ownership, and intellectual property.”
Who the fuck is Michael Thomas and is this a bare faced lie?
Follow the money. Look through the ICO contracts on etherscan / ethplorer.
Looks like there have been 132761 transactions to the contribution address they have listed now, 0x7415c7bF3e2415Fa9A55f1Fd8B6FCcf2914C39a6
Did you notice something, or what? I don't see any enormous transactions. It is odd that they are receiving contributions at a steady rate despite it being discussed nowhere, which just makes me think it's some kind of scam
100% scam
Yeah thats a lot of eth for never hearing of it anywhere for 9 months
Were the transactions consistent the whole time? How far back do they go?
been steadily coming in for 120 days
Look at the balance. also look through the comments on etherscan, real fishy
>1,416,740 ETH raised
>$245,634,436 based on current rate
OK, I just exported the CSV file of all transactions from Etherscan. Unfortunately I can only export 3000 transactions at a time. So I am looking at the first 3000 contributors.
The highest value contribution was 2000 eth, from this adrdess: 0x569984f7c4afc3efdebde3a960c6454c74ad914c
now if you look at this wallet, you will see he sent himself that 2000 eth from this wallet:
this wallet currently has almost 10,000 ETH in it.
So we have an early adopter of ETH or some shit, being one of the first 3000 contributors to this Faythe project. For sure.
Am I misinterpreting this? Please someone check my working.
Okay so some of us have been going at this for a while there are two alternatives.
One - faethy is a scam made by (or found by) some oldfag who wants Jow Forums to lose their money. Obvious anagram of Satoshi Nakamoto, LINK logos behind team profile illustrations and clues to being linked to Nick Szabo. Only an autist would know about these things.
Two - Faethy is something more (lol) and they want to make themselves look like a scam ico to only attract the "smartest"
A scam
Next up we have this address, which contributed 998.99 ETH.
He sent himself that 998.99 ETH from this wallet:
This wallet has 1300 ETH in it.
These wallets have too many transactions. Do they belong to exchanges or something and I am just being a brainlet?
If its a scam, its not pajeet tier.
Its some creative mind fuckery with a breadcrumb trail, and also moving a lot of ETH about over a 120 day period...
The 3rd biggest amount received within the first 3000 transactions was 600 ETH from here:
He also received his 600 ETH from the same wallet as here: which has 10,000 ETH in it currently.
So the same person contributed 1600 ETH, minimum...
This wallet is weird, look at the comments
They are all people saying they want their ETH back, it's a scam that managed to scam 10k ETH out of people? what is this pajeetery. This will drive me mad.
what interests me is that, its got a shit load of money and i dont think that many people have heard of it yet, so perhaps big players got involved early. plus the universities that partner/advise them are interesting. ill probably keep my eye on this and hopefully Jow Forums in general does. perhaps this'll be the new obsession like LINK has been.
it does seem sketchy but yeah its worth discussing/following.
>So the same person contributed 1600 ETH, minimum...
*he contributed 2600 ETH minimum, sorry. typo.
That is around half a million dollars now, 120 days ago it was worth more.
I have to at least hand it to you, you're putting more effort than usual into this scam. You still glow in the dark though. It's still pretty easy to tell that the posts that seem interested are not genuine.
No one buy this pos.
Ahhh, it is an exchange address. Sorry for my retardation.
I found out it was an exchange address from this article:
So ignore my retardation.
It was a DNS-hack on myetherwallet back in August. This might be a part of a huge criminal syndicate.
oops lol
xtcc-like biz scam?
The contract forwards the ETH to 0xae065fdded2befce6b8cbd511ab977ca25e44c5f which is a wallet that manually distributes blocks of 100 ETH to other wallets.