Deep in Debt

Debt user here , how can I make 100$ a day? Need to pay off about 9k $ in debt in 3 months or I’ll be in the shit . I’m already depressed so I might end it all at that point .

What’s worse is that my debt is from porn, cheap hookers & slot machines . I’m 27 and want to change my life around and want to start off with clearing my debt .

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knee pads.

At least you didn't spend $100k+ in personal loan on crypto
I'm down 70% no larp

That's fucking hardcore if no larp

7 year repayment with 7.45% interest
no larp

Attached: Capture.png (538x148, 10K)

So you've got $9k in liability, but what assets do you own OP?


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holy fuck what the fuck. In retrospect, how do you cope?

i could tell you but mods would ban me for "referrals"

How do you go in debt from porn?

Get a job?

I make a lot of money as a wagecuck. I only had $20k cash at the time of what I thought might be the bottom (March 2018).

RIP user, atleast you tried

Real story in this thread is clearly the poor user who borrowed 100k for shitcoins.

As for OP, just get a job, can make $200 a day pretty easy (at least in software). Work 5 days a week, that's $1k weekly. Ez

Uber, Lyft.

Apart from a fridge and a laptop , really nothing

In my country data is very expensive so I keep finishing the 50gb I have and buy more when it’s completed

bro why the fuck you paying for porn with no assets lmao get a job and stop paying for that shit. I'm assuming you must be 3rd world paying for data like that, go fuck a goat or somethin' if you gotta satisfy those cravings.

did you sell?

By working, you failure. I make 200$ day (before tax) for example with just a bachelors degree in engineering.

whats the exact situation here? Do you have the debt with people or with banks/debt collectors? if its the latter file for bankruptcy, get a job and move on.

It's not the end of the world, user. You shouldn't an hero if you're not a shitskin. Get a refinance for your credit and work on paying it over a few years.