Confused at the weights in the new Swiss ETF?

Bitcoin: 47.76%
XRP: 30.13%
Ethereum: 15.99%
Bitcoin Cash ABC: 3.44%
Litecoin: 2.68%

If you're confused by this after hearing that the weights are based on market capitalization, Amun states why in their ETF overview.

>"The index covers the largest and most liquid tokens, weighted by their forecasted 2050 market capitalisation."

That's right, their analysts forecast that ETH will continue to dwindle while XRP rises dominantly over the next 30 years, and also appropriately forecast that btrash and litecoin will be small pittances compared to the others. If you're not buying XRP now, you're not gonna make it.

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See you when we make it

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Ltc , seems to me the fund isnrun by boomers.

imagine the butthurt when XLM becomes the global currency before 2050 and ETFplebs get rekt

Is that what going to space without wearing a helmet makes you look like?

Lol, you take this as gospel?

chances are none of them fucking exist in 30 years

more like 5

where were you when you realized XLM will always be 50% of what XRP is?

Attached: xrpxlm.png (1037x131, 16K)

nice etf is gonna drop 3.44% before its even sold

it wasn't for pretty much all of recorded history wtf you smokin

Now explain ABC and LITECOIN


2050? Kek

it's obviously wrong because chainlink isn't on there

Shoo, shoo! Stinkie!

Its unreal how long it's taking people to realize they're fucking set if they are all in xrp

Oh, oh no! You're right! Sometimes it was maybe up to 80% of XRP's value. Shit.
>dat cope

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do you not understand what always means?

do you not understand what will be means?

you just argued for my position a post ago. Are you okay user?

Your initial post was about how it's not always had been the case I stated in the past.
Your more recent post was about cherry picking on the word "always".
You keep moving those goal posts, but your XLM will always remain a shitcoin.

read this carefully. Especially the green part.

>hat's right, their analysts forecast that ETH will continue to dwindle while XRP rises dominantly
No, it means they have lots of XRP they want to sell.
When will people learn.

obviously this is not a serious fund...

You do realize that if you continue reading beyond the "always" and include the "will be" it's a sentence that focuses on things that will happen in the future, right?

so you've went from defending a completely wrong statement to a speculative outlook. Good on you boy, keep it up

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>continues moving goal posts
Heavy bags confirmed.

okay fren, projecting your feelings of absolute COPE onto me just because you're angry isn't ok. Please let your therapist know in the next session

I was planning on cashing out my XRP when it hits $10. However, with everything I see coming together, I think I may have to revise that higher.

$10 EOY $50 EOY 2019 $500 EOY 2022

>implying ETH, bcash or fucking litecoin will still exist in 10 years, let alone in 2050

Honestly from this selection only Ripple and maybe bitcoin are valid, but maybe this is telling us something about the state of market as a whole

This is all wrong in 2050 Bitcoin ABCUNT will hold 100% of the crypto market. I know this as I'm born in 2023.

Lotta humble pie going around on this board.

I wish I would've screencapped all XRP bashing from earlier in the year.

Have a plan and cash out a little at set increments. Much better than holding all the way from ATH to the bottom and getting nothing from it.

XRP cap is at $20,089,345,922

Holy shit you're right!!!!

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Fuck you , you will be cleaned out when banks end up not using the xrp token, which is obvious if you have more than a room temperature IQ, and ripple starts dumping their 70% xrp stack on your asses.


HOLY FUCK. Congrats XRP holders on this. Seriously. I was here looking at Chainlink when I realised how fucking retarded Jow Forums and I am. Going all in on XRP now.

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>banks using it at the moment
>more getting onboard
>swift shitting themselves
>Reducing 7 day transaction to 4 seconds
>Not going to make it

hahaha mommy says come downstairs and put the dishes away Greg

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Yeah and they are not using the xrp token. they are using the xcurrent messaging system. The banks will use a permissioned network with their own token.

Yes rhey are using XRP. You fucking retars. Stay in the know or kys.

You're both right.
Banks will use the xcurrent messaging system for certain transactions using their own token.
XRP will be used in xrapid exchanges.

Bottom line I'm afraid is normies will like XRP because it's easy and very quick.
Businesses will like XRP because it can be regulated.

Is this Satoshi's vision of decentralizaiton.... no.
Is it the perfect coin... probably not.
Will it make you money? Most likely.

XRP will trigger the next BTC bull run. All profits go back into bitcoin, this pushes bitcoins price up and up and up. XRP actually helps bitcoins 100k dream even faster.

Its unreal how long it's taking people to check these trips

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