How the fuck did (((they))) do it? Even this book reads like a huge "fuck you" to the goyim
>For the Rothschilds, sticking to the best is an obvious imperative, the equivalent of a shoemaker sticking to his last. More than any other group in the world, they have chutzpah. This is a Yiddish word related phonetically and philosophically to the Greek hubris. The latter term conveys uncompromising and in the end self-destructive pride. Achilles died of hubris, but Rothschilds positively prosper on chutzpah. >Leo Rosten in The Joys of Yiddish defines chutzpah as "gall, brazen nerve, effrontery, incredible 'guts', presumption plus arrogance such as no other word and no other language can do justice to". In this sense, chutzpah expresses both strong disapproval and condemnation. In the same work, Rosten also defines the term as "that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan". Chutzpah amounts to a total denial of personal responsibility, which renders others speechless and incredulous ... one cannot quite believe that another person totally lacks common human traits like remorse, regret, guilt, sympathy and insight. The implication is at least some degree of psychopathy in the subject, as well as the awestruck amazement of the observer at the display.
I am not anti-semite, but these Jews are something else. Go watch youtube videos of the fucking Rothschild manors they own: they are full obscure renaissance art, furniture made by some medieval masters and this fortune is not even listed anywhere because they are considered some sort of world heritage museums.
It is mind blowing what kind of fortune they have amassed, they do not show off by owing some fancy fucking Ferraris or lambos: they consider those mere consumercuck products of the goyim elite
Seriously, has anyone else ever "made it" in a literal sense of the word than the Rothschilds aka the Prophets of Money?
Uh excuse me sir, this is more in the political realm of topic. I would ask you to refrain from posting such doggerel on my board, uhhh I'm gonna have to shut this down if you don't cooperate sonnyboy.
Lending was frowned upon by Islam and Christianity in the middle ages. It wasn't by the jews. They started earning big money because they had monopoly on it. That's how they got into it
Mason Ramirez
banking is a neato business, you should try getting into it.
Jackson Taylor
> a total denial of personal responsibility, which renders others speechless and incredulous ... one cannot quite believe that another person totally lacks common human traits like remorse, regret, guilt, sympathy and insight. The implication is at least some degree of psychopathy in the subject bitcoin can unironically invert the power structure away from these type of people
you can't blame mold for growing in warm, dark, wet conditions but you can blame yourself for not opening the curtains and letting the light in
Xavier Jones
The problem with this simplification is that Nathan went into banking in 1750s, this is kinda late stages for the game
From bunch of fucking cabbage farmers to banking dynasty in less than 100 years.
He did not even start lending to normal people how normal banks would operate: they would only lend to nations, aristocracies, kings etc. straight to big players
Get your nomenclature correct bruh, the term you are looking for is "zionists".
Jews (for example Israeli jews) are some of the most unlucky people on the planet. First the Rothschilds through Hitler (a second tier newphew to the clan) exterminate and steal all their shit. Then they send them to the desert where a bunch of distant relatives (palestinians are actually semites) hate them, and now they live in one of the most orwellian societies to ever exist, all because "the bad palestinians want to hurt us".
You should feel sympathy for all people living under a zionist regime, Jews included.
Thomas Baker
Yea it was illegal but that didn’t force the jews into banking. They got in because it fits their nature. Also Europe started to allow some form of interest lending but the jewish bankers were hated because of their high interest predatory lending practices.
Robert Butler
They indeed came up and were one of the most powerful organization in history. But it's again of of those stories like Abramovich becoming billionaire by selling teddy bears in the streets. Three story house in the pic...ghetto my ass. We do not know the whole story and who allowed them to rise (probably bogdanoffs tbqh)
Angel Reed
based and redpilled psychopaths only have so much power as you give them do the minimum you need to survive in fiat society, and put your efforts into building a better world outside of the system which doesn't necessarily mean bitcoin, but bitcoin is certainly one of the best tools we've ever had
Jackson Bailey
>original house in the ghetto That's a very nice house for a ghetto...
Ryder Diaz
Wait, guys, is it the chutzpah here?
Justin Gomez
Jews weren't allowed to own or purchase land so they resorted to trading and lending money. They essentially became the travelling merchants and banks of Europe.
Joshua Rivera
Watch two documentaries by Bill Still - The Money Masters and The Secret of Oz. By far the most erudite documentaries you’ll ever see which explain the fractional reserve banking scam which the Rothschilds used to take over much of the world.
Chase Diaz
Kys shlomo
Brody Phillips
This. The jews are somehow always excused.. its the typical plebeian thing to do. Even when people find out what a complete farce the so called holocaust is they somehow just admit to the "numbers being a bit off" or similar.
oy vey they jews are never to blame for their actions its always the goy forcing them to act that way oy vey.
Joseph Miller
They basically defrauded everyone by lending money they didnt have and covering it up. Governments firstly called them out on it and kicked them out but then eventually some evil governments decided to play the fraud game and pass the buck onto their citizens. Thus capitalism as we know today was born
Adrian Adams
Read the bible. Jesus called these kikes out and got literally crucified.
>Governments firstly called them out on it and kicked them out but then eventually some evil governments decided to play the fraud game and pass the buck onto their citizens.
This is still extreme simplification of how Rothschilds made their money.
The thing is, banksters and governments went to Rothschilds for money. They were not giving ordinary loans in a sense bank->government->citizen route: their game was from the beginning one was step above even the very Court Jews
Benjamin Ramirez
jewish ghettos were not slums...they were just the jewish part of the city......
Logan Rodriguez
How do you loan to big groups like that if you're not already minted?
Aaron Hall
brainlet, nazis were the only ones who dared touch a rothschild. They confiscated their assets
Leo James
>Jews weren't allowed to own or purchase land so they resorted to trading and lending money. This is the same old tired lie Jews are spewing every single time their are confronted with their nepotism, corruption, murder, extortion, black economy, fraud etc, etc. They were "forced" to become evil parasites. Despite hating white people with a fanatic and viscous fanaticism, they always follow whites wherever we go, yet avoiding their beloved negroes and pagans, except AFTER whites have been there and created wealth and good living conditions. They also prefer parasitism on whites in the West over working like normal people in Israel. Evil sociopathic people.
Camden Bennett
>The thing is, banksters and governments went to Rothschilds for money. No, Rothschilds used bribes, extortion and blackmail. That's how they slowly subverted the power structure in the West. This is why the USA is not even able to a wall to stop the flooding of third world immigrants. Rotschilds are against it, so voters have nothing to say.
Charles Ross
Read the Jewish Mafia by Herve Ryssen. All documented by primary sources, many of them Jewish. Author is now in jail for "racism".
Justin Torres
weird i swear i read these exact posts here like 3 months ago
Samuel Taylor
Not my comments.
Aiden Torres
nvm just had a deja vu of sorts when reading them.. strange feeling. But you are correct and most people have no clue about how deep this shit goes. This stuff just isnt in mainstream history books
Leo Reyes
True, most people only register that Western civilization is crashing and that media/academia/politicians hate us, without understanding why and how.
Andrew Gonzalez
one only needs to study the romans since they pretty much went through the same shit we are going now
Sebastian Turner
They cheated
Aaron Rogers
Jews don't cheat you antisemite. They work hard and do well. Except you goyim have what you do because of white privilege. We need to take your stuff and spread it around for equality. What private estate? This is a national monument not my private residence so it doesn't need to be spread around because it's already a monument to the people. You antisemites are unreal.
Logan Sullivan
Liam Diaz
OP here. These are very informative, thank you for the recommendation. Just finished in 1 hour of "The Money Masters", lots of good stuff there.
Tyler Morales
The host will wake up in the near future and cleanse itself of the zionist parasite
Adam Morales
Question for white supremacist anti-semites. So you don't like the Jews' nepotism, or their insularity, or their refusal to integrate, or their greed. But you yourself support a doctrine based around maximum individual greed, that fundamentally repudiates any sort of integration with other cultures, that prioritises the needs of "your people" over others, etc. etc. It seems from an outsider perspective that most of the the things that Jews are accused of are things that white supremacists aspire to themselves. Ultimate power, racial purity, non-integration, etc. etc. Doesn't that seem a bit incongruous?
Grayson Campbell
Yes, but we want that in OUR lands. They can go be cheating, slimey bastards on their lands but they have always refused. They NEED a host or they are worthless. When left to their own devices they fail to produce a significant culture of their own. They only know how to corrupt and twist what's already there. So in another words, we want to be left the fuck alone. They have been meddling with our affairs since millenia and even after being kicked out again and again, they return.
Christopher Cooper
We have individualism with no tribalism. Best man with the best offer get the job. Legal system based on justice and not tribal loyalty. When Jews enter with special price for fellow Jews, hiring Jews, Jews giving Jews privileges, Jewish professors supporting hiring Jewish professors - Jewish student admissions etc, Jews, Jewish monopoly etc, it completely ruins the very foundation of Western civilization and is a dishonest and parasitic exploration of a meritocratic society free from rampant corruption.
Blake Kelly
fuck off with your white supremacist shit, i'm a peaceful fascist and want everyone to live separately in peace. say no to jews and no to immigration! to israel with you!
When do you think this foundation ruining happened, though? And when was the West ever a meritocracy? It has always been geared towards the interests and advancement of rich white men. I mean, it was controversial that Kennedy was a Catholic even though he ticked every other box. Some meritocratic functions may have been at work, but they were at work within a larger social structure that was very much geared towards the advancement of certain people and the suppression of others.
Camden Bailey
>It has always been geared towards the interests and advancement of rich white men Sorry Jew, nobody cares about your divisive and destructive lies anymore. Western civilization has been the most meritocratic there has ever been, including the Chinese state organization and ancient aptitude tests. Look at Israel and all their corruption combined with organized crime.
Christian Wood
Bro, lookup plane crash russia light bulb patent.
They paid the Russian gubbment a shit load of money to take down a plane. Y "accident" One of the passengers on the plane was one of the two that held this multi century patent. The other half is the Rothschild. Now they are the sole owners. Every light bulb sold in the world they make money. If you got enough you can do whatever the fuck you want.