What the fuck is his problem anyway??

What the fuck is his problem anyway??

22 million monthly visitors worldwide
Page impressions per month: 703,000,000

Can't monetize this enough to even cover servers, can't figure out how to make custom order deals with advertisers.

There are 13 year olds running social media accounts that could make this work without even trying

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-18 at 2.26.17 AM.png (1316x234, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Try to sell Jow Forums to advertisers. You can only sell to porn companies etc. Places that simple doesn't give a fuck.

Also 90% of the board have add blockers

Meanwhile every user that is posting is usually uploading multiple pictures or webm. Causing some heavy server cost

My advice would be
- advertise to extreme porn sites
- advertise the Jow Forums pass more
- don't allow webm on most boards.

Why doesn't he just decentralize Jow Forums?

>My advice would be
>- advertise to extreme porn sites
>- advertise the Jow Forums pass more
>- don't allow webm on most boards
Your advice is shit and you should kys.
Jow Forums needs a patreon and that's it.

Well and do you think relying on external payment providers is a good thing.

Don't know about the rock you have been sleeping under but a lot of people got recently banned for patreon, Paypal etc because they where alt right.

Maybe a crypto donation platform could work..

He's really retarded.

Oh look, a perfect use case for BRAVE/BAT

Why aren't you dirty faggots helping out gook moot with your free BAT? You are using BRAVE aren't you?

I will literally pay hiroshima to not do this.

Or I'll just go to a different chan.

Advertisement doesn't pay when every single fucker here uses ad block.
Jow Forums pass doesn't sell well when nazi mods keep banning people for no fucking reason.

>helping out gook moot

i wonder what 4channel is gonna be like

A censored cuckfest.

i cant belive theyve done this

Then we will create decentralized biz. It was meant to happen anyways

It's just such a fucking dumb move.

He has a userbase mostly comprised of pretty heavy users who wouldn't worry about $10/year. He also has a userbase which almost entirely uses adblockers.

Trying to get ad money from Jow Forums is fucking retarded. If he just eased back on banning everyone and then even just mandated having a Jow Forums pass to post more than X times per day he'd be rolling in money.

Or he could just fucking do the smart thing and sell it to Notch or Shkreli (once he's out of jail), since neither of them care about turning a profit.

>Try to sell Jow Forums to advertisers. You can only sell to porn companies etc. Places that simple doesn't give a fuck.
There are legion of entities that would pay for static ads even on a place like Jow Forums, you would have to implement them yourself however and reach to them instead of relying on jewgle or kikebook, of course it asks for a lot of work but it would ultimately pay on the long run.

>Meanwhile every user that is posting is usually uploading multiple pictures or webm. Causing some heavy server cost
Bullshit, he is just greedy lazy gook, content is pruned all the time, he actually doesn't host as much you think and the hosting fees are cheaper every year. If anything it's the number of connection that likely stresses his infrastructure.


Why don't we create a forum on Retroshare or a new Jow Forums on Zeronet?


This but we'd have to pay per post because the post is getting added to a shared ledger.

You don't need on Zeronet.

he's obviously a dumbass or lazy, or both

anyway if you can't see the value in dapps now you never will. don't spend the rest of this bear market (however long that might be) doing nothing but looking at charts that are stagnant or crashing. learn to build on holochain or mft or any other decentralized platform.

Jow Forums was always handled in a batshit retarded way historically
treating users like you're a faceless corporation is 90s tier business
actually speaking to people would be enough to generate millions in donations
the place being a "toxic cesspool" isn't an excuse. just look at alt-right celebs for example. there's always a way to people's wallets as long as you make them feel part of a community

Probably part of the internet wide censorship initiative. We have seen it with other platforms. With the excuse of muh advertisers they'll neuter everything not 110% neo-puritan. I hope you guys enjoy plebbit 2.0.
In case you don't you better start lurking fulll chan to not act like retarded refugees when the time to switch comes.

QUICK. Gookmoot just gave you Jow Forums, because he has had enough.

YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS to explain how you would monetize it.

Shkreli's more of our guy anyway, Notch wouldn't really be fit to be our ruler. I mean the guy is worshipped by little kids and.. Frankly if they figure out he's also the owner of Jow Forums well, we're gonna be having tons of kids coming here, shitting up everything! And we don't want that.

So really, our only option is to make Shkreli our new ruler by any means possible because he's the only one that really aligns with our interests and also values.

Attached: 921.jpg (1272x920, 490K)

But our post would be there forever right? That'd be pretty neato.

Shkreli wanted to buy Jow Forums before but Hiro declined


What was the reason of him saying no?

Recruit all the degenerates and setup a motherless styled mega porn site as a Jow Forums sister.

Attached: 4chan approved biz car.jpg (640x477, 56K)

No idea, Shkreli posted it on his Twitter



If hiromootles didn't add malware, a miner, trackers and a fuckton of clickbait ads then maybe more would have whitelisted it, as I was fine with the J-List ads

i lost all my 2017 gains in 2018. now i am losing biz? when that times comes i will off myself.. unless one of you fags make a new biz

Why doesn't Jow Forums use Basic Attention Token? Jow Forums could be the first real use case for BAT and the Brave browser.

If only there was something that offered privacy & security for web users while offering ways for content creators to still monetize

Attached: basic-attention-token-la-gi.jpg (1892x1084, 91K)

Fuck off queerbait

ch-checked. if nu/Jow Forums/ sucks as bad as everyone most think it will an alternative will pop up.

It would be like 5 cents for post on Ethereum. I'm sure the tech will get better to the point where it would be like 1/10th of a cent for post.


If I was hosting an imageboard I would just use webtorrent to host the images and videos. Don't see why mook doesn't just do that.

sell and license memes
anything taken from here even screencaps and posted on other sites generates revenue for Jow Forums

Make it a DAG, solve 2 capcha-equivalents to validate 2 other posts before you post.
There you go, feeless distributed imageboard.

imagine if Jow Forums owner just bought 1000 eth when he bought site for fraction of cost...

now he wouldnt need to monetize it

dump your webms. fuck you moot

Attached: gym_manlet.webm (1056x594, 2.92M)

>chubby and no tits
her cute face doesn't make up for that.