If you don’t understand the implications of this you’re a massive brainlet. This fact along with the relative ease of storage and transport makes effectively cornering the BTC market a much less risky proposition than for other markets. Combine this with the incoming access for previously untapped big players, and you’re a moron if you don’t see what’s going on here.
BTC is a Veblen good
doesnt change the fact that bots control the market and will keep dumping on you for months
but short term price is pretty much determined by demand and there is no buying power going for btc at this price. which means it's going down. simple as that.
Will BTC ever reach $20k again?
lol.... you have to realize that 95% of normans have no fucking idea what bitcoin does or why its valuable. They cant even fathom the thought of paying 6k for "1". Bitcoin can't die. It's literally fucking impossible because as long as even 2 people are transacting then bitcoin holds a value. This shit is fucking destined for success. Don't be stupid and think this is the end or it'll never reach "20k" or "30k" again. Those are pennies on the dollar to what is possible.
luckily they cannot dump forever
it is good for distribution
i agree but short term hang on to your balls cause we are going down and hit the water hard.
Is this thread a safe zone? Am I free to jerk off about how beautiful and elegant btc is without retarded cashies or altcoin normies shitting their low IQ opinions everywhere?