Help Find Her, Make $25000

Lots of anons complaining about being wagecucks, unsure of what to do to get out of a rut and make some "side cash". Here's a chance. Pick any high-profile missing child case and dig into it. Put your mind to it and see what you can find. Perhaps there's a detail that was overlooked.

Jayme Closs has been missing for over a month now. Over 2000 tips have been submitted and still nothing. And we all know that US detectives/police are often idiots who just care about getting their paycheck. This is becoming a cold case, and she's probably dead by now. But they'll probably still give you the reward if you can figure out where she ended up. Instead of wasting time complaining about your shitcoin losses, this is one out of many things you could try.

Attached: jayme-closs-missing-child-alert.png (1600x761, 1011K)

Note, both her parents worked at a Jenny-O turkey processing plant, so it could've been a coworker who learned about the parent's teen daughter and wanted to kidnap her. Obviously a good starting point is to look into that employment spot and all the workers. Look into who quit before or after the date of the murders/kidnapping.

All we have to do is find your basement annon.

She looks fucking crazy. I bet she was molested. You should look into close relatives on this one

ha ha

I think most of these cases of teen girls going missing are actually them running away voluntarily with some older guy. The dude would be smart enough to take her out of state, so it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.

you can try pol with this but prepare some good story or they tell you fuck off

She ended up in the Clinton's basement, got raped and tortured, then disposed of.
Where is my reward?

Attached: coolestniger.jpg (500x493, 35K)

i'm still on 3-day ban for posting a thread about a black guy yelling at a white guy on a bus.

yeah but at the same time there's a chance this case is similar to other ones where the captor simply walks around with the girl, like with elizabeth smart. the thing about criminals, especially violent/murderous types, is that they're often stupid and can slip-up. for example, if you happen to be in a relevant area somewhere in the midwest, and spot a girl looking like jayme closs, that's a free $25k.

but yea the US is a big place and by now she could be dead/buried or in some farther state, hidden in a rape dungeon for all we know. it just seems fishy that there's no clues, can't the police look up any info on the gun used since there were shell casings left behind.

my first thought is, call up the place of employment and ask if anyone quit during that time period. if they ask who i am, say i'm a private detective.

>find dead girl
>solve cold case
>call in to police
>get arrested for murder

Attached: BadLuckBryan.jpg (800x450, 43K)

t. sherlock

She went into the turkey grinder, didn’t she?

interesting to note about Barron, Wisconsin is that the city was under 1% black in 2000, while in 2010 it had an 8% black population. This is a small town out in the middle of nowhere. Why is there this big increase in blacks? Could this be niggers?

yeah, this is potentially suspicious. by themselves, blacks move to cities because that's where the jobs and the gibs are. could be the government shipping african immigrants there as they like to do sometimes, with predictable results

I just did some more research. It turns out Barron, Wisconsin has had a huge importation of Somali Muslim refugees over the last 10 years. Presumably during the Obama years.

Find random girl
Among a population of 7 billion humans

But user, nobody is gonna pay you $25000 for finding a dead body.

murderers that aren't caught aren't stupid

Every single one of them is post-rape dead and rendered into their constituent parts /thread

You could find out who did it and that might lead you to where her remains are. There are people who seriously do this, cyber detectives.

There's also bounties on fugitive criminals, rewards range from 5k-25k just check interpol's most wanted

underrated comment lmao

>How many LINK for this girl?
I guess they finally answered it. It's 50,000.

go check the reward
pretty sure these types of things are paid out even if you find the body and not a living victim. obviously best if she's still alive. its also to capture the murderers.

this user gets it. there's an entire industry just for private investigators looking into shit because the state/federal detectives are too corrupt or incompetent.

with the jayme closs case, the suspicious detail is that they refuse to release the 9-11 call audio, so it's possible they are hiding something from the public. this sounds like a kidnap-rape-sex-trafficking situation and probably the 9-11 call picked up audio of the kidnapper clearly saying stuff that could make the public draw racist conclusions. either that, or dirty cops did it, and they don't want the public to know how corrupt the police are.

Are there no laws i.e. freedom of information act that can get this tape to be released?

>find her mangled and stuffed in a landfill 200 miles from her house

"There she is."

>collect reward
>go all in on LINK

absolute state of the spelling of her name
it was the parents