Tiny market cap token with lots of potential

You might want to think about investing in IPSX. Its market cap is below 1M, yet they have a working product already and they are hitting all their development goals in time. They don't have any competitors and their CEO is a big name in IT who is also the founder of other successful companies, like 01Capital.

IPSX doesn't have any competitors in crypto and the IP sharing market is worth 60B.

This is definitely an easy x10, maybe an easy x100 too. You can get it only on Liquid Exchange right now though, but according to their Telegram, we will be on Bibox soon. Buy it before that happens.

Attached: ipsxlogo.png (825x164, 116K)

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Oh I have to correct myself there, the CEO isn't the founder of 01Capital. But he does own a big data centre company which I forgot the name of. But I know that his company and IPSX are partnered.

CEO's LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/gbunea/

They will also be publishing a new road map very soon.

Attached: ipsxveen.png (1200x675, 246K)

> Data is said to be the new resource of our times. At the backbone of Data Mining large volume of IPs is required for the actors implicated into the mining process to be able to perform tasks. By substantially lowering the price of IPs and solving the IPs accessibility and availability problems IPSX is targeting to become a key building ecosystem for all the fields that require larger or smaller volume of IPs and allowing complex applications from Data Mining and other fields to become more accessible to everyone.

> How it works? IPSX connects actors in a peer-to-peer network, enabling both data center owners and individual users, that will be called "providers" to rent IPs to other users, that will be called "requesters". The IPs can be used to complete different tasks requiring one or more IPs from different locations. Today, IP addresses are valuable assets with a low liquidity level due to the fact that there is not a simple solution to share/rent IPs based on a specific list of filters and IP resources are supplied by centralized providers which are constrained by closed networks, proprietary payment systems, and many other restrictions.

> IPSX core built-in feature set is a dedicated Ethereum-based transaction system, which enables direct payments between requestors and providers solving all the above mentioned problems, increasing the liquidity of the IPs and allowing any actor that has an IP on his device that is connected to the internet to take part into a multi-billion yearly business, that otherwise is closed to home internet users.


How is it a scam when they literally already have a working product?

let me get this straight. we can mine it by renting our IP?

OP you're dragging people into this shitcoin which is going nowhere with you. Fuck you


It's not mining, but you do get tokens from renting out your IP. A lot of people could make some passive income with this.

Why would it go nowhere? From what I've seen, it seems very promising.

The price is rising. Anyone who bought it when I made the thread has already made 2% profit.

Soon, we shall moon.

Attached: ipsxkirbymeme.png (632x570, 234K)

Reach for the stars, reach for the moon.

Attached: ipsxkirby.png (547x482, 548K)

>rent out my IP
>some pedofag downloads 10 gigs of cheese pizza from your ip
i guess getting 48 cents worth of shitcones makes it worthwhile


JUST poster reporting in

Attached: transferir (2).jpg (301x167, 2K)

It's mooning.

nice try tho but you just dont got it like me


But we are mooning, user. And the moon won't stop anytime soon.
