I just sold fucking everything at massive losses and went all in on Satoshi's Vision with everything I had left...

I just sold fucking everything at massive losses and went all in on Satoshi's Vision with everything I had left. Am I going to make it?

Attached: satoshis vision.jpg (696x449, 71K)

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Everything I just read made me dumber. You will likely wipe when Jihan dumps 1 + million sv coins.

Yes although it could still dip and potentially dump if/when Jihan Wu decides to sell his stack. Then again so could ABC if Satoshi does the same with his ABC stack. Meanwhile everything else will bleed and die while SV recovers and arises out of the ashes.

You should have saved at least $20 or so to get yourself a good rope to become an hero,

Did I really screw up? I'm feeling confident that BCHSV is the real Bitcoin.

Kek i didnt think about that. Would jihan actually do that

>real Bitcoin
Noone gives a shit about the 'real bitcoin'. The real bitcoin got hijacked by blockstream and is introducing a caste system. THAT is what people will think of when they hear 'bitcoin'.
If you are interested in fulfilling satoshi's vision, then NANO or IOTA or any other _feeless_ decentralized currency would be an infinitely better fit.
Fees cause normies to have to learn about blocks and confirmations. It's a poor abstraction and completely incompatible with p2p cash.

He can't because CW would just dump his BCHABC. It would just ruin both of them and ensure their mutual destruction.


It's nearly over

Attached: Capture.jpg (304x259, 14K)