What went wrong?

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>tfw no bald trap gf

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Do you even know who you are talking about? I have you know he is the CEO of Cardano, do you would talk like that about Steve Jobs?

Here we have:
Soiboi (Far left, far right)
Hairless vampire trap that likes cheeseburgers too much (Left)
Terrifying ghoul man that would legit scare children if seen in public (right)

Just sold 100k

cheeky cunt mate

What went wrong is they don't even have a product yet.

top kek

The better man won

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That didn't go very well either lmao

Aside pedophiles and basedboys?

Seems to be going pretty well for me desu. Already rode a 5x on one of these profit sharing gambling dapps.

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North America and W.EU+Scandinavia must be nuked ASAP

Shit's hilarious.

What the fuck is this for real?!

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okay what the actual fuck. this project is literally going to zero

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well duh, never invest in some mentally ill faggots project

>Giving your shekels to one of the most terminal cases of söylent-grin out there

You never deserved to make it.

imagine being investing in a coin with devs this mentally ill. it's like you're asking to get JUST'd

That faggot Charles is the most beta looking bitch in every single one of his pictures, how does anyone take him seriously?

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